
Layout By

January 4th, 2021



[No Subject]

Blue, don't be ma Is anyone missing a-- It looks similar to a Cadillac Ciel but more advanced, yet desperately in need of some repair?

And unfortunately being held down by a very, very, large deathstal scorpion. If you're the owner, I can recommend a good tow and body shop, but we may have to deal with the arachnid first, it seems to have no interest in leaving its spot.

I could take a picture of the car, if anyone would like, but that would also include the scorpion and I don't want to traumatize anyone. Or give my girlfriend more reasons to yell at



texts to richie tozier

>> HEY
>> $^&#*@#@$!
>> this is texting, right?
>> the emoji thing is really dumb



[No Subject]

WHO: Erik & Peter
WHAT: Meeting his son and being like so I know you're my son, that's a thing
WHERE: Erik & Rogue's apartment
WHEN: Backdated to the first night of Winter Solstice stuff
WARNINGS: Just a lot of feels
STATUS: Complete

This is my natural hair color, unfortunately and yes the carpet matches the drapes, I know you wanted to know that. )



Log: Shirbert

Anne Shirley-Cuthbert
Gilbert Blythe
WHO Anne & Gilbert
WHERE Lux NYE Party!
WHEN NYE, around midnight
WHAT ~smoochin~
STATUS Complete!
WARNINGS It’s pretty fluffy and tame.
"Oh, well then Miss Shirley-Cuthbert I am glad to have been deemed pleasant," Read more... )



[No Subject]

My new year's resolution is to try to be more social, so here I am. Back home I used to keep a blog about the interesting things that happened to me, so I figured I could do the some here.

January 4th. Giant bugs are a thing. Sherlock would love Naturally, the hospital has seen an increase in bug-related injuries, the emergency room bringing in a lot of stings and bites. It goes without saying, but be careful, yeah? I wonder if citronella would repel them? I guess it wouldn't hurt to try. I'd suggest industrial strength bug repellent, but given the size of these things, the dose it would take to get rid of them would be harmful to humans, if not lethal.

Maybe I'm just rambling because I'm tired.

[No Subject]

Hello yes. I am ryn. this looks like fone Ben gave ryn. Maddie taught Ryn how to type on fone. I am good typer. this place is very different. Not all Humans here. Maybe there are others from the water like me?



[No Subject]

WHO: Allison & Dan
WHEN: December 27th
WHERE: Allison’s new salon
WHAT: Painting and other shenanigans
WARNINGS: High key nonsense

Alright, back to work. But I’m keeping an eye on you )