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December 11th, 2020



[No Subject]

This place certainly does have an interesting way of showing its chaotic side.

For now, I am tending to New Asgard as it seems to have remained here. I do not know precisely what Valkyrie's rules for it were, but I doubt they will be the same as mine.


I just th There are some Asgardian texts that I found in the library's store rooms, if you have an interest in reading them.


He seems to be from my world. I cannot see him taking issue with you.



[No Subject]

Wow, love is freeing.

Today is going to be an amazing day and I feel ready to take on the world! What a wonderful feeling. 😊



[No Subject]

“Laufey was many things in my world, but just was not one of them.”
WHAT: Truth talk!
WHERE: Jormie’s swamp.
WHEN: This week! Early December
WARNINGS: Mentions of bad parenting, genocide, war, lying - a lot of the stuff you’d expect from Loki x 2.
STATUS: In Progress!
Read more... )



[No Subject]

For the benefit of Messere Achilles and also others who may be newly arrived and overwhelmed by the local vocabulary, here is a list of words I have been keeping as I learn them. Until now it has only been used for my own reference, so some definitions may be more useful to the rest of you than others. They are also presented more or less in the order I learned them, rather than in some logical organization, for which I apologise.

Cullen Rutherford's Glossary of Local Terms )



[No Subject]

12.9.20 — 2 pm
Dean Winchester + Sam Winchester
Men of Letters Bunker
But, I love her.
Read more... )



[No Subject]

I know everyone's high on whatever drugs you guys are taking this week, but today I finished my last two finals of my first semester of college and I survived and didn't fail any classes, so I have that going for me.

BRB going to lay down in my living room and let my dog walk all over me until the end of time why do people do this shit for fun??

(Also drinks? Someone drag me out to a bar pls)



[No Subject]

Okay, so when the universe, or the current world you're in, or whatever entity is running the show right now, decides to send you your superhero suit from your previous world... would that be considered a sign that some shit may be about to go down and you ought to suit up?

Or am I just being a little paranoid because that's what I'm generally used to?

Sidenote: how much of everyone showing up here do natives know about in this world? I haven't seen much of anything about me but does our brand of pop culture exist here?

Filter: Peter Parker (MCU)
So. I imagine there's a lot that you probably have on mind.