
Layout By

June 10th, 2020



[No Subject]

mini quote or blurb.

WHAT: Matt and Elektra meet
WHERE: Rooftop of apartment building
WHEN: Slightly backdated to after this
WARNINGS: Talk of death and violence.
STATUS: Closed | OngoingRead more... )



[No Subject]

I got a pleasant surprise when I woke up this morning.

I'd like to introduce Vallo to someone:

This is Ace. He's a Lucario, which is a species of Pokemon, for anyone who isn't familiar with them, they're creatures that have powers that in their world, can be caught and used for either fighting, or some people keep them as pets. When I was living in Tumbleweed, we went on yearly crusies to different worlds, and the first one that I was apart of, we went to Alola region of the Pokemon world. It was pretty cool, and I caught Ace when he was just a Riolu, which is the first of his evolutionary line. I'm not a super expert on it, Pokemon existed as a cartoon and a video game back in my world, but I never really watched the show or played it much. Most of my knowledge of Ace, I've looked up online, he evolved because we apparently have a strong friendship.

Anyway, Ace is pretty friendly. He showed up in his Pokeball, but honestly, he usually stays outside with me, because I don't like cramming him into a small little ball. Since weird creatures are pretty common her, I probably won't have to use it much on him at all. He's also a fighting / steel type, and he's got some pretty cool attacks. A bunch of us had Pokemon back in Tumbleweed, so we'd battle with them sometime because they would get restless if we didn't, but mostly, I would just take him on runs with me and stuff. Ace can also read people's auras, so he's a pretty good therapy pet, too.

I don't think anyone here has Pokemon other than me, though I know some people are familiar with them. Like I said, Ace is pretty friendly, and he usually likes to hang out with me, so feel free to introduce yourself to him.



[No Subject]

How the fuck am I missing one of each sock?



psychic message - klaus


Are you sure you didn't just want me to text you? Or is this so you have no choice but to talk to me?



[No Subject]

A GOOSE just stole my fucking LUNCH MONEY and my joint. Holy middle school flashbacks batman.




[No Subject]

Just saw a goose full out knock everyone's coffee out of their hands at Starbucks. Thankfully I hadn't ordered yet.

filtered to cora hale.
Hi. I was hoping I could talk to you about something?



[No Subject]

WHO: Zatanna & Hazel
WHERE: Bookstore
WHEN: June 10
WHAT: Discussing magics~
WARNINGS: Nothing rly
STATUS: Complete

It was nice to meet you in person. I hope you have a good rest of your day. )




I need to ask you something.



[No Subject]

For everyone keeping track of places from home, there is a new auto shop right outside of the city limits of Vallo. Well, new to the city, not new to me. Unless Boyd suddenly shows up to take over I'll be maintaining ownership of it for the foreseeable future and handling all repairs there.

Consider this also my "help wanted" sign. I don't know what I'm supposed to



[No Subject]

I tried to take a nap under a tree. I heard some flapping and a honk and then my boots were gone.

Does this happen often?



[No Subject]

So I found this little bakery while I was looking around and the donuts looked amazing so I bought a dozen to eat my confusion and feelings but even a dozen is too many for me.

Hi. I'm Tally and I'm trying to make friends with food.



Erica Reyes ⥈ Net Post

Okay... I've had time to cool down. Now that I'm back to being level headed, whoever took my coffee maker needs to bring it back in the next 10 minutes... Nobody needs to get hurt much.



Log: Atreus & Gretel

“Berries are more honest than mushrooms. They tell you if they desire you to suffer or not.”
WHAT: Atreus & Gretel have a forest run-in and chat!
WHERE: Near the Wildlife Sanctuary
WHEN: June 1st or so
WARNINGS: None, really
STATUS: Complete!
Read more... )