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April 6th, 2020



Open Network Post

This is some bs. What the shit? I had things to do n was abt to make some BANK. I don't have time 4 some psychos to hijack me and try to tell me it's another world. If this is a reality show, I better get in on the merchandising. 50 percent or I sue your asses! I know people now!

And screw all these trees, I have allergies!



[No Subject]

I know Laurel talked on here about putting together a couple of different support groups - well, she put me in charge of the AA/NA group and I just wanted to announce that, for anyone interested, our first meeting will be this Wednesday at 7:00 PM at the DOA building, on the ground floor. There will be coffee (there's always coffee).

It only takes two to have a meeting, but if you're interested in joining let me know - privately if you want, I'm just trying to keep tabs on numbers so I know what to put on the agenda and how many chairs to have ready.

And if none of that is relevant, here's a cat meme because the island is overrun with cats:

here )




Are you available.. If not it's fine.



[No Subject]

My Monday was far more Monday with the cafe out of the scone I like. Small problems, I know, but would have been an easier pill to swallow on a Wednesday.

ETA: Heads up if you missed Morgan's post. There are a creature known as Owlbears in the forest right now. Territorial and in mating season. Keep safe everyone.

In case you missed Morgan's post a few days ago - be on the lookout for Owlbears. Looks just how it sounds. Got some information from Caleb who has them in his world. He said they're fairly easy to scare off with a group but hiding from them doesn't always work as they've got a good sense of smell. Aggressive and territorial and also in mating season so more so.

If you get into trouble call back and we can send some more people your way. Stay safe out there everyone.

Breakfast tomorrow?

We're overdue for a pizza night I think.

Hey, everything alright? Haven't seen you around for a few days.

ooc: let's pretend I know how to copy and paste, link is fixed!



[No Subject]

So back home we have something called Virtual Intelligences. Basically what some of them do is be able to handle search queries over the extranet, or act as tour guides. They even have personalities, but sadly aren't sentient. There's another version that are tied to armor upgrades, and basically allow your combat suit to optomize your combat performance, or dispense medi-gel when it's needed. Which; obviously isn't here yet but one of it's precursors happens to be something called a conversational user interface (or more easily pronounced: CUI).

Now you may ask, what exactly is that? Well you might know it as two things; chatbots or voice assistants. That's right every time you ask your phone something it will (eventually) lead into being able to ask a Virtual Assistant where a particular store is, or hey why aren't there any real fish in the Citadel waters. Now how a CUI actually works is really interesting. You see to understand the questions you give it, a CUI uses something called natural language processing which more or less allows a bunch of code to understand, and create meaning from human language. Which, we all take asking our devices things for granted but that's actually pretty cool. However there's still a few hiccups. Obviously human language is really ambiguous, so sometimes the CUI has trouble understanding us. But! It will get there.

This is already being shown because there is already a shift towards natural-language understanding, which allows a CUI to have sentiment analysis and lets it follow a line of questioning that in turn lets it figure out context. So for instance if you asked your device for the population of a particular place, and then followed it up with who was in charge there, the NLU could carry the context further on that and give you the answer.

Neat, huh!



[No Subject]

Guess who was left an anonymous $1100 tip for excellent service?



[No Subject]

This certainly wasn't what I was expecting the next chapter of my life to be, but I suppose I can't complain. This seems like such a charming place with so many options! Can someone be a dear and tell an oh so lonesome man where he might find some company for the evening? Light drinks and conversation. Nothing scandalous, I assure you.



[No Subject]

I require the services of three people:
1. Someone with neat penmanship who can take dictation (you may be Muggle non-magical).
2. Someone with more than middling knowledge of the Forest (again: non-magical is fine).
3. Someone exceptionally talented in protective enchantments (this should be self-explanatory).
And before you ask, no. These things aren't necessarily related. I'm merely being thorough.

You will be paid for your assistance.



[No Subject]

As part of being a responsible guardian/boss type, I have important life lessons to instill in the youth.

Now who wants to volunteer to get the shit kicked out of them by a thirteen year old girl?



[No Subject]

They told me when I got here that this is the place where people make their introductions. I tried thinking of something witty and make a good first impression but to be honest with you all, it's been a few days and I'm still trying to take this place in.

So you'll have to forgive me the bland intro. Hi, I'm Jacob Stone. Formerly of Oklahoma.



[No Subject]

In light of my recently becoming gainfully employed in a less sketchy way than previously, I'm throwing a rager at mine, this Friday, cohosted by lovely companion Eliot Waugh. Address

Be good guests and bring a bottle of something not shitty to share.