
Layout By

September 21st, 2020



[No Subject]

So I went on a walk and I found some lightsabers. Only one of them seems to work. Not that I definitely tried it out.

Even better, I found Lucky! So this place officially doesn't suck.




sent to all phones minus those who opted out:
• Bev Marsh
• Keyleth

[No Subject]

This week is just full of things that I was not expecting.

Seeing these pterodactyls is an experience. Seeing one up close and personal as your Pegasus swoops in to greet you is another.

Oh I mean so is Aragorn joining me here.



[No Subject]

Emergency Post to All Defense Department Staff (Reserves Included)/Anyone who helped with the dinosaur search

Atlantis is under attack. A "giant sea monster," which is likely another dinosaur. They need immediate assistance defending the city. There's Atlantians on standby to help get reinforcements there now.

We need individuals to stay behind and begin immediate patrol of the forest until this is over.

Tell me who's going and who's staying and go now.



losers (including Will, El, and Squall).

So. Bev's... yeah. Check in?



Network Post

So Defense people or whatever. There's a little dino thing in the bathroom across the street from McDonalds. I locked it in and put up a sign.

This sucks. I've got little teeth marks on my ankle and Selina's gone and everything blows.



Suggestion/Complaint Box Note

[Left in the suggestion box at the DOA. There are several badly drawn cows and cowboy hats on them. They all have angry faces. There's also one flying cow with pterodactyl wings.]

To The Powers That Be Who Definitely Don't Read This, Even if The Cool Vampire Chick Does:
There have been like THREE more cowboys. At least. And only one kinda maybe cowgirl. No actual cows. What the shit?

And then there's so many people screwing off to nowheresville. Get your shit together or hire someone who can do the job. I've got reasonable rates and I could totally just rando pick people to show up here from a pool and do better.

But whatever. Cowgirls. Get on it.
A Still Concerned Citizen



[No Subject]

Alright, you lot - there's something coming from that island that was discovered, the one vomiting all the wee flying dragons and I've no idea what the details are but if anyone wants to join my crew and sail off, I've got a ship now. Isn't she beautiful? I'm calling her Siren's Call II - she's from my time with the Raiders of the Waking Sea.

I'm taking sign-ups today, we'll head out tomorrow. Diego, you've no choice, you're already my Quartermaster.



[No Subject]

My crow seems to be back, but Keyleth is gone. I would not say that is precisely a fair trade.

vox machina + cass & gilmore.
You're all still here, right?



[No Subject]

And of course after making their mother wait for weeks the twins have suddenly decided that now they're in a hurry to see the world after all. Because of course.



[No Subject]

Bev- She was one of my fir I'm s

I don't mean to distract anyone from dinosaurs but uh- did anyone's cat get loose? He seems to be able to take care of himself, but he's wearing a collar and the nametag says "Goose" and following me around now.

He just saved Lore from getting eaten by a pterodactyl by ... tentacling it?? so he's a friend for life now as far as we're concerned, tentacles and all.



[No Subject]

texts to Eddie.
» I'm so sorry, Eddie. I know that doesn't fix it or make it better, but I am.
» I was going to stop by, can I pick anything up for any of you on my way over?



[No Subject]

Sometimes I love this place and sometimes I hate it.

private to squall
Are you okay? I know she meant a lot to you.



Text Messages ➢ Jace Herondale and Squall Leonhart (separately)


» Bev's gone.
» I'm sending Squall a message, but we should see if he wants to hang out or something.


» I saw about Bev.
» I'm so sorry.



Private to Squall Leonhart

>> I heard about Bev.
>> I'm sorry.
>> If there's anything I can do, let me know.