
Layout By

July 2nd, 2020



[No Subject]

I guess with my ancestral home appearing on the edge of the city, and all the necessary stuff going through for me to do a magic act in a nightclub (just a magic act, not really my own - most of mine is verbal and in a club it's a little more difficult to be heard, so I'll be relying on colors and loops and swoops), that means I'll be staying awhile, probably? Go figure.

But the club is called Fireflies and I'll be there Wednesday-Sunday nights, come out and see me sometime.

hazel )



[No Subject]

Constantine had already decided he was keeping that tie.

WHAT: drunken after Pride shenanigans.
WHERE: John's apartment.
WHEN: backdated June 27.
WARNINGS: intoxicated characters, mention of alcoholism and substance abuse.
STATUS: in progressRead more... )



[No Subject]

Apparently Vallo isn't always a giant bag of dicks. More of the good stuff please.

Glad you're back, Captain.

[Caleb & Essek]
So you guys realise the 'wizard party' gauntlet has been thoroughly thrown now, right?

That was fun. We should do it again some time, yeah? 💙

Hey. That black dress still looks amazing on you, just so you know.



[No Subject]

I require assistance in two matters: first, the donation of body parts to scientific study. Not human, obviously, or otherwise sentient beings, but those posing a high risk to the community and were already eliminated unrelated to my request. If you're in the business of killing defense, or hunting, or whatever you're calling it, I'm eager to pay for any remnants you're willing to part with. The deadlier, the better. Venomous specimens are worth double.

As for my second request: I need recommendations for television programmes resembling Peppa Pig. Please

Filtered to Ray Palmer  )



Private Journal Entry

From the Written Journal of Dame Evie Frye - Private )



Text Message ➢ Sabrina

>> I require your assistance.



[No Subject]

[TEAM AVATAR (both teams)]
Hey losers, I'm gonna learn how to READ. Suck on that.

AND Aang, come by Boyd's on Friday. My boss is out and we're gonna metalbend in the junkyard! JUNKYARD WAR WOO

Pretty sure someone just heard me. I don't know why I filter these things when I have to talk into it anyway.



[No Subject]

Potential job offer if it's on the up and up. Something to do, there's pay. Seems it'll help people. Any thoughts, demands, that kind of shit? Seems like our kind of thing.

And if so, should we pull in the others.. what'd you say they called themselves? Vex Machines?
Check it out, I'm getting the hang of this message stuff.

Beau says you went to the finals in that fight club thing. Why didn't you bring that up? You gotta be proud. Want to tell me about it? How many dicks did you punch? (Or is that allowed)



[No Subject]

Okay. So, I forgot that today is actually my birthday. I blame dimension hopping. It throws off your sense of time.

Anyone want to go dancing with me at Lux tonight? I know it's a Thursday, but I've got to do something.



[No Subject]

Inspired by my didn't involve children but still literal accidental kidnapping last week - craziest thing you ever stole? Winner drinks free on a night of their choosing between tonight and Monday.



[No Subject]

I need to find something fun to do. I'm tired of looking at these same four walls.

The full moon is Sunday. Who wants to run with me?



text post: alexandra udinov

Everyone should definitely wish my friend Daisy Johnson a Happy Birthday today.



[No Subject]

Okay. Someone was nice enough to show me how to use this thing, so I hope I'm using this right. Anyway, hello. My name is Katara. I'm fourteen years old, and I'm from the Southern Water Tribe. I'm probably going to need a place to stay, and a job. Since I don't know how money works here, but I don't think what was given to me if going to be enough to last me since I'm going to be stuck here for awhile.

Not that here seems so bad! Everyone here seems really nice, and that video (I think that's what's it's called) that I was shown was very entertaining and informative! This is just...a lot to take to take in.

Also, if anyone's seen anyone named Aang, Sokka, Zuko, or Toph, please let me know. I would greatly appreciate it.




[ DC ]
We have a Waverider! According to Gideon, we can't breach space or jump time, but the ship is here.



[No Subject]

I've been trying to think about what I could do for employment here. There doesn't seem to be much of a call for computer expert for vigilantes in Vallo. I don't dare try and work on the chip in my spine without Curtis.

I'm mulling over the idea of maybe starting a security company. Alarms, cameras, maybe getting the Archer program up and running for Vallo. Would anyone be interested in a job if I were to pursue it?