
Layout By

June 27th, 2020



[No Subject]

Anyone else struggling with controlling their magical effects right now? I've been researching some fancy new items for myself and that's all gone to hell. I'm not the only one, right?



[No Subject]

I have never been so happy to be able to spin to change my clothes. Is everyone else back to your version of normal?

[Abra and Archie (separate filters)]
If you're feeling up for it, do you want to hit up pride with me and some friends?





PRIDE 2020

Vallo City held a large pride celebration Saturday afternoon and into the night. The festivities started with a parade downtown, winding through a good number of blocks with anyone encourage to either spectate or join in. After the parade there was a festival in the park with food and other vendors, roaming entertainment and as well a large beer garden area. There were bands and dj's playing on the stage (more family friendly during the day/early evening and moving into more just dj's as it started to get dark) and the party went well into the night.
© tessisamess



[No Subject]

"I can’t imagine doing any of this shit without you. I wouldn’t want to. Falling for you is how I figured myself out."
Read more... )



[No Subject]

At the risk of sounding optimistic, something I rarely allow myself to be, today is a very good day.

For example, I was finally able to resummon Malla. Despite having a familiar for only a short amount of time, comparatively speaking, her lack of presence was certainly felt. She has had a bit of a makeover for now, however. Cut for image! )



[No Subject]

Well, this is certainly not how I expected to spend my day.



[No Subject]

Got the whole spiel about this place, but they left out where I can get a drink.

Anyone want to help a guy out?



[No Subject]

Are musical recaps a thing now? Should I expect more of these in the future? This wasn't my first, but the delivery was definitely better. And less pitchy.

So, hi. First time in a new world. Am I doing this right?

Oh, right. I'm Elliot. I'm Todd.



text post: claire bennet

Well, it's safe to say my dad is probably freaking out right now.



text post: kara danvers

I'm craving some really good pizza. Or potstickers. Or maybe both. And is there a good place to get donuts? I wanna get some donuts tomorrow. Who wants to get some with me?

Also, I miss Alex. Maybe she'll show up here? Feels weird to be away from her so long.



[No Subject]

This is not how I pictured the afterlife and I definitely didn't expect it to come with a welcome video.