
Layout By

April 10th, 2020



Network Post

[Filtered to Eleven]
Hey. I know you've been here a while, so you probably have a place to stay, but some kids asked if we want to stay with them? They seem nice, and they have a whole place of their own. And they've dealt with some of the kinds of stuff we did, at home. Their names are Eddie and Bill, and I think their friends were Eddie, Stan, and Bev, they said? I might have missed some.

They said we can come look at it if we want? If you want to stay where you are though, that's cool too.

So people have to go to school here? How does that work? Don't people learn different things in different worlds?



[No Subject]

[Voice to Text]

Ashtray us, where are you? No, device. I said ashtray us not ashtray us. You, boy, why does this device not understand, I am speaking clearly. It is writing down everything I say. I do not trust this magic. I will find him myself. Device, turn off. Turn off. No, boy, I will not break another. But I will send-



[No Subject]

I've been up for under two hours and have already dropped, spilled, or broken eight different things. Pretty sure that's a sign to go back to bed. Anyone else having a shitty morning?



[No Subject]

Cheddar cheese sticks dipped in strawberry yogurt: Six months ago I would have said it was disgusting, and now I can't stop eating it.



[No Subject]



Will someone kindly point me in the direction of the nearest Slim Jim? Please and thank you.