
Layout By

February 24th, 2020



[No Subject]

Never allow Banshee's at a bar talk you into playing the fiddle. They don't stop.



Text Messages ➢ Bev, Bill, and Dan

texts )



[No Subject]

Alright still think they're having me on but I'll write in the little box. Evening, ladies and gentlemen. The name's Jacob Frye. If you've heard of me, I assure you most of it's true. Unless it's unflattering. Or voiced by my sister.

Seriously, can someone really see this? I've never been much for keeping a bloody journal. That's more of an Evie thing. Anyone seen her? Dark hair, blue eyes, bit of a stick up her arse? Has a soft spot for books and ghosts if that helps any.



Public ➢ Voice Post

This is not the first time I have found myself in an unfamiliar place. Nor, I expect, will it be the last. It is [...] louder here, however. I suppose there is some comfort in that. It is easier to hide in plain sight.

Are there stables outside the city?

[ ooc: His voice sounds like this. Enjoy, Vallo 😇 ]



[No Subject]

Pryna arrived sometime today.

She came and found me this afternoon.

I'm so pleased to have her back with me. I had worried about her.

Noct, you'll have to bring Umbra by so they can see each other.