
Layout By

February 19th, 2020



[No Subject]

Vanya & Klaus
WHEN: Lunchtime Wednesday!
WHERE: A cafe close to the apartments
WHAT: Lunch and super awkward conversations
WARNINGS: Talks of abuse and death, will update if needed
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[No Subject]

Is there a trick on how to not dump a bike? I don’t want to go through trial and error again. I think I only just recovered from last time




I'm pretty terrible at keeping up with this thing, but since it looks like we've had a big influx I wanted to drop a note about the defense teams. There's a few threats that pop up in the forest, ones that aren't native to this world, that we patrol for and take care of. If anyone is interested in joining up, just let me know.




Hey. It's Eddie. In light of Jughead going missing getting pulled out of here yesterday, I'm calling for another group check-in. If you're a kid and you're still kicking around, let me know. I've been keeping a list of all of us so nobody gets left behind. Buddy system. It works.

That said, a bunch of us are holding a meeting this Friday night and I'd like it if you came: [Address] We'll have food and stuff. It's a good opportunity to meet other kids and put some names to faces, since I know there've been a ton of new people show up the past couple days.

Alright, anyway. How is everyone holding up? Who needs what?



[No Subject]

WHO:‌ ‌Allison Hargreeves & Dan Torrance ‌
WHEN:‌ ‌February‌ ‌18,‌ ‌2020‌ ‌, afternoon
WHERE:‌ ‌A coffee shop somewhere
WHAT: ‌Getting coffee and making friends
TRIGGERS:‌ ‌Mentions of death and addictions, drug use?

So I guess we’re official exploration friends, then? )



[No Subject]

Oh, Nutter Butters, I'm not in Virginia! Or DC! Geography is rough!

I'm Matthew. Everyone's been so nice so far! :))))))))