[Dr. Ravi Chakrabarti and Dr. Dan Torrance]Greetings, Dr. Chakrabarti and Dr. Torrance
I am a recent arrival here in Vallo, and I find myself in search of meaningful work. In the world from which I came, my occupation has shifted a few times, but most recently I have been the primary organizer at a place called the Sanctuary. Our calling there was to help people who were attempting to break an addiction to lyrium, both with the physical and mental symptoms of withdrawal; to assist our residents in finding new purpose in life if they felt theirs to be lost; and to hold a safe and comforting space for those who had lost their minds or physical abilities to the potion to spend their final years in dignity and peace.
I understand from Messere Parrish that you may have room in your clinic for someone with my experience to offer aid. If that is so, I would appreciate the opportunity to talk with you about such a position. If it is not, I would likewise appreciate any suggestions you might have as to where I might find similar work.
Cullen Rutherford