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Posts Tagged: 'wicked+saints:+serefin+meleski'

May. 2nd, 2024



[No Subject]

I'm here to advertise.

In case you haven't seen, we're hoping lightning will strike twice after last year's success with our adult prom fundraiser at the Youth Center and we're going for it once more. I still only half understand school dances and prom things, but it's an event that means I get to see my better half somehow even more glorious and dapper than usual, so it's a win-win-win, I guess.

Anyway, theme this time around is Casino Nights, so if you are free on May 11, 18+ and a high school grad, and want to dress fancy and gamble, think about having fun for a good cause. The last casino I was in was in Marquet and some of my party got kicked out, so maybe let's try to be less raucous than I guess Keyleth managed to be. We were young.

You can get tickets ahead of time at the Youth Center or for a bit more at the door, but that will give you food and an open bar. (Open bar might not lend well to the "less raucous" thing, in retrospect. Too late now.) It'll be taking place at the Rutherford Hotel again and there's a discounted rate for attendees, if you want to make a weekend of it.

Hope to see you there.

Apr. 21st, 2024



[No Subject]

So we all agree, we're kicking this guy's ass once he's found, right? Like this isn't one of those 'no, Diego, diplomacy is so great you can't solve everything by stabbing it!!!!' things?

Apr. 9th, 2024



[No Subject]

Time to take the gremlin to get a flower crown in her hair and to touch grass or whatnot. Anyone else headed for the festival? Someone tell me there are giant mugs of witch ale or something. What about those massive pretzels that you need to eat with two hands? Apparently I'm in the mood for oversized refreshments today, don't judge me.

On a related note, should we be keeping an eye on the local covens whilst we're waiting for this legal business to get sorted? Just wondering if I need to be more armed than usual for this little outing.

Apr. 3rd, 2024



[No Subject]

Things I've learned this past week:

1. There's a reason that Vex was always the one that took the lead in the woods and why I took the lead when we were in cities. Nature is grand and beautiful, but fucking hell I was not made for it and never will be made for it, at least not for extended periods. Velora is already asking about a weekend camping trip and I can't tell if she's giving me a hard time or actually wants to go.

2. Squirrels are total gossips. Genuinely, I feel the need to check in with the ones that live around the house, just to see what is going on.

3. My bear of a nephew is a pretty good thief, if he's stealing from you while you're exhausted from walking around a forest that wants to kill you at every turn.

4. Despite roughing it in a mountain, my fiance was still as radiant as ever, which I think should come to no one's surprise. I did not fare as well and I swear that I am still picking twigs and leaves out of my hair.

5. Can we be done now? This is not a lesson learned, just a plea.

Also I'm sorry I tried to rescue you when I said that I wouldn't.

Mar. 27th, 2024



Vallo Prime Network - right after portals appear/disappearances

I know we hate these fucking portals, but there better be one because there is not a chance in the hells that both my fiance and sister disappeared right in front of me and it can't be fixed.

Added later:

No place better to start a list.

Lan Xichen
Violet S

Mar. 24th, 2024



[No Subject]

I've thought it over a good deal since yesterday and now I want a chocobo.

Mar. 12th, 2024



[No Subject]

Oh well this is fun! Wonder how long I can keep this up. If anyone needs me, I'll be doing naked push ups.

Feb. 29th, 2024



[No Subject]

Whatever your plans are for tomorrow, cancel them. I need you all to sing happy birthday to a toddler and watch her stuff cake in her face. There will be dinner in it for you! Probably just pizza but still.

Also if someone could just smack me so I stop spiraling about how fast time goes, that would be grand. Cheers.

Feb. 24th, 2024



Log: Serefin Meleski & Jacob Frye

Serefin Meleski & Jacob Frye
WHAT. Meeting a second time a lot like they did the first
WHERE. in a hallway outside Admin
WHEN. February 21st
STATUS. complete
Read more... )

Feb. 9th, 2024



[No Subject]

Apparently it was Vax's birthday earlier when shit was going down so fine, he can have a redo I guess. Tomorrow night. I personally think we should start at that place with the singing and the costumes because he hates it so much and it makes me laugh, but whatever. We'll probably go to a few other places too, so if you're around, say hello and buy the idiot a drink.

And yes, Gracie will be with us for some of it, don't bother saying anything because Lila and I don't give a shit and Gracie's walking now so she'll probably bite your leg and you'd deserve it.

Jan. 29th, 2024



Flipped Vallo Network

The old cypress has never refused the axe. There is simply no one who could carry it away if it were felled.

[Filtered to Revenants]

We must analyze this loss and determine how we will prevent it from happening again. How can we increase security? How can we increase our knowledge of rebel activities? How can we crush them completely and prevent them from even attempting such an attack?

Those of you who conduct research upon the Echoes: is there anything the rest of us may do to help you reach a solution more quickly?


Jan. 25th, 2024



Flipped Vallo Network

I just went to keep an eye on the portal and caught the tail end of what looked like new arrivals being taken in by the rebels. A big mess of them, not just the usual trickle of one or two.

I didn't see them come through the portal specifically, but 1+1=2 and all that.
Are you sitting?

Jan. 24th, 2024




(( posted after the merging ))


Did anyone else feel that?

Jan. 22nd, 2024



[No Subject]

One of the items I won at the auction was a group dinner for 8 at the Crossed Quills, for all of us. Should we try and plan for something next weekend for Vax'ildan's birthday?

Unless Diego has designs on throwing a gigantic birthday bash for his best mate, that is.

I still don't know what to do with mys I wish I could tell you it gets easi The superpowered fighting ring is open to you whenever you might require it at the Underground, I can add you to the biometrics so you don't have to ask for entry if one of us isn't there.

I'm assuming that normal alcohol does nothing for you?

Jan. 7th, 2024



[No Subject]

A big thank you to everyone who attended the party last week and made bids and donations for the youth center. It always gives me a lot of feelings that I'm only just equipped with feeling when I see how generous you all are. Those kids deserve it, let me tell you.

Make sure you pick up your prizes soon, if you haven't already, please and thank you.

Also, might be addicted to cannolis now. This is my own fault.

Dec. 31st, 2023



[No Subject]

((posted laaaaate tonight/eaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarly tomorrow morning))
((also this is a picspam and requires a lot of mental photoshop and theatre of the miiiind))

I went to that Critical Role Land with my moron friends and it is the best place I have ever been to in my entire life.

I found Vax )

It's just an amazing likeness. Incredible. I'm looking at two Vaxs. Vaxes? Vaxii? Fuck.


What the fuck is this nonsense )


Here are other pictures look at them or don't I don't care )

Dec. 10th, 2023



[No Subject]

Just a reminder to reach out to us at the Youth Center, if you're interested in including anything in the silent auction for our New Years charity event!

FRIENDS & FAMILY (feel free to assume; if you've talked to Vax, you're in)
It's obviously coming up on winter holidays and I'll admit that I'm having some mixed feelings about them because it's going to be my first time experiencing them without my sister, so I was hoping to put something together to distract, but still enjoy them. This is both for myself, but also for Velora, since I know it's probably hard for her, too.

Winter's Crest falls on the last month of the year on the 20th, so I thought to just continue that trend and get together that evening for a bit. Maybe at Greyskull to actually use it? It feels right to be in an Exandrian place on an Exandrian holiday. Just bring a dish to pass for that kind of dinner, joke/funny gifts for a random exchange? That sort of thing.

Anyway, if you're free, consider yourself invited: December 20th, Greyskull Keep, food and friends and goofy gifts. (I couldn't think of a proper word that started with F to keep that alliteration going, forgive me.)

Dec. 3rd, 2023



[No Subject]


Can anyone give me an explanation of what the fuck is going on that doesn't involve being kidnapped into a magical fairy land?

Dec. 1st, 2023



[No Subject]

Apparently I worked at the Underground as a trainer and didn't know about that until I was walking by the place and it triggered a memory. So I went in, got to talking to management, and I'm starting up sessions again at the Underground a couple of days a week. Group sessions on Tuesdays and Thursdays, individual sessions on an as need basis. If you're looking to sharpen up whatever skills you do have or are looking to learn self defense, come find me or message me.

I'll be focused on knife fighting, boxing, Taekwondo, and Krav Maga. Open to other martial arts and hand to hand.

And if you have a problem with a baby watching me kick your ass into shape, do not take this class. This is part of her training.

Nov. 28th, 2023



[No Subject]

It it strange to think that three months has passed since I first found myself among those now calling Vallo home, and it still feels as though there is no shortage of interesting things to uncover. The sheer volume of books alone, the information stored in this device, it seems endless at times.

I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to everyone for making this transition into a new world a smooth, and rather pleasant one. My life back home was one that required a certain level of seclusion and covertness for many years, it has been a nice change of pace to speak freely, and if I dare say, embark on friendships.

I would also ask a favour if I could. I am not - entirely alone here in Vallo. Five years ago I took into myself a part of Ultima, a god with rather nefarious designs for my world back home. I have kept him trapped for some time now, and am more than willing to continue to do so. However it is very clear to me that what is possible here may be boundless, and that a more viable solution might be had. With that, I would like to ask if anyone here has had to contain a god before, or part of one, and how it was done. I am, of course, not asking for anything to be done at this moment, or for anyone to take on this task themselves. I had just thought perhaps it time to begin gathering information, to see if there are other options at hand.