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Posts Tagged: 'wicked+saints:+ostyia+rabalska'

Jan. 5th, 2023



[No Subject]

Okay so

Before Vallo swooped us up there was this incident with a chainsaw and a got some magic mumbo-jumbo spilled into my arm that became this rash. It was gross, tried putting stuff on it to make it go away but it kinda just stuck around but then Christmas happened and my skin absorbed the rash and now I have what I think are glamour powers??

Whaddup, 2023. Miracles happen.

Currently playing around with hair colors since I have no idea what I'm doing what's happening but I'm keeping my wig collection for now.

Dec. 26th, 2022



[No Subject]

That 'Welcome to Vallo' video is even better the second time around.

Dec. 22nd, 2022



[No Subject]

Filtered to Ostyia
So now that I've had a few days to recover from my beating at Fight Club (body and ego), chased some lights and wound up with LED rabbit ears, and finished my Christmas shopping...

How do you feel about Round 2?

Dec. 1st, 2022



[No Subject]

Hey guys. So uh, first thing on the docket is that the Sanctuary Fundraiser Event will be next weekend! All day on the 10th we'll have a Solstice-themed fundraiser festival here, come on by! Pet the animals! Donate to a good cause! Get.. spanked?

Speaking of! We're currently looking for um, a designated spanker for the spanking booth Oh my gods why did we. It pays $500, no creepers allowed, and includes a lunch and breaks. So! That's a thing! That came up with when we were drinking and apparently, it raised a lot of money for Silniara Coven at their festival a few years ago, so now we have to do it, I guess! If you're looking to make a little money and get to spank willing people, inquire within.

Unfiltered but cut for potential Ragnarok spoilers, and there probably will be spoilers in comments! )

Nov. 14th, 2022



[No Subject]

PROS FOR MONDAY: Got my entire wardrobe from home, finally.

CONS FOR MONDAY: My room is overrun. This closet space is only big enough to hold a fart.

Throwing it out there, but if dinosaurs are your thing you should subscribe to my channel where I pose hotly in an inflatable t-rex costume and dance around the pole. There's no nudity. Think it's ridiculous? You're absolutely right, it is, but I promise you I've been making a killing off people being into weird things so judge me all you want. I'm flush with $$$$$. Best job I've ever had.

Nov. 9th, 2022



[No Subject]

Clear your schedules for the evening if they are not already empty. We have a birthday to celebrate.

Nov. 1st, 2022



[No Subject]

So never wear a costume again. Got it. Shoutout to the Black Widow, Robin, and was that the Crow?? For the assist against the killer Jack-O-Lanterns. Getting covered in pumpkin guts officially killed my love for PSLs.

Hey Lord of Dreams and Nightmares, can Gregory come over and play? I made something for him.

I want to say than- no fuck this

Thank you for your he-gfhlkjf NO

I'm glad you weren't enough of a bi- Ugh gotta be nice NICE

Thanks. For the blood.

Oct. 8th, 2022



[No Subject]

Can I interest anyone in some wine? I've opened too many bottles and have consumed absolutely none of them. They'll go to waste, and that will only be salt in the wound.

Sep. 22nd, 2022



[No Subject]


How many of you are out there, and are you looking to potentially be not single, or at least have a few drinks and meet new people?

I am looking into the possibility of hosting the next speed dating event, and want to figure out if there's any interest in it.

For those of you who are concerned that a Norse goddess who grew up in a dome in the Apocalypse who ended up with one of the other people stuck in there (shock) and has never had to really date in her life, has no business hosting a dating event, no worries. I'm supplying the space and alcohol, and bringing in someone who knows what they're doing to consult on the actual event logistics.

Please advise.

Sep. 21st, 2022



[No Subject]

[Filtered to Syd, Torunn, Ostyia, and Lorna]

Can you all give me suggestions on how to improve my Tag entry? I tried-- but I really have no clue what to put and it doesn't seem to be working. Don't tell me it goes both ways, because I message other people!

Do I need... thirst pics? Or an interesting bio? Who really reads those anyway? I feel like most people don't even look past the pictures, if I'm honest. Well, I do, but I'm me.

Aug. 25th, 2022



[No Subject]

It turns out that when you are a blood magic user and have what people have described as 'step on me energy' you...get to be involved in the blood magic coven. I turned the throne and the crown down. Mostly. So come to me for all of your Asetenarra needs, I am sure we can work something out. Ask Serefin, my diplomacy is very good.

Also in honor of Gideon Nav I want to restart the Queer Women With Sharp Weapons group. Maybe next Saturday afternoon? Here are some questions that were usually asked.

Q. What do you define as queer?
A. Whatever is in your heart is appropriate, no one defines you (and if they try to, let me know, will use that step on me energy and literally step on them)

Q. What do you define as a sharp weapon?
A. Traditionally this has been anything sharp that can be thrown or used to stab or slice or chop. But be creative! Why not.

Q. I've never used a sharp weapon but I am queer and am interested is that okay?
A. Of course. Someone will teach you, I am sure.

Q. Will there be drinks after?
A. In fact, there will.

Location? Snacks?

Aug. 8th, 2022



[No Subject]

Are we going to gorge ourselves on food at this festival this weekend or is this a my body is a temple situation where we only smell things but don't taste, which seems like a waste of a good time?

Jul. 21st, 2022



[No Subject]

Good morning (is it morning yet?), Vallo:

As this appears to be related to a magical spell or curse, the Department of Magical Research and those associated with it are aiding investigations into what happened and how to resolve it. Below the cut are the names of everyone I am aware of that fell ill during yesterday's Moon Day festivities. If you recall a name that is not on this list, please share it, along with any other information that you might have as to timing, initial symptoms, etc.

Thank you for your assistance.

List of the Affected )

Jul. 5th, 2022



[No Subject]

Marina's club, Carpe Noctem, has fallen into Asetenarra's collective hands. Since I'm sort of the link between them and you now, I wanted to make that announcement - but I'll also be handling the business parts of it even if I've never quite run a BDSM club before and thus am a little anxious about doing so because it's a bit different than a psychiatry practice. Still, I'll do my best.

If you're interested in employment, we'd be glad to have you. Or if you just want to check out the spanking benches or chains you're certainly welcome to do that as well. There's a whole variety of things to explore. Happy to answer any questions too, if there are any.

Jun. 25th, 2022



[No Subject]

hello vallo it is me vax'ildan vessar and i lost my sorcerer so if anyone has seen a very handsome tall man with impeccable facial hair could you please tell him that his undead roguish paladinish druidish boyfriend is looking for him.

also i have maybe been drinking a little lot again.

also while i have you here you're all really great and i love you all and am glad we were able to meet those of you i don't know back home even if this place is fucking weird as hell sometimes. but i'm glad to have met you anyway.

that's it

anyway happy pride 🌈

Jun. 19th, 2022



[No Subject]

Tell me jokes. Dirty ones, stupid ones, just not dad ones (I hate today). I'll critique them and also review your general vibe in return.

May. 24th, 2022



[No Subject]

This is miserable. How does anyone drink this?

May. 16th, 2022



[No Subject]

I'm taking a vacation from Vallo and going down to Atlantis for the rest of the week. Morgan and Henry are in charge of things at the shop until I get back. This won't affect any commissions in progress, but I appreciate any understanding of minor delays.

Apr. 27th, 2022



[No Subject]

It's not technically my wine cellar but in another sense it is my wine cellar so if anyone needs a good, strong, Tranavian red, do let me know.

I'd also offer a good, strong, Tranavian woman but I don't know that now is the time. Still! Perhaps.

Apr. 14th, 2022



[No Subject]

[ Filtered to Edwin Courcey ]

Did you get what you needed from our grand experiment? (I hope I get some clout in your estimation for not writing what I wanted, initially, which was "was it good for you".)

[ /Filter ]

[ Filtered to Kate Danvers ]

I was given your name as a possible tutor in the art of "not mauling people to death while I'm a monster". Do you help with self-control, transformation?

[ /Filter ]

There are far more members of royal families here than I'd initially flagged. Does this mean we need to feud? Did I miss the sign-ups?