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March 20th, 2023



[No Subject]

Hi friends! I have A TOTALLY HYPOTHETICAL situation and I would LOVE to hear your advice. 💗 SO LIKE say you go out with a friend to a musical! And ahead of time you don't specify it's a "date", you're just out with your friend having a good time!

AND THEN at the end, they call it a "date". And you internally have a little spasm and freak out but don't say anything because maybe they just mean "date" like, friend-date, right? 🤔

But then like, you still continue to do regular things together! Occasionally go shopping! Mani/pedis! Hang out all the time! Go out for dinner! And the occasional handholding!👩🏻‍🤝‍👩🏼But no kissing. No other moves! VERy mixed signals.

WHAT DOES IT MEAN? Should I the person on the confused end make a move?? Hypothetically?? Should they just ask? But what if they ask and then the person was like "Relationships and feelings are meaningless." and then they get utterly heartbroken and have no one to talk to after that?? Does this feel like FRIENDS or something MORE?

Hi did you know there are like TWO death covens in Vallo? 💀💀 I scored us an invite to the Ankou celebrations this Saturday to kick off the magical thing or whatnot and I wanted to know if you wanted to come with me?