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March 17th, 2023



[No Subject]

» There are three LITERAL LEPRECHAUNS trying to fight me at Bacon Bros because I forgot to wear green.
» Come control your ginger brethren.
» And bring me something green to wear, pleeeeease.



[No Subject]

Guessing I can cash in a gold coin at a bank or something??

I went on a walk because """exercise""" and this little shit of a dude came up to me like it wanted to start a fight. But he took a look at me, thought about it real hard, then gave me a gold coin and walked away like it was ashamed. Melog thought about eating them.

Adora, I got date money.



[No Subject]

Back home, there was this really lovely man named Basrar. He owned an ice cream shop, because he had been cursed to only be able to use his magic to grant ice cream related wishes; he was an ice djinn, hence the wish-based magic. I was able to free him from his curse and the process ended up being a highly graded final paper for school, but the important part was that he was free to do as he wished--which happened to be to continue owning an ice cream shop, just because he wanted to, rather than because he had to.

All of this to say, I just saw the shop. It's in the city and while Basrar isn't there, everything else looks the same. This was a very unexpected visit from home, but also a very welcome and timely one as I was feeling a bit homesick. Though, there seemed to be leprechauns (I think they were leprechauns?) swarming it and I didn't have time to wait in line before work, but at least it's getting good business? I hope they were doing business. Oh boy.

Anyway, all this to say: Matthew and El, it might not be a theme park or animal rescue, but I think we should probably check it some time and try too many items on the menu.



Briar #9

Not huge news in the grand scheme of things that happen here, but I'm going to start teaching a couple of classes at the Art of Expression. I will be teaching the art of miniature trees - which at home we call shakkans but here most people refer to as bonsai. There'll be options of magic and non-magic users. Those with magic can learn how to store power in trees they grow and shape to that purpose (success not guaranteed, since I don't know how everyone's magic works, but the option is there if you want to try!) Others can learn to use the shakkan's inherent magic to bring fertility, prosperity or health to their home.

So if you're interested, please come and give it a try!

Also it's practically spring already. Time to start planning summer gardens!



[No Subject]

Pre-Toga Party
Sabrina & Roz
"I’m dangerously close to digging into the cheese"
Lux penthouses
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