
Layout By

March 8th, 2023



[No Subject]

The internet, as it occasionally does, inspired me, so I spent far too much time this morning creating the following as part of the school lunches for the children under my joint care: Cut for pics! )

I do not know when I became this person that had small cutters to make cheese flowers, but I have come to accept this about myself at this point in my apparent development as a person. It is, as they say, what it is.

I have a proposal for you.



[No Subject]

Retha Alvarez-McClain
WHERE: Vallo Forest: The Sanctuary
WHEN: March 7th, 2023 (Backdated)
WHAT: Retha and Atreus bond over Lance.
STATUS: Complete
"I’m glad we got a chance to speak alone. Even if I know Lance is probably standing right inside that door waiting to interrogate us about it." Read more... )



[No Subject]

i'm going to say something brave, yet true: breakfast food*** is better at dinner time

*** american or whatever, despite being here in Bizarro World i'm not well-traveled. i mean shit like pancakes, waffles, bacon, omelettes, etc, you know like MURICA food



[No Subject]

I have never wanted or worked on being a valedictorian for my old school, so of course I didn't bring that energy to Vallo. Which means I don't have competition here. One of the professors in this school who absolutely loves me seems to hate the idea that I'm up against this girl named Nicasia, and is not at all getting a thrill out of me having the competition. The girl in question is also not snooping around me and definitely not asking me invasive probing questions about my grades.

It's completely welcoming, and she's not annoying me at all.

I totally meant to type all of that.