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March 5th, 2023



[No Subject]

I found my violin on my kitchen counter the other day. I'm pretty sure I didn't have it with me when I got here, but I'm glad that it's here anyway. A little reminder of home, I guess?

Anyway, playing is fun and all, but I'm used to playin' with a group -- or at least a couple of other people. Any other musicians or singers out here looking to play...and probably drink?



[No Subject]

Smiley day! I have two things to say, and the first is a reminder that sometimes, we don't need to add new or more activities to get more pleasure out of life, we can enjoy what we have! Being optimistic doesn't mean that you don't see the negative or ugly sides of life, it just means that you focus on the positive ones. It's like looking for a needle in a hayride, you keep looking for the needle and you're going to miss all of the things that you might see on a hayride! Like the ocean! Elephants! Fireworks! And other hayride related things.

The second is that a little piece of Exandria has made its way here, A Taste of Tal'Dorei! Do you enjoy theater and food? The first one is very interesting (if not exactly historically accurate, per Orym) and the second I can't speak to but everyone else seemed to enjoy! Staff are wearing period appropriate apparel (sort of) and give riveting reenactments of some of Exandria's greatest battles! The souvenir shop is filled with mementos that will keep Tal'Dorei's history alive (maybe) and will also protect your hands when you pull out a hot pot from the oven! If you've ever wondered about pivotal moments in Tal'Dorei AND wanted fizzy drinks to consume with your face holes at the same time, this is definitely a top notch spot, and it never closes! Ever!


Now, I don't know if you all have been there yet--A Taste of Tal'Dorei is, ironically, in Marquet, but if you haven't, I think we should all go! As a bonding moment, and we can talk about our lives and memories and shared experiences.

Also there are song and dance routines.



[No Subject]

Will Laurence & Lady Allendale
WHAT: Laurence and his mother say goodbye at the end of her visit
WHERE: The Dragon Covert
WHEN: Backdated to February 25th
STATUS: Complete Narrative

I’m so proud of you. I hope you know that.
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