
Layout By

January 25th, 2023



Temeraire #5

I have been doing a lot of research, and actually the amulet is very interesting, it is almost like a riddle. You have to say the words differently depending on what phase the moon is in (this seems silly to me, but I suppose it is appropriately mystical and the sort of thing you get in myths anyway). In any case I can now change back and forth whenever I like, so long as there are some clothes conveniently nearby. Or even not, if it is an emergency? It is less hassle to go the other way, but there are so many things I can do in a man shape, so do not be surprised if I wear it a lot from now on.

I have been very busy and not writing here, so there is a lot I have not mentioned - my pavilion has been finished, with a roof at last, and also Emily is here now, who was one of my best officers even if she is not actually mine anymore, she is Excidium's, but since he is not here I am sure he would not mind if I borrowed her occasionally.



[No Subject]

Real weird day, but thanks to the folks who found me and got me taken care of. I wasn't expecting to universe hop today, but can anyone really expect universe hopping? Please say no, so I'm not left out or wondering if I missed the wrong classes in school that focused on real specific life lessons.

ANYway. Nice to be here, I'm Teddy. Anyone able to tell me where Billy Kaplan is?



[No Subject]

» Hello, is this working?
» Can you both see this at the same time?
» Testing, testing, James Potter is the greatest.