
Layout By

September 28th, 2022



[No Subject]

Does anyone have one of the large Havahart traps?

Or a trap big enough for a two faced demonic doll with homicidal tendencies. No, stabbing or shooting it will not work with it being full of stuffing.

The Book of the Dead is also missing so just leave it outside the Library door and send me a text. Thanks.



[No Subject]

Hey, the race was great! I didn't expect to win at all, so placing in the middle was fine by me. I didn't know what to expect and some of those sections were amazing. I didn't know I could drive UNDER WATER!

You know what wasn't so great? Getting home after and finding out that my roommate had disappeared on me. Guess he's gone for good now.

So, uh. Anyone wanna come over for some food? I mighta stressed cooked and baked a bit too much.



Log: Ignis & Noctis

Ignis Scientia & Noctis Lucis Caelum
WHAT. The guys talk about fate and not letting home decide their future here
WHERE. the Chocobro house
WHEN. Backdated to right after the darkness plot
WARNINGS.mostly sap
STATUS. complete
FANART. here
Read more... )



[No Subject]

I think this is where I'm supposed to post this? If it's not, I'm sorry.

I'm Henry and I'm new here. I'm not really sure how I got here, or why, but I guess I live here now? At least, that's kind of the impression I got from the people who came and got me. At least they gave me a place to stay. Also I got to meet a good friend of mine I haven't seen in a while and her not-boyfriend, so that's a plus.

I'm not good at these introduction posts...



[No Subject]

It's been a little over a month since I've had gainful employment and here are a few things that I have learned.

1. Magic, as it turns out, continues to be very cool.
2. So does having a steady paycheck.
3. People really will haggle over anything if you give them the chance. I don't know if that's just specific to working in a magic shop, because I really don't see people haggling over things at the grocery store or anything, but it definitely happens. Which is unfortunate, because
4. I'm still struggling with methods to put my foot down that aren't just a smiling all charming until they get the hint.
5. Somehow Unseen Servants, despite that they are unseen, have very distinct personalities? Benedict is my favorite, but don't tell Rodrigo or Esmerelda.
6. The ombre potion wall is more than just pretty and it's real important to remember which potion does what and is where. It's also real important to not knock any of them over. Not that I have! But I've seen some close calls and it's stressful every time.
7. Prestidigitation? Super helpful.
8. The bakery across the way from the shop has really good cinnamon rolls.

Anyway, those are my life lessons, some more valid than others. If you want to see me in action, you should come to Gilmore's and buy some things in honor of 1 and 2 on this list.