
Layout By

July 24th, 2022



[No Subject]

Is it safe to crawl out of bed and head out for something that isn't ice cream or pizza delivery? Asking for a friend. I'm not promising that friend won't also be wearing pajamas in public but you can only ask for so much.

Is everyone alright now?



[No Subject]

It didn't feel right putting these out there while Vallo was at it again, but now that there's a slight reprieve HELLO, PLEASE MARK YOUR CALENDARS.

You're seriously going to love the party favors.

cut for image )

* Feel free to assume



[No Subject]

Carol & Stephen
WHAT: Deep bestie conversations and a chess game
WHERE: The Sanctum garden
WHEN: This morning
STATUS: Complete

“You can always count on me. No matter where, no matter when.”
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