
Layout By

March 26th, 2022



Log: Gansey & Ronan


WHO: Gansey & Ronan
WHAT: Watch "party" & bff support
WHEN: Backdated to first day of the deathloop plot
WARNINGS: Cannibals okay
STATUS: Complete
You walked in just in time for my Jane to uh-- control the meat grinder. Read more... )



[No Subject]

Ignis Scientia
Prompto Argentum
WHERE: Vallo: Disney - Dahlia Lounge
WHEN: March 22nd, 2022 (Backdated - After This)
WHAT: Prompto has one last person he needs to talk to before he yeets himself into a new chapter of his life.
STATUS: Complete
“You are ours for as long as you’ll have us, Prompto.” Read more... )



[No Subject]

Emme & Carol
WHAT: Carol makes a valiant attempt to sword train Emme; she does not succeed. A pirate ship is vaguely involved.
WHERE: Avengers Mansion
WHEN: Today
STATUS: Complete

You are not the weapon I’m here to handle, Danvers. Besides, I don’t think I need any additional training in that department, anyway.”
Read more... )



[No Subject]

Two things!

1. I've finished putting up wall mounts for my skateboards and it looks pretty awesome!

2. I've got all the flavors for Chicken Out figured out and the drinks, so I should be able to start driving around soon. I might just do it on the weekends at first, but once I'm done school, I'll do it more often. But this is also going to be awesome!



Log: Blue & Gansey

WHERE Barns Kitchen
WHEN Morning after the Deathloop Mansion
WHAT Blue’s back, Gansey is making her a no-meat breakfast and gives her a gift. It’s cute.
STATUS Complete!
WARNINGS Talking about the murder mansion. Also refuses to give a puppy some pancakes which makes Gansey a monster.
"Floating in a random dark void was not all it's cracked up to be." Read more... )



[No Subject]

» Should we start working on War Games soon? What do we still need?
» Also how are you? Things good?

» I'm calling dibs on some sister time soon.

» Do you two camp? I feel the need to go camping.



[No Subject]

I'd say Crab Cake is definitely enjoying springtime.

(Toph, it's a video of Crab Cake smelling flowers.)

Approximately 4 seconds after this was taken, Momo tackled him and they've been wrestling ever since. Which is about how things usually go around here. Feel free to share pictures or video of your pets too!

((ooc: please handwave that's a short video clip of Katara's squirtle instead of a gif.))



[No Subject]

To anyone potentially accosted by an overengineered, mouthy, rogue bottle opener: I'm very sorry, I'll come get it immediately, and I'll replace anything it destroyed.

Why are you like this, Anthony?

Edit: It looks like a bat. You may want to duck.



[No Subject]

Now, I'm not going to say that I was influenced by certain people here who are absolute enablers.. but House of Wilson just got just a little bigger. Everyone, meet Lola.

Images Under Cut )