
Layout By

August 7th, 2021



[No Subject]

I know the forest moves, but I've come across a part of it that is missing. As in there's nothing there - just gone. I can still see across to where things look normal again but it's like a whole section has just been removed.



[No Subject]

Has anyone else noticed like... areas of shit around the forest that seem to have just up and rotted overnight?


I went to go use the clock to waypoint into town for something and it's not working. Checked the wards around the cottage and they're holding up for now, but they don't seem very strong. Kady, has there been anything weird outside of what's already been said on the network going on at the Sanctum?


I don't know what's going on, but I keep having moments of confusion like I'm forgetting where I am or what I was doing, especially when I go outside. It's starting to freak me out



[No Subject]

Dorian & Julia
Friday evening | Marina's Penthouse

Julia stops by to see Marina and finds Dorian instead.
References to Alcoholism

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Network: Barbara Gordon

I don't really love it when everyone's talking about getting bad feelings and such - I mean, I don't have any other-wordly or other-realmly powers but when everyone's saying it ...

So let's put good vibes out into the world! I am super excited about Addams Family rehearsals and I hope everyone comes to see the show in a few weeks!