
Layout By

March 4th, 2021



[No Subject]

You wake up and you're standing on a stage at a podium, spotlight's on you. You've got 15-20 minutes to give a Ted Talk (aka speech) on a subject you know by heart, no prep. If you fuck up you die (I'm adding this part in for dramatic effect). No, you can't use your powers to get out of the situation because no one cares about your powers or how sexy and badass you are in this scenario. You're giving a Ted Talk. It is what it is.

What's your Ted Talk?



[No Subject]

Alexis and I have just finished watching the Lord of the Rings movies. The geography and politics are different, but it still felt very much like a taste of home, in a way. I've now begun reading the first of the books, and those are even more like something I might have picked up at a bookshop in Kirkwall.

There are movies of so many books on Earth. Why is there no movie of Vampirates? This seems an artistic injustice.

[Filtered to Alexis]
Could you bring more of that "Filthy Viking" soap from the Apothecary home with you this evening? I've worn mine down to a sliver. If I ever find myself in a world without hot showers again, I suspect I will whinge incessantly.



[No Subject]

Thursday Morning
Alexis & Eleanor
"The idea of settling into Vallo was on theme, giving her more to think about."
Rose Apothecary | Talking about bad exes, good relationships, & adult stores
Read more... )



Log: Jiang Cheng & Wei Wuxian

WHO Jiang Cheng & Wei Wuxian
WHERE Burial Mounds
WHEN March 4th
WHAT Yunmeng Brothers have a lil angst, lil bonding.
STATUS Complete!
WARNINGS Spoilers (lots) for The Untamed!
“What do you know of raising children anyway?” Read more... )



[No Subject]

I went for a fly over the forest during my lunch and I spotted Lotus Pier. Jiejie, I can take you there after work.

The rest of you can visit too if you want. There are people there. Living like normal. It's very strange, but not an unwelcome sight.
Do you know how to swim?



[No Subject]

I did swing by that youth center that we talked about for Velora, just to check it out. I'm probably being overly cautious, but I can accept being an overprotective brother/legal guardian.

It looks good, overall. The kids seemed to be enjoying themselves and the staff was pretty attentive. I saw a list of classes that they have to keep them busy and I felt like Velora would be interested in more or less all of them, so that's a good sign. They are looking for staff and volunteers, though. I was thinking It's

[...] Would it be crazy if I tried something like that? I'm hesitant since outside of our sister and Kiri, my track record with handling youths isn't the greatest. So -- I don't know.



[No Subject]

WHO Anthony & Daphne Bridgerton
WHEN March 4; Late Afternoon
And, for your sake as well as mine, we should probably let Eloise know I'm here before we dive in. Read more... )



[No Subject]

It's me, Daphne. I'm [...] back? Which is very strange for me to say considering I don't remember ever having left and the only indication of such would be the missing time and the reaction of our brother upon finding me at the DOA. But I'm here and Anthony promises this won't take long (not that I really have anything to compare it to considering the nature of our previous arrivals) so I promise I will come find you as soon as we're done here. I'm sorry I left, Eloise, even if I had no say in the matter.

[later] PUBLIC
It seems as though Vallo wasn't quite done with me after all. On the plus side, I didn't land in another snowglobe--that I know of--this time! Which is to say hello, I'm Daphne. Back again.