
Layout By

March 23rd, 2020




sent to all phones minus those who opted out:
• Neria Surana



[No Subject]

Hi, it's me again! Thank you to everyone that helped out last week with the fox kit. He's doing pretty good, we've been taking short walks around the Quills to get his stamina back up and he sleeps a lot, but he's alive and going to get a new paw from Brigitte soon! :)))

He hasn't started hunting yet, but I'm hoping to teach him soon, when he feels a little more confident. For now, he's shy and skittish and I'd love if people come visit him, but just one at a time. Donations of food (he likes carrots, berries and meat the most), blankets and toys would be nice, if you want to bring something as a gift for him?

Anyway, here's Beserker "Bessie" Ironside!

Cut for Picture )



[No Subject]

Hi, I'm Barry and I just got here. I'm also starving. Where's the best place to get pizza? And clothes. I need clothes. I can't exactly run around in just this one thing...



[No Subject]

So I've been told I ought to introduce myself. I'm Dom Weasley and I just arrived here today. This place is so different from what I'm used to I'm not sure where to start.



Public ➢ Stan Uris

So, everyone who knows me knows that I love birds.

And, while I'm not the most impulsive of my friends, I do have my moments of fuck it.

So...meet the newest members of the Losers Club.

cut for pictures )



Public ➢ Squall Leonhart

So this is real and I'm definitely here. I guess Hydaelyn was done with me. But in that case, why not return me to my own world crystal? I still don't understand why I'm here. It doesn't make sense. I miss everyone. I miss Fang. And Laguna. Dad. Laguna. I still don't know what to call him. And I miss everyone from home too. Shiva keeps offering to make it easier, but I don't want to forget. I wonder if Seifer is okay. I shouldn't care. I do care.

How does someone go about becoming part of the patrols? Is there some kind of qualifying exam? Or do you just sign up?

I would like to make myself of use to the patrols.



[No Subject]

This is going to sound like a silly thing in the grand scheme of everything but does anyone know where I can get my hair cut?

It's getting seriously out of control and I got a job at a diner so I'm guessing it would be better if it looked less like...

a shaggy dog )