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Posts Tagged: '%E2%82%B4+inactive:+kate+danvers'

Sep. 19th, 2022



[No Subject]

I'm officially tired of being in the hospital and staring at the same four walls for... what, five days now? But apparently I'm still not entirely ready to leave because I haven't attempted to use stairs yet since the house has stairs. And pitching a fit and leaving now would be considered "against medical advice and a danger to your health".

If you're a non-superpowered person and you never broke a bone in your body in your entire life, I absolutely do not recommend. It fucking hurts.

Before anyone asks if I need anything, the answer is yes:
- doughnuts
- the homework that must have been accumulating this Monday
- someone to potentially record the race in case I'm still here?
- movie suggestions

Aug. 31st, 2022



[No Subject]

I am relieved that all that the hiccup from last week revealed about me was my baking habits, though I suppose that is not much of a surprise to anyone who has visited Lotus Pier in the last several months. I will always enjoy making my old favorites, but it has been nice to try new things. If there is one thing that odd week in December was good for, it was letting me discover a love for a different type of food creation.

I want to continue trying new things, but I keep coming up with the same ideas when searching on the internet, so I wanted to ask here as it seems like a good way to get new suggestions: do you have a favorite recipe or type of food that might be a bit out of the norm?

Aug. 26th, 2022



[No Subject]

I don't know about anyone else's world, but it my world the "feud" between vampires and werewolves comes from both species being labeled closer to "predators", and other species perpetuating the stereotype that we're brutish assholes all the time compared to them. The two physically strongest species in a showdown.

But now I'm curious what feud's exist between species in everyone else's world. Inquiring minds want to know.

Aug. 25th, 2022



[No Subject]

In light of the universe search history shaming us, I'm going to confess before it gets the chance to reveal my secrets.

I search words to make the search engine check my spelling. Because my spelling is shit. So if you see one with horrendous misspellings, I own it.

Try and search history shame me now.

Aug. 22nd, 2022



[No Subject]

Since it's already been brought up, I'd like to remind everyone that the Clinic does often teach first aid classes multiple times throughout the year. So if you're interested in learning, you can leave a name here and I'll inform you when the next set of classes come around.

Even though ideally we would love for everyone to stay safe and never require it, Vallo likes to throw something big and bad at us on multiple occasions. But also, it's helpful to know around the household as well.

If anyone is considering also being CPR certified, let me know as well. When the worst events hit, we appreciate volunteers at the clinic, especially as Vallo giveth and also taketh away.

Filter: Wanda Maximoff
I'm sorry it took this long to say something but I wasn't even sure what to say considering we rarely ever talked. I just wanted to say I'm sorry. He was a great colleague and friend.

Aug. 21st, 2022



[No Subject]

I'll be honest, this is probably not the first time I've had my ass kicked on my birthday.

Aug. 3rd, 2022



[No Subject]

Am I the only one who didn't realize that people take identifying as a Carrie, Samantha, Charlotte, or Miranda seriously?

Aug. 2nd, 2022



[No Subject]

If you were unaware, next week starts the several-day Taste of Vallo Food Festival. Galdin Quay as a spa and resort will be open but the larger kitchen will be closed during that time. Instead, you'll find us installed in Vallo City proper with a more accessible menu that's good for on the go.

I'm looking forward to seeing all of your lovely faces light up after I shove food your way. And I'm told to remind everyone to "tag their pictures with #spectaculareats" (thank you, your Majesty). If anyone has something more clever in terms of a hashtag for Galdin Quay, I am open to suggestions.

[FF Crew + Abi & Nick]
Nick, the full moon falls on the second day of the festival, but I'll be making every dish available during that time leading up to it, so you won't miss out on the food end of things.

Please consider this my formal apology ahead of everything about the person I become during the recipe experimentation period. The kitchen will be in chaotic disarray and should anything go awry, we will be eating ramen that night. You're welcome, Gladiolus.

Jul. 27th, 2022



[No Subject]

Do you ever wake up and despite the situation not being your fault, it feels unnatural not to say, 'oops'?

This is absolutely one of those situations. Morning...wait, it's afternoon now. That thing.

Jul. 21st, 2022



[No Subject]

Good morning (is it morning yet?), Vallo:

As this appears to be related to a magical spell or curse, the Department of Magical Research and those associated with it are aiding investigations into what happened and how to resolve it. Below the cut are the names of everyone I am aware of that fell ill during yesterday's Moon Day festivities. If you recall a name that is not on this list, please share it, along with any other information that you might have as to timing, initial symptoms, etc.

Thank you for your assistance.

List of the Affected )

Jul. 20th, 2022



[No Subject]

So, I've been here for two days now, and I can already tell that this place is a trip (in a good way, not in a "Oh shit, I accidentally wandered into a Dio album cover and now I'm fucked" kind of way. This Moon Day thing is kind of weird, but I can get behind it).

Anyway, I'm Eddie Munson, and I've already heard you guys have metal here (thanks for the recs, Danvers). What about Dungeons & Dragons. Have you guys heard of that? Because if not, boy, do I have a game for you.

Also, I'm nearly out of money (not that the welcome money wasn't nice), so if anyone has any leads on anything, let me know I guess.

Jul. 19th, 2022



[No Subject]

Friendly reminder for Moon Day tomorrow. For all you party goers, make good choices, I don't want to see anyone at the hospital or clinc. For anyone who needs help, don't be afraid to ask.

Friday is my birthday, so I'm hoping to take the afternoon off in favor of another taco crawl. Open invitation if anyone wants to join.

Jul. 11th, 2022



[No Subject]

If a field medic/first responder training program was offered, would anyone be interested in taking it? Certified First Responder or Wilderness & Remote First Aid? I know we're full of people used to being in insane situations, but testing to see if there's any need or interest in this aspect.

Secondly, don't forget the Clinic is going to be running its Sex Ed course from the 15 - 17. Not taught by yours truly, but I'm taking this opportunity to remind any interested parties.

Lastly, for anyone impacted by the full moon on Wednesday, don't forget that this month there will also be Moon Day. On July 20 the sun won't rise, and the full moon will be in the sky. A fun promotional day for some, stressful as hell for others.

Jul. 5th, 2022



[No Subject]

Someone asked me if I was on a tick tock with my woodworking. I said I had never made a clock before, but I'm game for anything. (hear that, Fearne?)

Friends, I, the player, just grabbed this off a webstore, I obviously did not make this. )

No metal in that baby either, because fuck metal. Wood's where it's at. Little woodworking tip for you folks: it's good to be enthusiastic. But enthusiasm can't be your driving force--it ain't steady. Instead, focus on quality, that'll be enduring. Stop, back up, wait, move forward. Good things'll happen when you're patient.

(I'm very patient and enthusiastic, Fearne)

Jun. 20th, 2022



[No Subject]


Something WTF is happening again guys so like... be prepared for that or whatever

KATE?? I think i'm SICK but like in a DEEPLY NOT COOL way

May. 24th, 2022



[No Subject]

Did you know that, in the Omegaverse, only an Alpha can mark an Omega as their mate? The Alpha bites on the scent gland, and that's when the Omega marks them back.

I learned this after the fifth or so fanfiction - we currently have "Meet Me At The Full Moon" on our fridge, and I'll be doing a live reading of "Marked" once Wanda finishes, if anyone wants to drop by. She's just cranking them out and I couldn't be more proud of her a/b/o filth.

No beta, we die like we're on the Murder Mansion stairs.

May. 13th, 2022



[No Subject]

My thanks to all who have already volunteered to assist with the Outlanders and Animals Calendar project. The window to volunteer is not yet closed. If you wish to participate in any capacity, please use the sign-up sheet at The Art of Expression.

[Filtered to Volunteer Photographers, Designers, Dressers, Managers, etc. for the Outlander Calendar Project]
Good morning, all. Thank you for your interest in this project, and for your willingness to meet with me, show your very impressive portfolios, and begin the process of this great undertaking.

I would like to bring all of us together for a design meeting as soon as possible. Would you be so kind as to indicate your availability over the coming week for a discussion of artistic concepts?

For your future reference, here is the current list of animal models who will be joining our people; I have transcribed notes on names and descriptions where I have them.

[Identical list to the one for the Models below]

[Filtered to Volunteer Models for the Outlander Calendar Project]
Good morning, all. Thank you for your interest and participation in this project. I have received the final list of animal models from the Sanctuary and the Shelter, and I would like to offer you all the opportunity to make special requests to be paired with specific animals. I cannot guarantee that these requests will be honored, especially if more than one person expresses an interest in a particular animal, but I will do my best.

Also, as we have had a great deal of interest in modeling, please drop by the sign-up sheet at The Art of Expression to indicate if you would be willing to be paired with another human model for your shoot.

Animal Models )

[Filtered to Lan Wangji]
Will has invited me to live with him and A-Xiang at the Dragon Covert. I have not yet had the opportunity to ask A-Xiang for his formal permission to court Will.

May. 8th, 2022



[No Subject]

So if everything I've been told is true, I've managed to find myself in a completely alternate realm than the Lands Between, along with the rest of you. ...I confess, I didn't see this twist coming. Perhaps Grace hasn't cast me off entirely.

Name's Rogier. Sorcerer. You'd probably have guessed it if you'd seen the hat (I very much like hats. Large ones. Otherwise what's the point?). Got here a few days back; having a bit of a bad week but I believe I might have gotten a good chance at help. A rousing thank you to Adam, who got me out of the forest and into civilization; believe I might've talked his ear off in a bid to stay conscious. Anyhow, I was told I'd need to pop in here, and say hello - what a wild system this is; they said it wasn't magic but I promise, the network looks like magic to this dolt. I like libraries, clean fights, being a cautionary tale told over campfires, and never saying never. Who are you lot? Tell me some good stories; I think I'm stuck here at this healing facility for a little while so I'm not going anywhere quickly.

[ Filtered to Sydney Clarke, Shaun Gilmore, and Blue Sargent ]
Hello there; they said that you'd already been contacted re: my thorny little situation (I'm not sorry; this is the kind of nonsense you're going to have to expect from here on out). At any rate, I hope this message isn't a surprise. But if it is: I've run into a little death curse, and I was rather hoping that some of you might be able to assist me with ridding myself of it. The sooner the better; it's unpleasant and I don't get to wear my fanciest trousers.

May. 5th, 2022



[No Subject]

Good evening, Vallo, a general census for classes at the clinic. Sex ed, yay or nay?

Filter: Clinic employees and affiliates
I'm going to lean toward yay, which will hopefully have some in agreement... if that's the case, which of you are going to help me volunteer with the class?

Filter: Cobb
Can I repeat how I'm so glad you're back to yourself even though I already said it? Because I am so very glad.



[No Subject]

There's a new resident who's been assigned to be my shadow this week. They're vegan. Today as day four of being told about the benefits of going vegan. A vegan werewolf? Someone remind me that I took an oath before it's too late.