
Layout By

January 19th, 2021




"She would set the world on fire if it took Nick and Roz from her."
Read more... )



Snowglobe Vallo Log: Blue & Ronan

WHERE The Barns
WHEN January 19th
WHAT Waking up on the other side of the looking glass sucks really hard
STATUS Complete
WARNINGS None that I can think of
Time to put some hustle into it, maggot! Read more... )



[No Subject]

Sabrina Spellman
Roz Walker
WHO Sabrina & Roz • WHERE Snowglobe Vallo Spellman Mortuary • WHEN During the time-jump of this log.
You're late. WARNINGS Some spoilers for season 4
Sabrina didn’t think she saw any injuries on her friend, but she knew the more serious wounds were the ones festering under the skin and digging into their souls. Read more... )




Evie Frye
Serefin Meleski
WHO Evie Frye & Serefin Meleski
WHERE Snowglobe!Vallo at the destroyed Frye Train
WHEN Jan 19th, morning
WHAT Waking up in Snowglobe Vallo, no Jacob, no wine & working together.
STATUS Complete!
WARNINGS Violence! Lots of it. Blood magic, beheadings, Magic & Assassiny things. It's also really long
Was everything on Evie's person secretly a blade? Read more... )



Vallo Prime Network Post

So- Ah- it's been a morning, but we're doing our best to figure out exactly what's going on. Our notification system isn't showing any glitches, but a large number of people went missing in the last twelve hours and we have no way of tracking them at present. It's possibly linked to yesterday? Adam is doing his best on the psychic level to see if there's anything he can pick up, if anyone else is in the same position, feel free to check in here.

So if you woke up to a loved one being gone this morning, please comment here so I can put together an extensive catalog of those that disappeared in the last 24 hours.

I'll add to this list as people comment, so everyone can stay up to date:
For obvious reasons, the market will be closed today, and possibly Thursday. Thank you.



[No Subject]

In light of Sabrina's current disappearance, Dan and I thought it best that we have regular check ins. Make sure no one else disappears until we can figure this out.

Please just check in here to let everyone know you're still here.

I'll be in the Pandemonium library for the next few hours if anyone needs me. I'm hoping I might be able to find something that will help us to contact Sabrina and the other missing.



Snowglobe Vallo Network Post

Holy shit that's a large influx of signals coming in. Search and rescue folks, if you haven't seen this already, start a major sweep on all sides.

HQ, let's get Morningside ready for a whole bunch of newbies. If you don't have a job in that yet and you're smart enough to follow orders and don't faint at the sight of blood, come join me in the infirmary. This many new folks might mean a bunch of injured.



Snowglobe Vallo Network Post

My name is Thurvishar D'Lorus, and I specialize in the magics and theories supporting travel between different dimensions and universes. I realize that everything is very chaotic at present, but if you are in a safe place and are able to reply safely, I would appreciate some insight into the following questions so that we can start troubleshooting our unexpected presence here. More importantly, I wish to establish some idea as to how time moves in this particular universe so that we can be assured that our friends and family in Home Vallo are not moving at a different pace than ourselves. I thank you for your time and your assistance.

No. 1: Yesterday, several of our psychics in Home Vallo experienced visions ranging from vague to somewhat specific. Do you have Seers here, and if so, did they experience visions?
No. 2: What sort of visions?
No. 3: Most importantly, what time did they experience visions?

I believe that we can reasonably assume that if Seers in both Vallos had visions at the same time, we can work backwards and determine the pace of days here. I doubt any of us want to waste time if Home Vallo is moving forward at a rate of, say six days to our one.

EDITED TO ADD: Did anyone from Home Vallo share a vision with a Roz Walker? She had communications with someone who matches the following description: "Late teens, early twenties. Close to 6 feet. Brown hair, pretty blue eyes, tanned. Wearing jeans and a basic t-shirt."

No. 4: Is teleportation possible here?
No. 5: What method?
No. 6: Has any power suppression here been noted?

Once again, I thank you for your patience and your time. If anyone wishes to join me in this specific endeavor, I'd welcome the help.

Finally, if something uh calamitous occurs, I can join in healing others. I'm a wizard and am quite capable of doing so if there is a need.



Snowglobe Vallo Network Post

What alternate Vallo hell is th
Who are these other p

If there are any other Outlanders here, check in so I can get a head count.

Let me know if you're okay, or if you're trapped, or need help. I'll try to get to you.

Hopefully everyone thinks to check he

Everyone else, hi. I'm Captain Sara Lance of the Vallo Defense Department, Department of Outlander Affairs. This is not the same Vallo I went to sleep in last night. How long have you been stuck in this hell?

- We need help getting Sam out of his bunker, there is an override panel.
- Brigitte could use tech assistance with shields

- As soon as possible, I'd like to start coordinating search parties for supplies, and people who might not have made it onto the network.




[ posted sometime after this ]

Just as a heads up I don't recommended using the waypoints. Managed to get a look in them and the links between them seem to be weak at best and broken in more than a few spots. The link between Morningside and the Quills however appears to be strong, that one might be alright but other than that you're probably better off to avoid.



[No Subject]


I'm temporarily stepping into the commander role for defense in Sara and Shiro's absence. I'll relinquish it when we find them and the rest of our missing friends. Based off roster and communication attempts, I've identified who is missing.

Thankfully, most of our coordinators are still here, but the teams have been hit pretty hard.

Ezio, Sirius, we're pulling you out of reserves and placing you with Team A. Teams A and B will be combined under Cassian for the moment.

Jacob, Syd, you two as well, joining Team D. Teams C and D will be combined under Daisy until we're back at full force.

Form up, be ready. This is the perfect time for something or someone to attack and that's not going to succeed on our watch.
[ooc | please assume Steve has personally reached out to everyone just to confirm if they're here or not, and I've highlighted everyone missing from the Defense roster sheet for reference]



Vallo Prime: Log

Peresphone Poldma
Adam Parrish
WHO Persephone Poldma & Adam Parrish
WHERE 300 Fox Way
WHEN Tuesday, January 19
WHAT Half the Barns residents (and the Outlanders) are missing, so Adam goes to scry with Persephone to try and get answers.
STATUS Complete!
WARNINGS Vague (like super vague) mentions of death
“Don’t push yourself too deep just to find them. I know you’re going to want to, it’s tempting, if you think you can take just another step. I’m not going to let you.” Read more... )



[No Subject]

Steve and I are still here, you two?



Snow Globe Network: Filtered to OG Snow Globers

Do we trust these newcomers? What if they're some kind of new threat that's being thrown at us?

It sounds good that they are from alternate version of this place that isn't ruined, but how do we know it's not a trick?



snowglobe!vallo; various attempts at text messages

[Doc Holliday]

Failed to send message.
Failed to send message.
Failed to send message.

[Waverly Earp]

Failed to send message.
Failed to send message.

[Raylan Givens]

Failed to send message.
Raylan?? Hello?
Oh fuck, that went through!




Alright new faces. Welcome to the shit show.

I have absolutely nothing of value to contribute except for the fact I have spent over two months hoarding any scrape of booze I could get my hands on. Apartment 507. If you have a cup, bring a cup.

Oh and the Goldschläger is off limits because I like feeling fancy despite the fact I haven't had a decent shower in weeks. Don't touch the Goldschläger.




All right, someone better put me to work helping somewhere before Pepper renders me unconscious with her shoe.

edited to add:

You still here with us, Pete? I'm going to look into trying to trace the signature of our missing friends. Figure it wouldn't hurt to have an extra set of hands.




Does anyone know what's being done with the magic schools right now?



vallo prime!

I do not know what is happening and New Asgard seems to be the same as always, but should anyone need assistance with anything, I will be glad to help.

[Thor, Loki, Valkyrie]

Well-met! Are you all present?



vallo prime.

So it's just us. Buck, what are we doing about Galahd?



Vallo Prime

Right then, who wants to train soon as I'm off patrol? Shouldn't get pissed, won't get sad, so that leaves pummeling the hell out of someone and calling it productive. We'll play it nice - no use to Vallo if we actually hurt one another. But I don't want to snip with friends and I don't want to feel useless, so let's have at one another and try to use the time well.

'Soldier on through that crepuscular gloom, 'til the rays of some foreign sun touch thy butt' or however the old Ninth poem goes.



Vallo Snowglobe Network Post

Filtered to Healers & Medical Types.

I wanted to establish a connection and introduction. I'm Kate, I'm a doctor in my own world and back in the other Vallo. I do not have magic in the sense of healing, so I get the felling I'll be playing a backseat roll unless Healers are otherwise occupied. Which is fine, I can work in other areas too.

But I wanted to get an idea of all the names, faces, and skill sets who are available here and who I should be speaking too if shit hits the fan.



SNOWGLOBE VALLO; Atreus & Dorian

“How do you feel about blindfolds?”
WHAT: An attempt at a birthday dinner amidst uhh this crap.
WHERE: Skyhold
WHEN: Tuesday, Jan 19th, early evening
WARNINGS: Some fatalistic talk, mentions of hunting, but mostly tame. Fade to black.
STATUS: Complete!
Read more... )



[No Subject]

WHO: Richie & Princess General Leia
WHAT: An introduction, some fangirling, the promise of fruit pie
WHERE: Snowglobe Vallo, Morningside
WHEN: Today
WARNINGS: Lightsaber envy
STATUS: Complete

He was an interesting man, Leia thought, that was for sure. )



[text] (vallo prime) waverly earp [backdated to this morning]

I can't find Wynonna and I haven't heard from her. What is going on?



vallo prime

Not that I am really saying anything will happen within the next 24 hours (but we all expect it anyway), how many of you can I rely on as backup at the clinic? I had a few hands but lost them, not just today but over the course of the last few weeks.