
Layout By

September 22nd, 2020



accidental voice post.

Doty, take this down! [ sudden shift to a theatrical voice] Now down one of their number and with the majority still suffering greatly from being unaware of the latter half of their history, Vox Machina continues to soldier on in this land unknown, this Vallo, which has cleaved them from their Homeworld and made Outlanders of them all. Resilience, however, drives their character, and I, Taryon Darrington, will not allow them to buckle under the weight of their circumstance. For true heroes, heroes for which one and all have proven themselves to be, can withstand any challenge put to them. Even ones without a clear enemy to fight.

[ shifts back to his normal voice ]

Now, be a dear, and draw my bath. We've got quite a few edits to make before bed.


You know what I mean, Doty. An idle mind goes to waste! Besides, you know we've got to go back through the last few chapters and make sure it's not too easy to read. Just in case.


I know. I know. You don't like going back over it. And it's not like any of them are going to go snooping. But. I don't want them to find out things they... don't need to know yet. So better safe than sorry, right? Right?


Good. Glad to see we're on the same page. So. Where did we leave off last time?



[No Subject]

Fascinating place, really. Teeming with with magic I'm sure, but now is really not the time. I've been waiting a very long time for my coronation and I don't want to be late.

I also seem to be missing a teenage warlock who really shouldn't be left unsupervised right now.



[No Subject]

That was quite the performance in the welcome video, Sabrina. I was impressed. Should I begin expecting something similar every time there's some new upheaval in our lives?



[No Subject]


Apparently our mysterious new island has waypoints that lead into the city. While having a poke about, I saw a herd of small theropods chased through one by a T-Rex.

Don't panic and please don't approach the dinosaurs unless you have some experience or training. I've my eye on the T-Rex. She hasn't caused any damage yet. Think she's mostly bewildered by her new surroundings.

Sara Lance, might I suggest deploying some of your DOA squads to downtown immediately?

Let's try not to hurt the dinosaurs. With any luck, we can herd them back through the waypoint. Or if someone can create short rage portals, all the better.

ETA: I'm going to attempt to surround the T-Rex with sonic lanterns to keep her in place.



Text - Lucifer Morningstar

There are dinosaurs. DINOSAURS!




[ There is a softly muttered shit as it cuts in, and there is the sound of kids crying in the background. ]

I could use - help.

[ A sigh. A pause. ]

I brought some kids into a building, it must have got hit and we can't get out now.

[ He gives the address. ]



[No Subject]

[Filtered to the DoA & the DoD]

So, I picked up on something kind of weird. There seems to be a signal of some sort coming from the island. I'm going to head over and investigate it a little more, maybe I'll be able to figure out what it actually is.



[No Subject]

I hear things are a little busy outside, but there are a pair of young gentlemen ready to take on Vallo.

image under the cut )



[No Subject]

I've established my drones along the east and west perimeters of town; they'll report back on any hostile activity and hopefully give us extra time to react accordingly. If you find yourself in need of assistance, I am not with the DOA because I hate teams and people telling me to do things but I will absolutely assist you. Dinosaurs do not happen where I'm from but I'm used to unknown hostiles with too many teeth on foreign planets, and truly I prefer them to most conservatives anyway, so. Don't let your pride lead you to chompy dino death.

Thank you. Murderbot out.



[No Subject]

Who: Parker & Chloe Decker
What: Meeting
Where: Lux
When: Before the dinosaurs
Warnings: Nope!
Status: complete

I wasn’t aware that Lucifer invited random females to his place other than for sex )



[No Subject]

I know the dinosaurs aren't technically dragons, but they're close enough and I wouldn't have minded not having them pop up again here.
On the off chance word gets around too fast and because I'd rather you heard it from me, I was slightly less careful than I promised I would be today but I'm fine. Just bruised, both in ego and body.



[No Subject]

Getting my ass kicked by a dinosaur wasn't on my list of things to do today, but here we are. Anyone want to go get a drink somewhere now that I've got my stitches taken care of?

[Raylan Givens]

Thank you again for making sure I got patched up.

[Dan Torrance]

Sorry for bleeding all over your clinic today. Doubt I was the worst of it, but thank you for stitching me up all the same.




sent to all phones minus those who opted out:
• Dahj Asha
• Karrin Murphy

[No Subject]

Aragorn and I are fast. We were not quite fast enough. Lesson learned. Oops.



[No Subject]

I've got some outliers here; the light from our sabers seems enough of a deterrent to herd them. I dont like feeling how frightened they are. Have we had any luck finding where to return them?



[No Subject]

I go out of my way to avoid the forest and dinosaurs only to have them cross my path while picking up food.

Photos and videos really just do not do it justice.

Really big teeth.



[No Subject]

As much as I like being busy, seeing a lot of injuries from dinosaur attacks isn't really something I would've signed up for. I don't think even a raging zombie is a match against a T-Rex, though, so I'm at least glad I can be useful in some other way.

Have the dinosaurs been sent back to the island? At least, has the T-Rex been sent back? I can't believe I'm talking about actual dinosaurs.



[No Subject]

If anyone needs help, let me know. I can teleport to whatever location you need me to be.

I hate am starting to care for would hate it if you ended up in my hotel.



Kara Danvers

Happy Birthday, Kara. I hope that you can enjoy your day amongst this craziness.