
Layout By

September 14th, 2020



[No Subject]

Fun fact. Apparently you can still enroll in some classes nearly two weeks into the semester. Last minute impulse college attending here I come.

The other day was fun, we should go again!

losers & squall.
So I went to the gun range with Prompto the other day. And uh - this probably isn't normal for someone's first time right? I mean, go me? But also, I might be freaking out a little.

( posted is a picture she took of her target sheets, all with the shots clustered close to the bullseye or in the bullseye )



[No Subject]

Hey friends! I hope everyone is doing AMAZING! :)))))) School is great! I show up on time, which, lolololol is BIG for me, I have all of my school supplies (also BIG for me, my backpack is a black hole sometimes and there are literally dozens of pens that just yeet out of there!!), and I like everyone!

And the market is doing great too!! I love seeing everyone and if you're ever like, wow, that smiley tall kid with the really curly hair has just been missing from my life, I agree! :)))))))))))))) So don't forget, we offer deliveries too!! And you might see my smiley face and my really curly hair!

You. Guys. There have been so many fantastic fall themed snacks, and I wanted to share some highlights!

PSA: These are real snacks, guys, but remember that Matthew thinks everything is amazing please do not take him as a legitimate food critic )

Have a GREAT day!



[No Subject]

Okay, first of all, super grateful to those who came out to do some speed dating and to those who helped with the event - those who did help, you are shining stars and I appreciate you. I'm pleased to have brought people together for hookups and/or blossoming new friendships and if you didn't have at least one decent conversation, well, maybe your personality is just terrible but that's okay! It takes all types to make a world, especially a Vallo world!

Speaking of that Vallo world, I'm having a little problem in my apartment right now? And I snapped a photo with my phone because while everyone else gets Pokemon, I got this which is literally a floor-to-ceiling portrait of the fam, and yes, I realize we all look miserable but that's because we were. Whatever.

The problem is that this monstrosity barely fits in my space and if I leave it there it might just go through the ceiling. Is there like, someone who can do a little shrinky-dink with magic or shrinky-dink technology because I don't hate the creepy dead eyes of my family following my every move, I just would rather it be in wallet-sized.

ALSO - fall scents including pumpkin, cinnamon apple, black pomegranate, and berry + fig are now available at Rose Apothecary, in a variety of products! Pamper yourself for autumn and then grab a PSL from Starbucks, because sometimes it's fun to be basic and we should just let people enjoy things~ And if anyone can help with the aforementioned Rose portrait monstrosity, I will give you free hand cream, TIA.



[No Subject]

WHO: Isabela, Diego, and Molly
WHAT: Princess Powerful accepts a dinner invitation
WHERE: Morningside, Bela and Diego's apartment
WHEN: Recently
WARNINGS: Excessive garlic bread?
STATUS: Complete

They weren’t Chase or Nico, but they were all right. )



[No Subject]

[ Filtered to Jester, following Murderbot's receiving of her gift ]

Your friendship may be delicious, but it is inedible to me. I have no digestive tract and if I'm forced to swallow food, it is unpleasantly stored within my lungs until it can be regurgitated at a later time. I don't think this is the metaphor you intended.

Do you want your food back?

[ /Filter ]



[No Subject]

WHO: Lee Thompkins, Edward Nygma
WHAT: Lee tries to convince Eddie to get take care of his microchip-in-the-brain problem.
WHERE: Eddie's apartment
WHEN: BACKDATED to shortly after Lee's arrival, August 17
WARNINGS: Brief mention of stabby murders, you know... the usual
STATUS: Complete in Gdoc

Go away, Lee, or I’m going to place a restraining order against you... )



[No Subject]

I need directions to a decent bar and a strong drink. It doesn't have to be in that order.



[No Subject]

“I feel like you fuckers are going to get all supernatural introspective and I’d rather get out of the car for that shit.”
WHAT: The boys find out that there is little bit more to the Cabeswater bond than they had ever planned for
WHERE: An undisclosed location along the Vallo coast
WHEN: Evening, September 14
STATUS: Complete!
Read more... )



[No Subject]

Well. This is a helluva thing.

The video was pretty nice, the explosions are a nice touch, but honestly, this is probably the weirdest thing that's ever happened in my life. Considering my life, that's saying something.

I got told I should check around to see if anyone here knows me, be social-like. So here I am. Willing or not.

Irvine Kinneas, at your service?



[No Subject]

I have gotten into the spooky bug and went to the local arts and crafts store and got a whole bunch of Halloween decor for the restaurant.

I have, like.. zero regrets and absolutely no shame.

Anyone else interested in another round of getting taste-tester samples for Halloween themed desserts?



[No Subject]

Preparations for the University of the Unseen Arts are going quite well. I've been in talks with some of the local covens about hiring teachers and allowing some of their members to come and study and those talks have good wonderfully.

I have a list of those who have spoken to me about being involved and I have broken it down into who will be teaching what subjects, in terms of Outlander involvement.

a breakdown of subjects )

If any newer arrivals would like to be involved, either as students or teachers, please do let me know. We aim to open the school at the start of October.