
Posts Tagged: 'thomas+raith'

May. 5th, 2019




While I will never not hate that woman in my dreams I do have to say she has pretty good taste in gifts. Even if they are meant to just get rid of me so she can get her claws in my date - Justine. She gave me a condo in Hawaii and a plane ticket though. I do wonder though since I woke up to find the deed to the condo on the bed beside me, is it mine here?




So my dreams went from me being six years old to me being sixteen and attending school on the Isle for the first time, instead of being castle schooled. The first day was fine until I ran into the girl who caused me to be banished in the first place. Outside that, my dreams don't seem to be as crazy as some that I've read, thankfully.

Side note, I did wake up my mothers spell book on my nightstand, so that's interesting and one of those adorable little creatures in my living room making itself a nest on my bookshelf.

May. 4th, 2019




This... is not the way I meant to be spending my best friend's birthday, with a space penguin infestation. How many of these things ARE there?

You, wearing my Columbia hat? You're cute, you can stay. But you over there with my transformation pen? You've overstayed your welcome. Give that back before I kick your feathery butt!




Okay these guys are cute but GET AWAY FROM MY COMPUTER!!!




I don't know where these little guys came from, but I already have three in the apartment.




These creatures are adorable and I have five

May. 3rd, 2019




So twitter finally made an algorithm to keep nazi propaganda off of their site and ban people that post it. ...but they are refusing to implement it because it would deplatform too many politicians. I don’t know, to me that sounds exactly like the kind of people that should be deplatformed.

At the same time, it looks like Verizon is selling Tumblr, because traffic went down 33.3 percent after they decided to ban nsfw artwork and make LGBTQ issues impossible to search for. It's almost like doing both those in a mostly fannish and LGBTQ space was a bad idea. Who possibly could have seen that coming?

How did the people in charge of both these sites even get hired?




I need some suggestions on where's a good place to buy a bed and mattress. Now that Dragon has decided he'd rather sleep on my bed, with me, instead of the dog bed I bought him, it's getting pretty crowded. It'd be one thing if he slept at the foot of the bed, but he's decided that he likes sleeping next to me and he's not a small dog either.




Back to business. The Vegas launch is coming. Hitting the final push is making me crazy.

I need a drink. Who else needs one?

Elena )

Tyler )

Thomas )

Alex )

Apr. 19th, 2019




Thank you everyone who helped me fight Deathwing, and I'm very sorry for what my dreams have wrought.

But even the largest beasts can fall.




All of these doomsayers seem to have influenced my dreams. Last night I dreamt about a post-apocalyptic world with zombies. I've had weird dreams before, but this was even weirder and felt different somehow. I can't really explain it though.




Uh... if you aren't already in work today and your destination is Stark Tower? No. Turn around. Do not approach.

A Dragon is literally camping on my bedroom as we speak. He didn't even take me to dinner first, just- boom, hi, dragon claws. Pretty sure my suits are all on fire right now.

We're not friends. He broke all my nice things.

Apr. 12th, 2019




I couldn't be more happy to finally see the arrival of my new ship. Balls, but it took forever to get it retrofitted, paid for, and over here. And I was really quite annoyed I was too busy to skipper it here myself.

But, it's all worth it now. Because this beauty's going to be a fantastic new party destination for you all, I'm sure! We're definitely going to have to have some kind of gigantic party to break her in, don't you all think?

Anyway, without further ado, I give you: The Miranda

ooc note: ignore the title on the ship





But why not just buy the donut truck?

Apr. 8th, 2019




Hey, it's me again. Your guy, Tony Stark. I have to stick the name on there because everyone on here is always all 'who are you again?'. Seriously, youtube search me, you'll even get videos with my clothes off. If you're into that.

So I need a person. I had a person, but she did such a great job that she got a promotion. Now it's your turn! General you. The person has to be able to handle things like: Kicking one night stands out of my apartment if I end up too busy to see them out, remembering important details like my birth date and my social security number, buying stuff when I need it, procuring me rare art, and being available for random trips to places at that last minute. Plus, I'll probably text you at 3am at least a zillion times. Very importantly, I've been told it's like babysitting. So someone with enough of a spine to tell a guy like me "Tony, No, it's 4am, get pizza at a normal time of night" is uniquely qualified to professionally babysit one Tony Stark.

There's awesome benefits and compensation for being forced to work for such a gigantic asshole as me. Hit me up.

On another note? I'm totally Iron Man, apparently. Like, super hero gig stuff. And Pop Tarts? You're on my naughty list.




The best part of watchin' Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman is that I too am Dr. Quinn!




You know what is really strange? I was in my club, and this woman comes up to me and starts talking about school and how she was one of my students at one time. It's been awhile, but at one time I taught high school history. Damn, those kids are 21 now. She said they were still talking about me. It was a good job, but not particularly suitable anymore. She was questioning me about why I left, and I'm wondering who the fuck she was talking about for a minute. That's when you know how much your life has changed.

Mar. 23rd, 2019




Next time someone dies in my dreams I'd prefer not to wake up to a painting of them.

Mar. 22nd, 2019




Alright, so I guess I should introduce myself and stop lurking. I'm Jesus and before you ask, no, I can't turn water into wine or walk on water. It's just what my friends call me and I like it. I'm a stuntman and I'll also be teaching a self defense class at the Wayne Gym. So, if anyone is interested, come by.

Okay, so I saw this earlier today and thought it'd be a funny ice breaker. So, google 'Florida man' and your birthday to see which Florida man you are. Mine is, Florida man charged with exposure at Pensacola strip club.

Mar. 14th, 2019




Sooooooo... Dreams.

Usually, I get the same ones, but they have advanced a bit, and as I thought, I'm up in the sky alone. I lost my bothers in the sea, although it looks like they lived. Now it's just me and I'm not sure how much gas I have, so what do I do? I head my ass into a dogfight to get rid of the enemy so all the boys stuck on the beach can get away in the boats. I haven't seen the entire beach, but I'm staying out at sea. Looks like the ocean and I will meet soon.

I did find this tool set on my coffee table this morning. I have had to make some repairs on planes from time to time. It makes me wonder what I'm going to be doing. Maybe I do get to land after all, but I'm fixing something. I'd be a little happier if they were really useful, but they are from the 1940's and technology isn't quite the same. They also look like they are pretty beat up, but I'm cleaning them.

Mar. 11th, 2019




Since I couldn't have an over the top party on my actual birthday last month due to unexpected company over that week - I'm going to have a late party for it this weekend at my house. Show up any time starting after 5 pm Friday and stay for as long as you want. Or until I have to throw everyone out Monday to get ready for a meeting with a director at my house. They better be offering me the part or I will end up in trouble that I'm fairly certain an entire law firm and Amycus couldn't get me out of and cover up

Mar. 4th, 2019




Ah crap, there goes my New Year's Resolution. Who was betting on pet food?

I couldn't help myself. I just had to kill something.

I think this is the closest The Mysterious They who keep track of these things have come to suggesting Millennials are killing off babies.




I still can't believe how many Starbucks you have. I'm pretty sure I saw them building a Starbucks across the street from another Starbucks. I like coffee, but I mean why.

Mar. 3rd, 2019




There's this brilliant sport in my Dreams called Quiddich, where the general gist of it is that you fly around on broomsticks, attempt to dodge the bludgers, score with the quaffle, and attempt to catch the snitch. Dead simple. I'm a Chaser in the dreams - so one of the blokes who attempts to score with the quaffle.

Anyway, I was driving past the park today, and imagine my surprise when I saw a bunch of muggles running around throwing balls at one another with broomsticks between their legs. Apparently there is a muggle version of Quidditch. I had no idea this existed! My Dream self sure didn't know about Quidditch, though I suppose he doesn't spend much time with muggles. Though, you'd think that some of the muggle-borns would have mentioned it. Maybe they were just embarrassed since it doesn't hold a candle to wizard Quidditch.

Still fun though.

Feb. 24th, 2019




So last minute I know but I don't really have a choice this time. Anyone want to go as my date to the Oscars tonight? Mine had to cancel and I hate going to these things alone.

OOC: pretend this got posted this morning please

Feb. 18th, 2019




I've been forced to think about light versus dark as a metaphor for good versus evil for the last infinite number of weeks.

And you know what? That metaphor is bullshit.

You know what lasers are made of? Fucking light, that's what.

You know what would destroy everything on earth if it wasn't for the ozone layer? Fucking light from the sun, that's what!

Light is not inherently synonymous with happy good friend feelings. I hate this metaphor.

Another complaint for thought.

Feb. 17th, 2019




I'm really bored, and that isn't good.

Who isn't all tied up and wants to entertain me?

Feb. 13th, 2019




I forgot I'd made plans for tomorrow all the way back in October. Guess a certain amount of planning ahead doesn't always work out.

But I think I've got an idea.

There's a reservation for two at swanky restaurant up for grabs under my name. I'll cover the bill and everything.

All you have to do is tell me something really embarrassing or funny about your paramour. But nothing mean or nasty or that they would get upset about, of course.

I'll give the reservation to my favorite story.

Feb. 9th, 2019




I knew there was a reason I liked Tequila.

Jan. 15th, 2019




We're two weeks into Jan... Why the fuck do people still have Christmas trees and lights up?

Jan. 8th, 2019




I generally don’t say anything about politics because for the most part it’s incredibly boring and why do I want to do anything that I know is just going to bore me? But this government shutdown is something that I just can’t keep quiet about. Because honestly - how do you not comment on an overgrown toddler who’s temper tantrum is affecting an entire country?

Jan. 3rd, 2019




Happy New Year!

Finally, after a long back and forth of business negotiations - without cheating the system - I'm happy to announce that our bid for a bit of Vegas has been expected, and should be open by spring break. Now the real work begins.

Who is down to celebrate?

Nov. 27th, 2018




If you love musicals, 80s nostalgia, or just don't have any plans for Saturday night, you should come to Chapman University's opening night of Heathers this weekend to see Alice Liddell and I perform! Everyone has been working really hard on this, and I really can't wait for it to finally pay off. Everyone is absolutely amazing in their role. (I might have started crying in dress rehearsal for Seventeen Reprise)

On a completely unrelated note, if you wanted to smuggle an outfit home that technically WAS made to fit you, but is university property, how would you go about that?

Nov. 25th, 2018




It's like the ugly ducking, but with turkeys!

Nov. 22nd, 2018




Happy Thanksgiving, Orange County, and remember, if you participate in "Black Friday" tonight, you're a POS. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.

Nov. 21st, 2018




I'm not sober enough for these dreams.

Nov. 19th, 2018




Alright, so I'm settled into an apartment (thank you again, Clara, it's much appreciated!), and I even managed to land a job all before Thanksgiving. Go me! Or something. So now it's back to attempting to be a responsible adult and all of that. Which is boring, if you ask me, but a girl's gotta make a living. And at some point I gotta stop running

I'd consider throwing a house warming party, but I only know like, five people here. That's not much of a party scene so much as a friendly dinner.




Is anyone else a fan of Parking Wars? Please tell me someone else loves this hot mess of a trainwreck as much as I do.

If you've never seen it, here ya go!




The Swiss, of course, do not generally celebrate your American Thanksgiving, but it looks so exciting in all the stores right now! Brown sugar and cranberries, stuffing, turkeys, all different kinds of root vegetables and squashes...

Does anyone want to share their favorite foods or traditions for this day? I would love to hear them!




The other day, I came across a meme that made me giggle and that I actually agree with. Though I don't think my wife will necessarily like it, for which I am sorry, but I just have to share this!

Cut for picture, viewable to all )




Now, I may be in the minority here, but I need Thanksgiving to pass before we start Christmas music and bell ringing, and holly jolly days. I'm not holly or jolly, but stop, alright. Pretty soon it's going to start in July and I am going to tear something apart - possibly something in a red suit passing out my bag of coal.

I'm Scrooging it up over here. I know.

Nov. 3rd, 2018




To all those who are interested in celebrating Guy Fawkes Night, Thomas has graciously offered his home as the setting of the party. Food, drinks, and games will be provided, but feel free to bring things to share as well!

[Insert specifics like address, time, etc, here]

Everyone is welcome, even if you aren't English. I look forward to seeing you all there! I wish Jacob was here for this

Remember, remember!
The fifth of November,
The Gunpowder treason and plot;
I know of no reason
Why the Gunpowder treason
Should ever be forgot!

Oct. 29th, 2018




I could have lived with my television going screwy. Or even my phone acting up. But my hot tub? Really? All I wanted to do was relax for a bit but no - that was too much to ask of this place. Unless you happen to find boiling hot water relaxing. Lucky for me I thought to check before climbing in or I could have ended up with some really nasty burns and an awkward hospital run.




The light flickering in the studio off and on all day has given me a massive headache.

Every time I tried to use the calculator if keep defaulting to 8008.

I tried to turn on the tv at home, but the radio came on, very loudly.

I'm just annoyed, hurting, and going to unplug for the rest of the night.




Is it just me or this the most Monday-ist of Mondays?

My computer decided to go haywire this morning and started opening windows and programs all by itself. It even started writing a bunch of gibberish on a Word Document before I managed to turn the thing off. I was pretty close to just saying Not Today, Satan and throwing it at the wall - I've seen how this horror movie goes.

I just hope to god the coffee maker doesn't go crazy.

Oct. 28th, 2018




I walked into an elevator and I thought I heard laughter.

And now I'm stuck in the elevator.

And it's making 'yum' sounds.

I could break out easily but I don't want to damage someone's property.

Oct. 27th, 2018




The lights have been flickering all night at Fangtasia and when I attempt to call an electrician to come look at it, I get different numbers. The sound system also occasionally switches songs mid way through. If this keeps up, I'll have to close early and that's the last thing I want to do.

Oct. 26th, 2018




Being English, I always celebrated Guy Fawkes Night moreso than Halloween. I'm curious, would any fellow Brits, or anyone else here, be interested in a Guy Fawkes Night celebration? There may not be a life-sized effigy of Guy Fawkes to burn, but there will at least be a smaller one. Food and so forth will also be provided if anyone is interested in coming.

For those who don't know, Guy Fawkes Night is November 5th.




I heard about this story the other day. It makes me worried that someone will try and take Lion away from me. Not that our situations are the same but you never know: Lion Cub Found...

At least, Lion can return on his own if someone ever takes him.

In other news, I've been rehearsing to perform at Pandemonium's opening night. Costume and everything...my dad is letting me "borrow" his band for the performance.

Oct. 25th, 2018




Well I'm never eating skittles again. The new commercial is just too disturbing. Who wants candies that are coming out of a giraffe when you're milking it?