
Posts Tagged: 'jack+mercer'

Apr. 3rd, 2016




Animaniacs was added to Netflix.

I know what my evening plans are.

Apr. 2nd, 2016




I get to train for a viking part. Honestly this might be the coolest role ever.

Mar. 26th, 2016




I'm guessing there's no way to make the dreams stop?

Mar. 16th, 2016




Okay so pretty much all of my coworkers hate me right now but I...really couldn't care less because - I GOT ASSIGNED TO OUR NEWEST AUTHOR! My first new client since getting promoted to full editor and I get to work with Nancy Drew. This needs to be celebrated somehow.

[Nancy Drew]

So - hi. I'm Jessica Moore, your new editor. I promise I'm generally a lot more professional than this. I'm just really excited about this opportunity.

Mar. 13th, 2016




...fuck these dreams. Whiskey and weed should drown em out...right?

Mar. 11th, 2016




I piss myself off sometimes, especially in my dreams. Nikki asked me if I loved Vasiliy and I answered honestly. I told her that I did. That prompted an argument and for a second I made myself proud. I brought up the fact that she stole my laptop and left me for dead which of course enraged her and prompted her to tell me that there's something wrong with me. Then I told her that I'd always been in love with her and it has never made me happy.

Then we had sex.

Boom. Every bit of progress I made out the window. I frustrate myself beyond words.

I need a drink.

Mar. 7th, 2016




So... what the hell is everyone on that they keep having crazy ass dreams?!




$2 dollar beers, $5 beer and a shot, tonight at Johnny's Saloon in Huntington Beach. Happy hour goes till 8pm, and we are fucking open till 4am. Sorry kiddies, got to be 21 to get in.