
Posts Tagged: 'remy+hadley'

Feb. 7th, 2016




I have successfully survived Superbowl 50 at the ER without a single loss of life.

Somehow? I feel as if I should be the one getting awarded a winners' ring. I did a lot more than run around in tight pants trying to protect a pigskin.

Feb. 6th, 2016




All right folks, Valentine's Day is next weekend. For the love of god, buy condoms and practice a little caution? I don't want to see any of you in the clinic come Monday.

Jan. 31st, 2016




Is it strange I'm actually looking forward to Valentine's Day this year? At my age, I wonder if I should care at all. Life should be fun all the same. I can't think of anything more fun than a holiday celebrating a ritual slaughter with candy and flowers.

Jan. 24th, 2016




It goes without saying, but everyone be safe out there. Hopefully whatever this is won't last that long.

Jan. 2nd, 2016




My dreams have been on repeat recently, which is fine since I'm not waking up bruised all to hell like before. Last night, however, they moved forward finally. Muriel, the witch we've been hunting, came into the town after we'd captured one of her friends. They're collecting children, one born from each month, to do some sort of ritual with them. What that ritual does we don't know, but it's going to happen really soon in my dreams. I woke up right after she told me that she wasn't going to kill me there and then, which was odd since she very well could have, and then she tossed me out a window.

Needless to say I've got some cuts, and my head hurts but otherwise I'm okay. I would just like to know if we manage to save the children.

Nov. 29th, 2015




Cyber Monday can't be over soon enough. I'm over the insane shoppers. The crazy level is too high for me.

Sep. 25th, 2015




To all it may concern,

I will be taking over Dr. Hadley's patient roster and ER shifts for the known future. I'm her proxy. I am also Dr. Hadley. I believe that's all which needs to be said on the matter.

Sep. 6th, 2015




Labor Day Weekend can't be over fast enough. It's like people have been released from work only to find every possible way to get themselves disabled enough to not have to return to work on Tuesday.

In a way, I want to say to Hell with them all. Let my colleagues deal with the insanity. I have enough hours on my time card as it is---but then I'd be at home looking for some way to screw up my own life. I can't say much about other people's insanity when I start to consider my own.

Humans are naturally self-destructive from what I can tell.

Luckily there are people like me who enjoy fixing broken things.

I only wish I knew how to fix everything that can break.

Aug. 26th, 2015




Things are incredibly dull now everyone has stopped being r-u-d-e as my nurse manager described the population a bit over a week ago.

Honestly, I miss it. I felt normal for a little while.

I suppose normal's overrated though so I really shouldn't complain.

Life should pick up again soon. There are few slow or boring days here in my experience. I only wish I had a hobby to occupy my time with when I'm not being amused by Orange County as a whole. Maybe I'll pick up something adventurous. I know a woman who might know a thing or two about that.

Jul. 25th, 2015




People should be required to take an IQ test before watching shows like America's Got Talent. It would possibly prevent most of the headaches I get at the ER.

Jul. 23rd, 2015




...I think I might be as crazy as the rest of you. How can a dream feel so much like reality?

May. 13th, 2013




I beg all the teenagers and pretty much anyone else out there, do not try eyeballing vodka or any other alcohol. It can burn your corneas and cause blindness. I don't even understand how this became a thing. Who thought that pouring vodka in your eye was a good idea?

May. 4th, 2013




Well, California is an interesting place.

My name is Silas Benjamin. Soon you'll be able to see my show on the United Christian Channel, which I'd like you to watch as a personal favour to me. I'll also be making posts on this network from week-to-week about the place that God has in our lives, and how to listen to him.

Well, I think we're already off to a good start.

Apr. 27th, 2013



For the record, I have the world's best boyfriend. Just putting that out there. Percy's recently moved in with me, and it's ... well. The best thing to happen to me in years.

Also: what awful romance books have you lot read recently? Just curious about recommendations. I have reasons.

Apr. 13th, 2013




I feel like I've been so busy with just school, and volunteering. I think I need a good old fashioned party to go to.

Mar. 14th, 2013




When weird things happen, my first instinct is to come check this message board. I showed up to work this morning to find the other mechanics singing and dancing around the cars while doing an oil change. Singing? Dancing? Really? Come on, Orange County, this is bizarre, even for you.

You guys don't want to know what rhymes with Carburetor.

Mar. 11th, 2013




I have an apprenticeship at a motorcycle repair shop. I don't think that's what my mother intended when she told me to make friends, but it's what I want anyway. I do not know how to ride motorcycles, but I think I'll learn.

My boss is kind of abrasive, but I think with time I can teach him.

Feb. 25th, 2013



Two days off in a row, barring any pages. That equals laying out by the pool with my dog, trying to finish the book I'm on, and napping to my heart's content. If that's not a good weekend, I don't know what is.

Anya, what on Earth have you gotten me into? I'm scared.

Feb. 19th, 2013




I was told I should introduce myself. You can call me Thirteen.