
Posts Tagged: 'chloe+bourgeois+%28queen+bee%29'

Aug. 20th, 2020




So, like, does everyone only just talk about dreams? I want to talk about hot guys!




Dream me is an idiot. I should have left but nooooo. I stayed to film Ladybug and Cat Noir fighting the supervillain The Pharoah. And who gets kidnapped by him? ME. And what does he want to do with me? Sacrifice me. I swear dream me is so single minded sometimes. Always about the latest scoop.

Jul. 20th, 2020




Okay, so, like, I'm totally done with being bored this summer.

Party at my place. Friday night. Parents aren't home anyway this week, usually so lame, but I'm gonna take it for what it is this time.

Who's in? Parent's house is in Hollywood, mansion, amazing pool.

Jul. 8th, 2020




Tomorrow is National Video Game Day. It might not seem like a big deal to some people, but I intern at a video game company, so tomorrow we're gonna be celebrating, which will be fun. Not that my job is super difficult or anything to begin with, but it's gonna be even more laid back tomorrow.

Jul. 6th, 2020




Things I don't like from my dream.

Being poor.
Living in a motel, just gross.
Being on probation.

Things I like from my dreams.

The hot guy I'm on probation with. He is so hot!

Jun. 28th, 2020




Okay, like, this crazy weather can stop now. Because, it's so damn hard to pick a good outfit when it keeps changing.

Jun. 15th, 2020





Stupid, stupid dreams! I like ME. I mean, it is pretty cool that my dream dad is the mayor of Paris of all things and my mom is a super successful fashion designer. But STILL! PUH-lease! I like me!

Jun. 5th, 2020




Okay, so like, I haven't had any if these stupid dreams. Yeah. Stupid. I hope I never do. I like being me. Shopping spree, anyone? Mother has given me a decent amount of cash to spend.

May. 23rd, 2020




Okay, so like, who wants to hit the beach?

May. 21st, 2020




I woke up thinking it was Friday. That was disappointing. It's only Thursday. I definitely didn't get enough sleep last night and not enough coffee in my system today.

When you start dreaming about your friends..maybe you've been spending too much time together studying.

May. 4th, 2020




What in the world are these creepy teddy bear like things?! One has taken up residence in my bed and is shedding more hair than my mother does when she's upset.