
Posts Tagged: 'peter+pan'

Jan. 5th, 2016




Somebody from a dance company contacted me about the possibility of me joining when I graduate. I'd have to audition, but I'd be part of a smaller group auditioning. The thing is, they're more about contemporary and my skillset has always mostly been focused on classical ballet. Pointe is where my heart is. Still, I've always wanted to be part of a company and these guys have been thriving since 2003 and I wouldn't even have to move to be close to their studios.

But that's months away. I have time to think.

Jan. 3rd, 2016




I'm going to be that Scrooge that says they're so happy the holidays are over because I just don't care for the holidays. I'm the one that will take all the shifts just so I can keep myself busy. At least I got to hang out at my favorite Chinese restaurant and they treat me like part of their family now.

Although, I must say my dreams must have known how much of a Scrooge I am because they gave me lots to dream about. Can you imagine squeezing 6 preteen boys into one hole in the ground? Sounds roomy right? Well, throw in 3 more visitors and it's just a riot. I fully understand why everyone is always out and about in Neverland, especially when there are pretty mermaids to see in the lagoon.

Nov. 6th, 2015




My niece was born today! They named her Bella--sort of after me, which was cute. My brother was crying when he told me. ...she was some odd inches long and some odd pounds and ounces. I don't remember the exact details, but mother and baby are happy and healthy.

Nov. 3rd, 2015




Apparently I should say sorry for this weekend. But I won't. Instead I'm gonna say you're welcome. Because imagine if Halloween had been normal and boring.

Oct. 25th, 2015



Filtered Away From PLL Characters

I have been hearing about these dreams for over a month now. Now that I finally got them they consist of living inside a high school and then Hanna's a basement?

If anything I guess I'm glad I was never part of the foster system in this Rosewood town.

Oct. 8th, 2015




Chalk this up to things I never knew about before the dreams: Your shadow can come unattached from you. I currently have a shadow following me around my apartment and thankfully he cannot leave the apartment. In the dreams the way to rejoin us was to sew it back, but I'm not sure I want to attempt here.

Am I the only one that gets incredibly weird things like this happening to them?

In exciting non dream news: I got a whole bunch of new syrups at the coffee shop, so come stop by. The special of the week is a Boo Berry Latte with marshmallow and blueberry syrups.

[Private to Wendy]
Want to come help me with the shadow? I also got something else you will be incredibly interested in.

Sep. 14th, 2015




Okay, these dreams have just officially ruined a childhood favourite for me.

Urgh. I hate jungles. I hate camping. I hate coconuts.

Screw it, I hate Neverland.

Sep. 9th, 2015





If we pool all our money together we could buy a volcano supervillian lair! Click me to read about it. It's not horribly far away - it could be a nice vacation house.

Aug. 25th, 2015




THIS is fantastic! Seriously, click the link. I think that I need to set up a fund to get one of these machines. Maybe I can see if we can do something for a second tip jar perhaps.

I would probably make a million lattes with Rick Astley's face on them. Hell, I'd probably buy one for my own apartment if I could.

Aug. 14th, 2015




I had the most peculiar dreams last night. I dreamt that children basically come from birds. We can still fly as long as we believe we can and I left my house and flew to a particular garden in England. It takes a while for tiny baby me to realize that I'm not a bird, but I can understand the birds and the fairies that I meet. It's all so very strange and makes absolutely no sense.

And the strangest part was when I woke up there was a large amount of birds on my balcony.

Let's not talk about how I was floating above my bed. Flying is not possible.

Jul. 25th, 2015




People should be required to take an IQ test before watching shows like America's Got Talent. It would possibly prevent most of the headaches I get at the ER.

Jul. 20th, 2015




How much does a polar bear weigh?

Enough to break the ice.

Hi, I'm Peter.

A customer at the coffee shop suggested that I should look into this network. Not really completely sure what I'm supposed to say on here. I do enjoy long walks on the beach and misspelling people's names on their to-go cups. If I'm not at the coffee shop working I'm usually off by the beach playing guitar for money and phone numbers, the latter is usually unintentional.

Oh! I also attend UC Irvine and currently undeclared. Suggestions on a good major are welcome.