
Posts Tagged: 'oyama+yuriko+%28lady+deathstrike%29'

Nov. 30th, 2013




So, the OC seems just as crazy now as it was when I left a few months back. And just as interesting. Definitely sounds like my kind of town.

Scariest part of being an actual responsible adult is other people thinking of me that way. I got offered, and took, of course, a job at UC: Irvine as a teacher. Which just makes me boggle some. Someone trusts me to teach? Wow.




Yeah, I'm not sure why Americans are so crazy for Black Friday. One of the girls made me go with her promising I would love it... Didn't happen. It's stupid. I got pushed around and ran into for what? A few things.

I'm not sure why people find this fun or is it just me?

Nov. 29th, 2013



I am so relieved I made it through my first American Thanksgiving. I never used to bother with it, since Father always thought it was a silly excuse for gluttony. But now I have married an American, and I did not make a fool of myself with his family. I am very pleased.

Nov. 9th, 2013




Anyone have solutions to writer's block?

Oct. 28th, 2013




Some people are going to say 'I told you so.'

Lets just get that out of the way right now.



Oct. 17th, 2013




Since I am to rest for a bit longer before I go truly exploring this place, I have decided to join this network I discovered earlier. It will entertain me until I am able to get back to my own career and enjoy all that this place has to offer.

That being said, Kon'nichiwa, I am Setsuna Meioh.

Oct. 10th, 2013




There are weeks when moving away feels like a really smart idea.

Oct. 5th, 2013



Thank you, everyone, who made the grand opening of Okugata such an unbelievable success. My customers and staff were all perfectly wonderful. I certainly hope to see some of our patrons back again, and my staff all reminded me why I hired them!

Sep. 24th, 2013






Sep. 23rd, 2013



Filtered Away from Belle, Fang, and Wolfwood

I try so hard t'be cheerful and full of sunshine, you know? I don't want to see anyone down or sad, so when I get that way myself, I just like to close my eyes and lose myself in some happier memories. Usually, that helps.

But... It's not the dreams, this time. Something happened, I don't want to talk about it, but it did, and I feel like my life stopped right then. I don't know how to make it pick back up again. And I felt like... I don't want to be the person who needs protecting anymore. I can't be. Sometimes, the person you're expecting to protect you needs you to be strong for them.

Havin' a hard time sleeping, now. So I guess... Network, could you give me some advice? I'm lookin' for someone who can teach me to kick some arse. And I'm also lookin' for some sleep remedies.

Appreciate any help you can give!

Sep. 20th, 2013




I don't suppose anyone needs a part-time bartender? I've got some good references from several pubs in London.

Sep. 19th, 2013



I did it! I got a job at Okugata (that new burlesque club)! I'm so excited I could scream and oh man, now I have to get new stage clothes and dresses and stuff.

This is going to be a blast. Who wants to go celebrating? Ms. Oyama, thank you so much.

Sep. 18th, 2013




Anyone looking to hire a military veteran with one hand and plenty of muscle? Feeling kind of bored without shit to do. I got extensive military training, working knowledge of vehicles, and I've got charm coming out of my ass.

Sep. 11th, 2013




Hospital food sucks and Shepard's one of the worst patients I've ever seen. Thank God for Angry Birds, I guess, or I'd be going completely insane.

I don't even want to think about the mileage I've put on my car traveling back and forth between the ranch and the hospital.

Have you had to deal with three flying cats and a squirrel with laser beams that can bench press a horse? Believe me, you don't want to. This week can be over any time now.

Aug. 28th, 2013



Your attention, please.

I have just closed on the space for my new burlesque club in Huntington Beach. It will be Japanese themed - I myself am Japanese and wish for it to resemble the hostess clubs back home.

I am looking for liberated women who might be interested in working there. I am also looking for two deejays with experience, and a number of security men to ensure that my ladies are not harassed in any way - the latter is especially important. If a security person fails in a significant way, they will not remain employed for long.

Please reply here, or send a private message to me, Oyama Yuriko, if you are interested. I will pay well.

Aug. 20th, 2013




I am never drinking again.

Aug. 12th, 2013





Konniiichiiiii...umm...HELLO. My name is Inoue Ori...uhh...ORIHIME Inoue and I am from Karakura Town in west district of Tokyo Japan! I'm here to be on a scholars ship to go to LCAD for illustrations. I'm working on a...ohh...you will not call it manga but it is comic I think? It is titled THE ADVENTURES OF STINKY SQUIRREL vs ROBO-LORD & HIS DREAD TURKEY ARMY!!!! I am writing and drawing it. I don't know how much I should be talking on this about my self? BUT! I have been practicing my speaking and writing English since my aunt told me to go to this place for school. I hope it will bring great things and good times! ^_^

♥ I am looking toward eating everything I can shovel into my face and to meeting new peoples! ♥




I'm rather glad that little mess is over. Of course, the moment it was, this strange place decided to dump more dreams on me, as a welcome back to your body present. How thoughtful of it.

Tell me, do many of you dream of the deaths of your counterparts? It seems an oddly final thing for the powers to be to send to one, when all is said and done.

Aug. 8th, 2013




Being in this body... it's so very odd. Everyone at work had no idea who I was at first, and I had to get used to being so much taller. I've been... very ungraceful, too, which hasn't helped.

I accidentally dropped a paring knife when I was trying to cut up an apple, and I sliced my finger... or this person's finger... just a bit. I'm so sorry, Turin, Miss Yuriko. It's bandaged up neatly and wasn't that major of an injury, though.

Aug. 4th, 2013




This is just strange.

Jul. 25th, 2013


Locked from Turin Turambar and Logan Howlett

My name is Oyama Yuriko. Some of you may know me from your dreams. In my dreams, and in some of yours, I may be known as Lady Deathstrike.

Deathstrike did terrible things. I can only imagine what I have not seen yet. But I am not Deathstrike, and I will not be Deathstrike.

I don't know if it matters to anyone, but according to a doctor I have seen, I may die soon from the metal that is now in my body. If I do, I wanted anyone who would care to know that Deathstrike will die with me. If I don't, I will work to keep her as nothing more than a nightmare.

I don't expect sympathy or forgiveness or anything, especially from those of you who already hate and fear her. But I have nothing to lose at this point by being honest. So, honest I have been.

Jul. 21st, 2013




I've come to the conclusion that Americans just don't like healthy foods. Everything is so damn expensive, too. Well, in comparison to Tokyo, it's not, but it's far more expensive than I thought it would be. It's also far, far too hot here during the day. Why did my father have to move here during the summer season?

I suppose it would only be polite to introduce myself on this thing, as it's my first time writing on it. I'm Toshiro Hitsugaya.

Jul. 15th, 2013




So Purgatory. It's a thing.

Me taking the next few days off of work? Yeah, that's a thing related to Purgatory being a thing.

I feel like I just got back from the sandbox all over again. Swear to god if I have to quit my job over this crap in my head...

I don't think I was ever prepared to have this much blood on my hands and now I can't get it off. I get that I did what I had to do, but I don't want to know what I did to end up there in the first place.

The really screwed up part is that I know hell is coming. At some point whatever this thing I am when I sleep is, the one who ends up with hand prints branded on his arm and fights his way for a year in that place...he goes to hell.

I need some really good reasons not to hop in my car and just drive as far away from everyone I care about as possible, because right now staying near anyone seems like the worst idea ever.

Jul. 14th, 2013




You know, guys, I don't understand something. Why would anybody think that Sailor Venus is the Moon Princess?

This observation brought to you by my stupid really depressing crazy dreams.

Jul. 11th, 2013




You really don't know how nice your own bed and your own bathtub really is until you get stuck in an office building for weeks!

I just went an' had a three hour soak in our bathtub. Three Hours! And I wasn't even interrupted once! It was so wonderful! And then I made myself a delicious brunch with those preserves Theo gave me!

I don't think I ever wanna take havin' a home for granted again.

Jul. 9th, 2013



I have offered my services as a volunteer to assist the Las Vegas Emergency Services in the clean up effort. If anyone else would like to join, I will pass along names.

Transportation and lodging will be arranged.

Jul. 6th, 2013



[Locked from Non-Puncturable Whoverse People]

KItty and a TARDIS cookie jar. I kind of want both of them and dear god I am sick of being stuck at work.

Who's up for playing drunk I Never over Skype?

Jun. 21st, 2013



When I got home last night from my boyfriend's apartment, I said goodnight to my father. When I awoke this morning, he was gone.

He had been ill for some time, and I had been expecting it. I have completed the necessary rituals like 末期の水, matsugo-no-mizu (moistening his lips with water) and closing our 仏壇, our shrine, against evil spirits. However, I now must contend with the logistics for helping distant relatives fly here from Japan and making sure all goes well with the authorities.

Therefore, I ask. (1) Would anyone happen to work at a hotel or know a good one where I might get a group rate? (2) I have not been able to find an answer - is an autopsy required? I would not want it. (3) I had other business - namely a real estate closing - which was to happen this week, and now it must be pushed back. Do I simply contact my lawyer?

I am sorry to trouble the network with such broad questions. I have studied funeral customs and how to properly handle Father's resting place; I have not studied mundane details.

Private to Turin and Logan )

Jun. 11th, 2013




It just keeps talking to me. Talking and talking.

The nightmares came back full force last night. I refuse to call them dreams. They're nightmares.
Seems like some things mirror my life, which hardly seems fair.




When I say you've had enough, you'd have enough an' I'm kickin' your arse out. Be grateful I felt like calling a cab.

How have I not found this network before?

May. 28th, 2013



I am curious about something. Do Western people celebrate their birthdays once they are no longer children? Because we always have, and my father forgot mine, and I am more hurt than I should be.

May. 8th, 2013




Research for my next book is going well. I might have gotten a little distracted. It was worth it. I'll probably never see her again. Usually works out that way...

Apr. 23rd, 2013


Voice Post

私は昨夜恐ろしい夢を持っていた、そして今私が目を覚ますと、私は夢の中で持っていた私の顔に傷を見つけて下さい!私は恐ろしい見える!How is this possible? Dreams are not real! But I have the same scar! My face is ruined! 私の顔が台無しです!

ooc: translation )

Apr. 17th, 2013



I am looking for a reputable florist or nursery owner. My temple is beginning preparations for Gotan'e, or the Birth of Shinran Shonin, which is in approximately one month. We would need a bulk rate for the flowers and foliage. If anyone is interested, please reply here or sent a private message to me.

Apr. 16th, 2013




I completely give up on trying to be nice to some people. It's just not worth it, sometimes.

Perhaps I've been working too hard, but I seem to be more snappish than usual, lately. Apologies to anyone on the receiving end of my moodiness.

Apr. 13th, 2013



I just received an invitation to this network, and thought I would say hello. My name is Oyama Yuriko - my first name is Yuriko. I come from Japan, but now I live in Santa Ana. I am an interpreter at the Asian Pacific American Immigration Center downtown. If anyone ever needs a Japanese to English interpreter or translator I would be happy to help.