
Posts Tagged: 'sandor+clegane'

Dec. 6th, 2013




What a cruel thing it is to have your vengeance taken from you.

Nov. 30th, 2013



I do hope everyone enjoyed thanksgiving. It's always nice to have a nice leg of turkey, sit back and fondly think about the fact that your country was built on the decaying flesh of thousands of dead men, women and children.

trigger warning, mention of rape and slavery )

Nov. 29th, 2013




Those awkward family holidays where your step-mother gives you the stink-eye for showing up wearing a tie and slacks. I was told business casual. I kind of miss it when it was just dad and us. Was a lot less fancy.

Nov. 24th, 2013



A doctor told me to stop drinking today. Why in the hell would I do that? Whatever damage alcohol has done to my body has already been done. I might as well carry on drinking and fighting.

Nov. 14th, 2013




Well this 'truth telling' thing that's going on is certainly enlightening, I'm trying to be an understanding person but some people need to accept that they should just keep quiet and go home.

Nov. 9th, 2013




Can anyone recommend an adoption agency?

Nov. 4th, 2013




Ugh, my dreams kind of suck now. Just had a complete mindfuck in this last one and now I don't know if I can get back to sleep. I mean they weren't completely awful dreams, but still not exactly awesome. Kinda wish I was at Gendry's. It'd be easier to talk to him since he's in them. Maybe I'll take Nymeria outside for a little while.

Oct. 23rd, 2013




I need to get out of the house. I think some social interaction would do me some good. October's always a rough month for me, and being enormous and tired all the time isn't helping. Let's not even talk about the family drama that's taken over my life.

Starting to rethink filling the house with children. Pregnancy isn't as fun once you've bought all the little tiny baby clothes and stop being able to get up out of chairs. Not even couches anymore, it takes me half a minute to get out of a dining room chair because I'm worried I'll fall over.

I have never deserved a martini more in my life. Truly women have a cursed existence when it comes to child creation.

Oct. 20th, 2013




This just in, fire still hot.

Oct. 19th, 2013



Today someone asked me why I was wearing my costume early, and how realistic it looked. They were talking about my burns. I was half-tempted to give him a permanent costume himself.

Bloody Americans. Bloody Halloween. Why are you people preparing weeks in advance for this?

Oct. 16th, 2013



Had quite the time trying to get my keys back from my daughter this morning. She's reached that age where she wants to do everything for herself. She's also learned the word "party" and what it means so she keeps asking if we'll have a party so she can see everyone...except, you know, in her own way. But sometimes she gets "party" confused with "potty". At least she's learning words.

Oct. 12th, 2013




Pirates! I dreamed about pirates!

Oct. 10th, 2013




Sometimes I wonder why I volunteer on my free days at the hospital, then it's the little things that remind me it's worth it. The kind words, the smile on the lips of an old woman who knows she doesn't have much time left and enjoys passing on her stories to anyone who will listen. It's those moments that make me smile.

Despite the fact my house is miles from anyone I have decorated for the first time in over... well a long long time. I guess I felt the pull of the season.

I'm craving non-terminal patient company. How's about we hit up a good exotic food place and mourn the fact it's not as good as in it's native country?

Oct. 7th, 2013



I had lots of dreams about my childhood. Well, my childhood in a different setting, but the faces were familiar. Dad, and the psychotic piece of shit Gregor. A short of....medieval setting, almost? Buildings of old stone, swords and a toy knight.

I'm probably drinking too much. Or better yet, not enough.

Sep. 21st, 2013




I'd like to take a moment to invite everyone to a Red Widow viewing party at my parents house in Laguna Beach! The season premieres Monday night at 8pm on ABC and you're all invited! The party starts at 6pm and will last until midnight. There will be food and cocktails and a room for karaoke. There will be several screens showing Red Widow during it's premiere, so come on out if you'd like! RSVP for the address!

Sep. 16th, 2013



I killed a dog today.

He was a big bastard, a German Shepherd. The owner was walking him in the park, then...I don't know what happened in it's head, but the shep bolted. He tore away so fast and suddenly that the chain ripped up the owner's palm and the dog just raged through the muzzle.

The dog headed right for a family barbecue, barking and snapping. It chomped down on some kid's arm pretty bad and tried to drag him away. He was just some ten-year-old, crying and wetting himself while the father tried to pull him away. Looked like a tug of war to me, and it wasn't going to end well so I grabbed the barbecue fork and put it in the dog's head.

I don't like killing some animals. Dogs are good creatures: loyal, strong. It didn't feel good killing it. I felt better when I walked up to the owner afterwards and knocked him out.

Sep. 10th, 2013



Nobody in this bloody country can make tea. Nobody even makes good tea bags. Do I have to import fucking Tetley just because America is doing everything wrong?

I've also had three security contracts cancel on me in the past three days because they got a look at my face. They think I'm going to rob them if I know their security? Idiots.

Aug. 29th, 2013



im not as think as you drunk i am

stupid intrenet


left my car somewhere its gone now




Great! My parents are away and my car is making a weird noise. Normally I don't ask for help often, but I don't want to completely ruin my car. Who can help?

Aug. 12th, 2013




So, I guess being stuck in Sansa's body wasn't as bad as I'd expected, but I'm glad to be back in my own body. I'm much more comfortable in my own body.

Aug. 5th, 2013




I swear, if I wake up in someone else's body tomorrow heads will roll. You know, metaphorically.




All I wanted was to wake up this morning, back in my own body. Is that too much to ask? Seriously, this is not cool.

Jul. 31st, 2013




I am beginning to believe I cannot escape the Stark last name no matter where I go.

Jul. 28th, 2013




Wow, I've had a lot more dreams this week. Some were good and some weren't so good. I started sword training, both in the dreams and in real life. Not sure which teacher is better, cause they're both pretty cool. Then there was a tournament in honor of my father being named Hand of the King. But then I wound up lost in the dungeons cause I was chasing a cat, part of my sword training, and I overheard someone talking about a plot against him. I tried to tell him, but he wouldn't listen.

It's weird how my dreams jump around the way they do. Like, I still don't know how I wind up with Yoren and Gendry and the other guys Yoren is bringing North.

Okay, so other than sword training, I need something to do, sportswise. Anyone know of any teams for anything right now? I'll take anything really.

Jul. 24th, 2013



It's days like this I'm ashamed to be British.

Jul. 3rd, 2013



I saw a car on fire, a block from here. Fucking flames practically tried to grab me

So are we just going to live with blue zombies from now on? Is that the new reality? Should we have compulsory machetes for every citizen, machine guns for postmen?

Jun. 26th, 2013




I grew up in Portland, Maine, but somehow, I never became aware of the North American Wife Carrying Competition that was annually held in Newry, about two hours away. Apparently a couple wins the wife's weight in beer, and five times her weight in cash.

I do accept that that's a substantial weight of cash. It might be the only sport I can see a point in, though I'm not sure I'd try it myself. ... I mean, I have no wife, but still.

Jun. 24th, 2013



Well, just got out after an overnight stay in the cells for brawling and there's still weird stuff going on in the OC. Who's up for round 2?

Jun. 21st, 2013



In my newest dream, I'm on my way to becoming a knight. I'm pretty sure that most of them think I'm a man. The others hate me because I'm not one. Not that it matters, I'm training and becoming something brilliant. Someone worthy.

I just don't know what that is yet.

I'm kind of glad that I don't have any pets talking to me. It's bad enough with the pigeons.

Jun. 12th, 2013



I've been given the go ahead to apply for the police academy. I have a lot of things to read for all the exams.

I'm actually feeling much better. Being a waitress is just not my thing.

I'll take all well wishes, I need them.

Jun. 10th, 2013


[blocked from Cersei's children]

Few things I hate more than making nice with Robert, but father insists, and trying to deny Tywin Lannister's will is like trying to deny the rising of the sun

What sort of things do people do to occupy themselves out here? There are really only so many wine tastings one can attend. I find myself at a loss for things to do while I wait for my husband to pull the stick out of his ass.

Jaime, come entertain me.

Jun. 9th, 2013



I need a dozen fucking drinks and maybe a few good fights. It's been too long.

Jun. 8th, 2013




Oh. Alright. Well, that was interesting. Just woke up from a fresh crop of dreams. Haven't had a dream since the one where I met Gendry and that was like in March or something. At least now I know why I was dressed as a boy. Okay, so I still don't know why exactly. This guy, who was apparently from The Night's Watch, which is like a group of guys who protect the North or something, he was getting recruits and for some reason he cut my hair and told me to pretend I was a boy, which confirmed what I've been thinking and something bad happened, which is the only way I would have been separated from my father and sister. Anyway, Gendry stepped in when these two other boys were harassing me. Honestly, what kind of names are Lommy and Hot Pie? Come on now.

Let me ask a question, is it possible to actually kick a guy to death by kicking him in the nuts? I think Hot Pie was full of crap and trying to scare me, but the joke was on him when I pulled Needle on him. I thought he was going to cry.

Alright, I'm gonna try to get back to sleep now.

[Filtered to Gendry]
By the way, call me M'lady and I'll kick you in the nuts shins.

Jun. 5th, 2013



I've certainly never put any stock in dreams. My parents never had any children but me, because they couldn't.

I dreamed that I had a lot of brothers and sisters, but they all died. How depressing is that?

Jun. 4th, 2013




One of my fellow teammates suggested I check out this valarnet blog. I've heard my siblings talk about it a few times as well. For those of you who don't know me, I'm Kol Mikaelson.

Yes, the Kol Mikaelson. The better, more handsome looking brother to Nik, Elijah, Finn and Henrik, favorite brother to Rebekah and Natalia's favorite Uncle.

Jun. 3rd, 2013




Cloudsdale is a hip place to be. It's where all the ponies want to go. Especially during the "Best Young Flyer" competition. Thanks, Twilight, for figuring out how we non-winged ponies could stand on the clouds for a visit.

May. 30th, 2013



Introductions always seem false and awkward. We just rattle off some vague, sanitized information in the hopes we don't offend potential 'friends'. I'll try to avoid that if I can.

I'm Sandor Clegane, I'm from England, I was a soldier and now I'm not. My face got burned when I was a boy. I like to drink and fight and watch women's tennis. That's that.