
Posts Tagged: 'raymond+garraty'

Apr. 16th, 2019





If all these losers are telling the truth, the end is nigh and all that crap.

Eff hoarding or stocking up on stuff. I'm going to take up juggling. That way, when we're rebuilding our society, I can perform tricks for food. Screw foraging! Who has time for that? Not me!

Or maybe I'll learn how to milk a cow. That's a good skill to have, right?

Apr. 7th, 2019




I think...

I think I just became a super villain super powered in these dreams. It is very odd. Waking up was so different, I don't feel like this is good.

{Private Message to Dr H. Quinn}
Hello, I feel it is important to message you in request of potential assistance, I was given your name in relation to dream trauma, since you may understand it?

I am worried, this latest dream... I am hearing things that are not there.

May I make an appointment to see you?




God, it feels great to be home. With a real bed to lay in.

Nov. 6th, 2013




Waking up from a Dream is creepy enough. Then I go take a bath and find a cross necklace on my sink. From my dreams. Seriously? This place is creeping me out. I jumped and knocked a vase over and cut my hand up. And now I can't train because they made me get stitches.

But hey, I also realized I sorta missed my 30th birthday because of all this no talking fun. Oops?

Nov. 3rd, 2013




With my voice returned, it's done and it's gone. The house is truly mine once more.

My dreams are growing all the more steadily unnerving. The recurring dream has transmuted. The monstrous woman no longer looks angry, but insidiously amused when she looks upon me. Again, I awake before she can grasp me, but this time I glimpse something odd. A fire burns behind her and heard that same horrible shrieking from the night when I burned the doll, but she makes no motion to extinguish the flames or end the soul's torment. I believe the ritual has worked, the others have been brought to heel, and the house is peaceful again, but at what cost?

Natasha, you can bring Garm home now. Thank you and Thor for watching him while I resolved this matter. Thor, if you want to see them I can make them safely manifest.

Oct. 29th, 2013




I don't cuss a lot, but fuck today.

Oct. 28th, 2013




Some people are going to say 'I told you so.'

Lets just get that out of the way right now.




Right, so a certain someone told me I need to dress up as Miley Cyrus and walk around half naked to a party... So feel free to thank Portia for that if you see me out and about Thursday. Don't worry I'll keep it PG-13 for the kiddies.




Lost my voice apparently. Seems I'm not the only one. Looks like there is a laryngitis epidemic going on.

Oct. 21st, 2013




I think I should admit I've never celebrated Halloween before. Not really a thing in France but I might this year if I can find something to dress as.


So wait, you guys live here, and you're throwing Halloween parties? I'm going to hide in a basement with a week's worth of canned food and a can opener. Unless any of you know where there's an unused, well-kept bomb shelter. That'd work too.

Ray, you can come. I guess. We'll have to repopulate the world or something.

Oct. 12th, 2013



Isn't college when I'm supposed to be out partying and being a hellion?

Because I just finished a paper and then had a smoothie. Fucking hell, when did I get all boring and shit?

Sep. 21st, 2013




I thought I was done with these damn dreams. I keep getting the same ones over and over again. It must be my mood, but goddamn I can't even get a break when I'm asleep. If I have to watch Providence blow up one more time I'm going to lose my shit

Sep. 17th, 2013



It seems the in thing to do is introduce one's self here. I've been around for awhile, but, ah well. My name is Aleksis Kaidanovsky, and I work in development of technology. Currently, I'm working with my wife on developing advanced construction techniques to handle the OC's rather odd situations.

By any chance, do any of you know any good western themed restaurants? My last favorite closed down last week.




I need to get back out on the hiking trail. Something a little more challenging this time, and I've marked off a trail that should lead me past some old spanish ruins, which ought to be fun.




Seems to me there is too much negativity in the air... So since it's no longer Monday (because that is always a downer) how about you tell me the best clean joke you got?

Sep. 16th, 2013



Being sick in college just means that you have more shit to catch up on.

Ugh. Well, at least I'm not in the hospital anymore.

Sep. 11th, 2013



Yay, the hospital. It kind of feels like I'm dying again.

How many of us are sick, by the by? Is it like that flu thing again?

Sep. 9th, 2013



Ugh, I feel like hot buttered ass. I shouldn't make so much vomit.

Sep. 7th, 2013




What in the hell? That was easily one of the most fucked up dreams I have ever had. Guess I shouldn't have eaten those tacos right before bed, huh?

Filter: Bo
You were in it.



Sep. 3rd, 2013



Okay, so this 50 Shades of Grey thing. It's just porn for people who haven't had sex in a long time, right? And the movie's just going to be awkward and weird? I mean, I know I want to watch some guy spank some young chick for two hours on a date. Why not just go do that?

Fucking people. Just go get a hooker.

Sep. 1st, 2013




I had an interesting hike this weekend. There was a bear.

Aug. 25th, 2013




Just finished watching the best film ever made. If you do not think Clue is the best comedy known to man then you are wrong. Tim Curry makes that film. The whole cast is brilliant, but Tim Curry is the best. I would kill to see bloopers from that film.

Aug. 24th, 2013




Maybe getting out more isn't the worse thing ever.

Aug. 16th, 2013




My mom says I need to make more friends so --
That's lame, don't start like that.

Is anyone else looking forward to school starting this year?

Aug. 13th, 2013




What marvellous things people come up with nowadays. A couple in Venice Beach wants to open an entirely milk-and-cereal restaurant, with a few extra options. They're running a kickstarter, and I chipped in some money. I think it's inventive.

I predict a flood of stoners there at all hours.

Aug. 7th, 2013




Hello Valarnet! I'm back! Did you miss me?

Spent a day or so feeling a little bit jet lagged, but I'm back in sunny California! Work wise, the trip was a big success and it looks like we're going to have some extra cash from the new investors for a few of our lesser known games. On the fun side, it was great being back in the home country for a while and eating all the foods I've missed.

Anything crazy happening lately that I should know about?

Jul. 22nd, 2013



I haven't dreamed those kinds of dreams in a long time. I just keep dreaming the old ones on a loop. It's weird, usually I can dream pretty lucidly - change things around if I want to - but not those. In those I always get a crappy ending.

And I figure: maybe this place, these bodies, maybe reincarnation's a real, vivid thing for us. Maybe we get a chance to make things better here.

Jul. 15th, 2013




I.. flickered today.

Dreaming that I didn't move on as a ghost and go to.. heaven or wherever it was had my head spinning. I mean a lot of my dream the other night was really horrific.

But then today, I went to the store and no one could see me. I got food from the grocery store and when I got in line the person couldn't see me. I mean I guess it was a giant hoax, but he looked really freaked out when a cart wheeled itself up to his line and had no one to go with it.

I don't know what to do. I don't want to be a ghost. I don't want to be dead.

Jul. 14th, 2013




So, I've been here for over a week now, or is it two weeks? I'm not really sure. Anyway, I'm bored. I mean, my friend Annabeth is around, but she's living with her grandparents right now and there really aren't many people in the summer housing, so it's pretty quiet around here. Not to mention, I don't know where anything is around here. So, I'm gonna ask, anyone know anything to do around the USC Campus that a poor almost college kid could afford? I guess I should get a job too, huh.

Jul. 3rd, 2013



I turn eighteen in like, a week and a half. I feel like I should have a party or something.

Ray, don't worry about getting me a present. I want something else.

Jun. 24th, 2013




My summer class starts in a few days. I can barely believe it. I was so worried about leaving high school that I took a grad year. I've been looking over the reading list and think that it was a good idea to only take the one class. Already emailed the professor about some question I thought of when skimming through one of the books.

Good start? I think so.

Jun. 18th, 2013




So, I guess these dream things only get weirder and weirder. And start changing you in real life, too? Man. Does anyone know what started this? Or causes it?

Because this is freaking me out.

Oh, and I'm in Canada at a model shoot, which I wasn't going to be able to make until an apparent ability to run very, very fast, but not control how far I go or how long it lasts, kicked in. Ended up in South Dakota and got a bus from there.

I'm glad I did, because the shoot is awesome and the scenery is pretty cool. I just wish I'd made it under my own decision.

Jun. 3rd, 2013




Wouldn't you know it, stupid dreams, sometimes I just want to crawl under a rock and die
Maybe I should just stop sleeping. Then I wouldn't have to deal with this

There's not enough coffee in the world today.

May. 13th, 2013




I beg all the teenagers and pretty much anyone else out there, do not try eyeballing vodka or any other alcohol. It can burn your corneas and cause blindness. I don't even understand how this became a thing. Who thought that pouring vodka in your eye was a good idea?




In my dreams, I killed a girl. The girl was friends with the girl I'm in love with, so I did it to make the girl love me.

In my dreams, I really don't get how relationships work. Like, at all.

May. 12th, 2013




I joined this network a couple of days ago. I'm still not sure it was the greatest idea. I do see some familiar faces. I'm not sure that's a good thing either.

What are we supposed to do on this thing?

May. 11th, 2013




Fuck, I forgot tomorrow is Mother's Day. What do you get a vapid woman you don't particularly like but with who you happen to share blood?

May. 9th, 2013




Arcane warrior. I rather like the sound of that.




HOW?? )

Apr. 29th, 2013




My name is Will Graham, and I was recommended to this network by a professional acquaintance. I train dogs for a living - I find them a fair amount kinder than people, most days. Though in the interests of full disclosure, I probably ought to state that if your dog is named Muffy and you're fond of kicking her when she misbehaves, I will seize possession of the dog and risk the misdemeanor.

Apr. 26th, 2013




Hello Valarnet! My fellow science folk in particular! I'm looking for some advice/ideas.

I've been contemplating getting some kind of tattoo (I know, I know, call me crazy, but I'm just entertaining the idea for now). Now I loooove science, physics in particular, but I can't decide what I want.

So shoot me some ideas and the like and I'll go from there :-D

Apr. 21st, 2013




I found a picture of myself and discovered that I actually am some sort of pixie or elfin creature. I suppose it's time I accept my lot in life.

Apr. 9th, 2013



I really should learn not to bet on sports anymore. Guess I didn't learn my lesson from last year's March Madness.

I should probably tell Michigan to Skype my mom and explain why I'm not visiting when the semester's over.

Apr. 8th, 2013




Well, fuck.

PM to Thomas Raith
So what are your thoughts about facial tattoos?

Mar. 19th, 2013




I've lost my phone!

Mar. 17th, 2013




Does anyone dream about being ... not the same gender they are? In the weird dreams that seem to plague us all?

(Edit: Or the same sex. It's ... complicated.)

Mar. 16th, 2013




Raise your hand if you remember when Cadbury Cream Eggs used to be around the size of a small egg. They're probably the one thing I look forward to every Easter and every year they seem like they get smaller and smaller.

Also, it turns out the art store I usually go to, to get my supplies is going out of business. Looks like I'll be going to Michaels from now on.

Mar. 13th, 2013




More dreams. Showing me what the life is like. Showing me what could happen. Life as a hunter. Dean's last Christmas. I don't know what I'll do if Dean actually

It's more than just ghosts and demons, though that's a big part of it. Last night I dreamed of a girl in a coma who was causing all sorts of trouble. And a hunter turned into a vampire, and a pair of pagan gods who take human sacrifices at Christmas time. I have lots of dreams, they take place over days, weeks, and when I wake up it's only been a few hours. Messing with my internal clock.

Mar. 10th, 2013




If someone asks me if I'm Lindsay Lohan one more time, I'm going to light them on fire.