
Posts Tagged: 'ruby+rose'

Oct. 11th, 2019




Now that all of that is over, I think I'm going to leave the country for some much needed R&R. At least, at the earliest opportunity. New campaign shooting starts in November, and I have some exciting news to share next year - I hope that soon we'll be able to connect my name to far more positive things than all of the injustices and human rights violations my father has directed. Though I know that nothing I do from here on will erase these things, nor should it.

I only hope to forge some kind of better path.

When I get back, I would like to reconnect. And would welcome any tips from you as to how better to invest some of the money I've been making.

[Remnant Filter]
I know I already spoke to some of you about this, but I'm taking any of you who want to come along with me to Okinawa. I hope to start the trip on the weekend of the 19th, and bring us back into town the next Saturday. We should have plenty of time to visit Japan's other islands and see anything we want to check out while we're there, and Okinawa's beaches still have warm enough water for swimming. You're all free to land and go your separate ways, too, but I can book us all rooms at a popular resort there so that we all have one place to touch base at.

Please just let me know if you'd like to come.

Aug. 30th, 2019




Back in August of 2017, astronomers detected two neutron stars colliding, which created gold and platinum and sent those materials flying into space. It's the first time this sort of collision has been recorded, and it's absolutely fascinating. And not a place you'd want to be anywhere near when the collision is happening.

Aug. 17th, 2019




This is so cool! I would totally do it. If I had the time and access to that much bamboo. But still!

Aug. 6th, 2019




Okay Jaune's sister and her wife are a cute but not as cute as their baby and dream me is dying of cuteness. Thank god we're away from Creepy Farm House.

You don't want to know about creepy farm house.

Also I'm not sure if I'm surprised or not that Jaune suggested Grand Theft Airship as the solution to our attempt to sneak into Atlas. Me and Blake will take out the Radar tower while the others steal the airship and let a blind woman fly it. (Maria is awesome though, she's like...Uncle Qrow's hero or something)

I'm sure nothing at all can go wrong with this plan.

Jul. 17th, 2019





Part of my hair turned white. WTF? Tried to wash it out but it wouldn't.

Jul. 10th, 2019




So, hi, I guess? I'm Forsythe. I know. It's a terrible name. But it's mine, so. I mean, what can you do? I've thought about changing it, but it's such a hassle and I don't even know what I'd call myself. I've been Forsythe my whole like. The Third, by the way. My grandparents thought it was a great idea to call their son The Second, and he made me the Third. It would mean more if, you know, we got along. But whatev. It is what it is.

Sorry. I'm rambling. I tend to do that. I get on a subject and it's like I don't know how to shut up. I know when. I mean I'm aware I should have stopped typing about a dozen sentences ago, and yet here we are. And I'm still typing. I'm a writer, that's what I do. But I'll stop now. because it's the thing to do. Right. This is me, stopping. Hi.

Jun. 17th, 2019




One of my co-workers asked me if I was LGBTQ+ and after being confused at why they were asking, I said I wasn't because I'm not anything? But apparently not being anything is not an option? I'm just being me.

May. 25th, 2019




I'm thinking of getting a tattoo. A big golden dragon on my back.


Any of you wanna come with when I do? For moral support.

... I might also need to spar after to work off my built up aura since where I'm thinking about is going to hurt really bad.

May. 21st, 2019




I just came home from work to discover that this seemingly innocent ball of orange fluff I picked up from a box Friday Night has decided to chew right through my very last pair of Manolo Blahniks. Have you ever wanted to just scream and threaten violence upon something only to look at their faces and realise there's absolutely no way that you can?

Stupid feline. I knew adopting this kitten was a bad idea. Yang, he's your son from now on.

May. 14th, 2019




So fun fact. If you go ice skating in the middle of the day during the week, there's a lot less people and sometimes you're the only one on the ice. Which okay, makes a lot of sense.

Though I'm kinda confused why one lady came up to me to ask if the ice was always so bad since they hadn't done the zamboni since so few people and middle of the public skating time? I mean...it's a public rink in a mall? I don't know. It was just very weird.

May. 9th, 2019




[Friends filter]
Quite possibly my least favorite person on the planet has shown up. Leonard Snart, AKA Captain Cold is now network aware and active. Apparently fresh out of jail too.


Can you do me a favor and check to see that the Cold gun is still where it says it is on my GPS in the safe?

The guy that I made the cold gun for showed up. From the dreams. I..don't think he recognizes me yet, but he's not exactly an upstanding citizen and is apparently fresh out of jail according to police records.

May. 3rd, 2019




I think one of the weirdest things about the Dreams is how, you can have this one Dream and it throws everything to the wind and you're left grappling with what you've learned means and nothing seems to make sense and everything is just a mess. But then you come to terms with it, and maybe not make peace but you know where you stand about it all and you're okay again.

But then it's all "Oh, here's another Dream" and it picks up like right after the dream that made you lose your footing so you haven't had time to work it all out and so once you wake up, you're in this weird haze of where you initially might have been while also being like I dealt with this already and so you have to remember that and it might only take a few minutes, but you're still just "..wait, didn't I deal with this already?" initially upon waking up.

I don't know. It's the weird whiplash I guess.

Everyone's okay, right?

Apr. 4th, 2019




Last weekend I flew over to London with my brother, Whitley, so that I could place him in the care of my Great Aunt Rosemary. She's another renegade of the family, one that my father only accepted because of her money and connections.

It was nice to get a chance to see her again. The last time we visited I was too young and too sheltered to understand the subtleties of how the rest of my family treated her, or why someone who was Asian wouldn't be welcome in our rich white republican family. Now we get to be outcasts together. She congratulated me on what I've done so far with the company, and told me how brave I was for coming out. I think... she'll be a good ally in all of this. Though I'm mainly just glad that she agreed to be Whitley's guardian. That was a role I was definitely not prepared to take on on my own.

He is definitely going to be a handful for her, but I think that she is also going to be a handful for him. Hopefully he'll learn how not to become our father before it's too late.

Mar. 21st, 2019




I forgot my own birthday was yesterday. Mom actually remembered, bothered to send me a card. It's the only actual reason I remembered. I don't know what to think about this.

Mar. 16th, 2019




Okay, I don't mind the weird fairytale like dream I just had. But seriously, being banished just because I didn't invite your daughter to my birthday party is a bit excessive. Especially since I'm only 6 years old.

But what I do mind is waking up to my damn hair being blue now!

Feb. 12th, 2019




Oh no, this makes me sad. I mean, I know that its been eight months but there was still hope since the windy season of Mars is from November until January.

Goodbye, Opportunity :(

Jan. 18th, 2019




A few warnings about the Scourge.

They can't be reasoned with. They also cannot turn you into one of them unless you're exposed to the plague, which typically must be ingested. So don't eat any suspicious looking grains.

The typical ghouls are much faster than zombies you see in movies, and watch out for geists, who like to climb walls and attack from above.

I'm more concerned about the giants, abominations and frost wyrms, personally.

They're being led by a man called the Lich King. He's incredibly powerful and dangerous, so if you see a man in blue armor with a glowing blue sword, run.

You risk your very soul if you stick around.

Nov. 7th, 2018



Press Release copied across multiple social platforms

The Schnee Diamond company is proud to introduce their newest campaign, "Legacy".

Legacy is a return to a focus on family, and traditional family values. The Legacies we leave behind, and the ones two people in love build together when they start upon their path as husband and wife.

These are core principles that guide the Schnees every day, and we are happy to share the beliefs of our family with the world. You can expect beautiful designs in a range of elements from Engagement and Anniversary Rings to Family Tree Pendants, Customized Bracelets, and more; All crafted to our high standards, and in a range of brilliant gemstones.

This collection arrives just in time for the Holidays! Please look forward to our annual Christmas Ball, where many of these gorgeous pieces will be on display. More surprises are in store as the campaign launches!

Nov. 1st, 2018




So today kinda seems even crazier than usual? I don't know, I thought the electronics going weird was bad enough, but... I mean, case in point, I was on my way out of work when this cute dragon dive bombed me.

Dragons aren't a thing, right? And this one has a name tag. Myst, with a pretty blue ribbon around her neck. Looks like she belongs to someone, well I know she does because there's a tag on her, but also she seems very friendly, won't fly home, and we discovered together that she likes cheeseburgers.

I can't really afford to keep feeding her cheeseburgers, but I'm not really feeling like I have much of a choice here. Also it's a dragon made of bones and I'm kind of freaked out by the fact that it's eating anything at all. Where do the cheeseburgers keep going?

[Private to Nico Di Angelo]
So I know that there's a number on here but it seemed kinda rude to just text it or whatever but if this name tag is right then this dragon is yours?

Oct. 15th, 2018




Um...is it normal for someone to try and get your attention to take off your headphones to ask if it hurt when you fell from heaven?

Oct. 4th, 2018




Nothing like your dad telling your crush you have a crush on him. Right in front of him. Awesome.

Really, if my dreams are just reliving my teenage years and the raging hormones that are going on, I'll take a hard pass.

Hey, are you alright? I mean...I'm guessing you are. But in my dream, something happened and...I just got worried.

Sep. 30th, 2018




I'm not sure where it came from, but suddenly the bookstore has a unicorn table that's very popular with the children that come in. It's actually pretty cute, I have to say.

Sep. 11th, 2018




What is with this new trend of making everything unicorn flavored? What does a unicorn taste like? And who has been chomping on said unicorns?




Some kid tried to follow me and I nearly shot him. Guess I'm a little jumpy.

Sep. 10th, 2018




Day One of the vacation with my girlfriend has gone well. She even let me take a picture of her enjoying herself.

Cut for image, viewable to all )

Sep. 1st, 2018




So completely hypothetically speaking.... why would my sister someone yell CANNIBALISM at me someone else who is just sitting there eating a cinnamon roll?

Jul. 15th, 2018




Crazy idea. We've got a lot of fighters and stuff on here right?

What if we had some kind of tournament?

Jul. 2nd, 2018




I didn't think becoming an EMT was gonna be the easy way out of making something of myself, I mean... I know I crashed out of college really hard, but there was a lot going on. That's not ALL on me, right?

Still, the online preparation courses start tomorrow and wow, this is gonna be really intensive. I'm kinda looking forward to it but also pretty terrified right now. Just gotta keep reminding myself that I don't have to be the idiot hanging from a tree while everyone else does something useful.

[Ren and Nora]
Hey guys, uh... do you by any chance have any spare room? Or maybe we could look into getting something bigger if we all pool together, I have like zero places to live right now but I did get a job? Would you like a roomie or are you two happy by yourselves?

Jun. 16th, 2018




So like pitched battle, sudden surprise returns and the fate of the world. I didn't get a chance to talk to the person that returned as I had to go stop my bitch of a biological mom who's in some unholy alliance with the bitch who killed my friend and destroyed my school from accessing some powerful relic of knowledge.

Li remind me to tell you more about that you might have some ideas.

cut for length, spoilers and an image )

Jun. 15th, 2018




Today, the cutest member of my family - Miss Ruby Rose - graduated from college. Everyone go congratulate her and buy her a giant hot chocolate!

[Cut for pic] )

May. 17th, 2018




Do you ever like.....suddenly realize that some major event is happening soon. Like you knew it was coming, obviously, but you're so busy just doing the day to day things that you kind of also forget and think there's more time and then suddenly you look at the calendar and its all OMG and there's still so much to do in the lead up but its just...so close. Like when did this become a month away?

May. 8th, 2018




Thank goodness that's over. That blood does not wash out of your clothing. At least when Grimm die they have the decency to fade away into dust and leave your garments as pristine as they were when you started.

Filtered to Amycus
I think you mentioned you were the person to go to when handling... delicate publicity matters and other things the rich and famous might need to tackle here and there?




I guess... I missed all the fun.

Apr. 23rd, 2018




I woke up this morning looking more like my dream self. I actually kind of like the pink streak in my hair, but the pink eyes might be a problem.

Apr. 14th, 2018




So I've been doing some soul searching lately, and I'm not sure I'm as bi as I thought

cut for image )


Uhm. Do you know how far along Weiss is?

I just dreamed I broke down on her. I mean, I totally needed to break down, but I never expected it on her.

Apr. 9th, 2018




Have you ever been told something is true that you thought was a myth, and been made an offer that would change... everything? Even who you are?

And even though it was an offer, and you don't have to say yes, you know you're going to and you know the choice was never really a choice because it doesn't matter what you wanted before you learned this, protecting the world is more important.

I guess I know what that sense of foreboding my dreams was giving me was.

Mar. 7th, 2018




What day did you say it was?

[Cut for images] )





I guess in my dreams I'm still the untouchable girl. Not just in my sport of choice, but personally too.

When you're famous, everyone assumes you're popular and have people around you all the time, and they all assume they're not good enough.

And you end up going to dances alone because no one bothered to ask you.






Embarrassing baby picture here, of young ruby in a birthday hat in Summer's lap

Remember when she was cute? Wait, she's still cute!




Okay so guys? I kind of woke up at 4am glowing. No I mean, I was *glowing in the dark* levels of glowing. Bright bright glowy Jaune. Was that my aura? Am I all Aura-y now?

I think your dad said today was your birthday? Do I have that right?

Feb. 17th, 2018




I've heard of the Dream gifts, but this is the first time I've woken up to one. I've been given a jar of tree sap from the trees of Remnant. It's supposed to make quite a delicious syrup.

[JNPR Filter]

I was hoping that you would be available to come for a pancake breakfast tomorrow.

Feb. 12th, 2018




Cut for RWBY v5 spoilers )

Feb. 4th, 2018




I'm sure the neighbors yelling or cheering wasn't because the investigators on this documentary I'm watching found the location of Tesla's Colorado Springs lab, or at least where they think it was, but I think it's super exciting so the timing was really neat.




Leave it to Nora to start the most epic of food fights.

Feb. 2nd, 2018




Did anyone else see those weird embryo shaped things falling from the sky?

Jan. 27th, 2018




Okay so say someone ends up getting cut by a scorpion faunus and poisoned and it makes them really sick and then you get the scorpion stinger. Is it possible to make an antidote with the poison from the stinger? And if so, how do I do it? I have to make this right, I have to save him

Jan. 10th, 2018




Know what's worse than being the sudden focus of an obviously bullshit tabloid story? Having said tabloid story brought to your attention by your own students.

Fortunately said students have enough brains in their skulls to know a bullshit story when they read one. Not that that stopped them from spending nearly the entirety of the class laughing and coming up with some (admittedly clever) barbs in my direction.

I'm just hoping the department head has as many brains, not to mention the university board...

...though, all that being said, I choose to take the compliment about my ass for what it is.

Jan. 8th, 2018




Dream me really knows how to pick them

Beacon has a really interesting way of picking your team. Some of you could have said something sooner, I'm looking at you Ren and Nora and Ruby.

Jan. 4th, 2018




Is justifiable homicide a thing?



Jan. 1st, 2018




A New Year's resolution is something that goes in one year and out the other.