
Posts Tagged: 'kevin+tran'

Mar. 12th, 2014



Some stats to cheer myself up:

Days until the end of the semester: 33
Percentage of semester completed: 54.7%

Days until WonderCon: 28
Percentage of costumes completed: 33.3%

Days until spring break: 5
Percentage of spring break that will be spent spring break-ing: 14.2%

...okay, maybe the last one is more depressing than cheering.

Mar. 6th, 2014




Ooops, I think I forgot about this place for a day or two there.

I've been practicing with my qi. Apparently, it really does work and that's how in my dreams I can shoot energy from my hand. I'm really good at it in my dreams, but here I can barely do anything with it at all. I can push myself off a wall and that's about it.

Anyway! For anyone who has been coming to my dojo, I'm having a mini-tournament next weekend. Even if you've come for one lesson, you're welcome to participate. Come in and see what it's all about. I take payment in the form of $10 per class or food, because I'm a terrible cook.

I might manage to fly here after all...we'll see! Don't worry, Mary, I'll be careful.

Feb. 22nd, 2014




Stuck inside. Again. Someone should play twenty questions with me.

Feb. 14th, 2014



Heads up everyone. Today's a very important day.

Tickets for WonderCon in Anaheim went on sale this morning.

You're welcome.

Jan. 13th, 2014



I think I'm ready to up my cosplay game to the next level. I mean, you can only be a guy in a dress so many times before it becomes expected. Unfortunately, my manufacturing skill set is strictly 19th century. I can sew and knit. I'm okay with makeup if it's not more complicated than eyeliner and nail polish. And I'm a fairly decent wig stylist. And honestly, for most cosplay, that's all you need. But I've always wanted to put together something awesome. A mecha. Or actual armor. Or a superhero. Maybe a racebent-genderbent superhero.

So. Open call. There are millions of people in the world. One of you reading this has to know somebody who cosplays or who wants to cosplay or who you can persuade to make costumes. Serendipity. Fate. Destiny. I'm waiting for you.