
Posts Tagged: 'junpei'

Jan. 25th, 2013




I keep hearing about some kind of Doctor-off. Somewhere.

I'm a Doctor! I even have a button up shirt! It's blue.

I think. Actually, I'm not sure. It's been a while since I've had to bother with anything that wasn't a funny t-shirt.

Jan. 19th, 2013




The zoo had an opening! It's only two days a week for a grand total of four hours but that's $40 a week I didn't have before. Suck it job market!

Though, I've been contemplating just going back to school instead. Avoid paying school loans by wracking up more debt, that makes sense right? And then you could all call me Doctor Abby Maitland.

I wonder what the salary is for a Herpetologist Veterinarian... Good? Bad? Worth the effort?


It looks like the shop won't open until February now. What are the rules about drinking at funerals? Good idea, or great idea?

I have to write something to say. I don't have any idea what to do about that.

To take things in a more interesting direction, so I'm not just whining about stuff on the Internet, who's dyed their hair crazy colors? I need a recommendation for a good dye that won't look weird after a few washes. I don't mind bleaching or frequent upkeep, but I don't want to ruin my hair, either.

Jan. 14th, 2013




Note to self: When there's a plague raging the world or whatever, don't fall asleep and forget to call your Mom.

She'll, uh, make you regret it.

In other news: what's up, Internet? Aside from all the awful stuff, I mean.