
Posts Tagged: 'merle+dixon'

Jun. 11th, 2014




Anyone ever feel like something...changed in their dreams? As though you've suddenly discovered a truth, and the way things really were.

Apr. 11th, 2014



May be TW for child abuse in the comments.

The warmer weather's nice and all, but at the same time, it means people either look at me funny when I wear long sleeved shirts or look at me funny because of my dream scars. Yay.

Feb. 3rd, 2014




FUCKING PIECE OF FUCKING SHIT FUCK. I just fell down the fucking stairs while carrying a fucking glass of fucking milk, slipped and went to steady myself on the wall using my fucking hand that isn't fucking there anymore because it got bitten the fuck off and I fucking fell on my stupid old ass. Fucking stairs hit me in the back too so I got fucking winded in addition to getting fucking glass shattering all over my fucking ride down and milk on my fucking shirt. So then I spend the next fucking hour pulling pieces of fucking glass out of the back of my fucking leg and then I'm fucking combing through the fucking carpet for the smallest speck of fucking glass so it's fucking clean.

Fuck everything.

Oh, yeah, and maybe offensive language above, so...yeah.

(ooc: above - something that just happened to me. Write what you know.)

Jan. 3rd, 2014




Damn, that was a hell of a couple days. New Year's eve party, New Year's party, New Year's after-party, waking up behind that Chinese restaurant with a stab wound, the hangover, the hospital visit.....well, I'm recovered from the New Year's hangover/stabbing. Ol' Merle's back in fightin' shape and ready to kick some ass!

Just....gotta get some aspirin in me. Not a young man anymore. Can't exactly...bounce back like I used to.

Dec. 29th, 2013




Goodbye, 2013. Don't let the door hit you on the ass on the way out. When's Billy Joel gonna write a sequel song, huh? I reckon enough shit has happened to fill a song or two.

Dec. 23rd, 2013




I just got a photo of the famous Dixon brothers in the mail....'cept nobody who'd have that picture knows where I'm living now; I ain't changed my address or nothing yet. Faye, Vala, the boss lady...but nobody who'd have this picture.

Nov. 28th, 2013




Belle nervous is the cutest thing I have ever seen. I love her. I may be slightly drunk,

Nov. 26th, 2013




Waiting for ages at the airport has shown me that either I'm very good at keeping myself entertained or that I have a sick, dirty mind.

Anyway, here's a fun game! Fill in the blanks: I like my men the way I like my _____, _______ and _______.

Right now my favorite is: I like my men the way I like my books, well-read and bound in leather.

Nov. 15th, 2013




Dream me is a bitch

Nov. 9th, 2013




Well, I just punched a cop out cold. Felt good, but should've taken a photo.

Oct. 22nd, 2013




Cut for violence/child abuse/penal system, but viewable to all. )

Oct. 20th, 2013



Well listeners, I've gotten a few comments I don't really understand.

Apparently if I don't ogle or cat-call women, I'm not a real man? What kind of sense does that make? Can't I be respectful of women and their bodies and boundaries and still be considered a man? Not according to some people!

It really doesn't take that much to be a gentleman, folks. More people should try it!

Oct. 14th, 2013



Hello, dear listeners.

I think it's time for a somewhat serious public service announcement, due to a conversation I've had recently.

I really shouldn't have to remind anyone of this, it's 2013 after all. But still, some people seem to be of the mindset that a woman's body is there to be appreciated by all.

Which, in case we all forgot, it isn't.

Yes, some women -- and statistically, some men! -- will chose to wear something revealing for their Halloween costume. But this is not, I repeat not an excuse to harass anyone for what they are wearing! Cat calls and inappropriate comments are never called for, and especially on a night when everyone is looking to have a good, safe time.

So please, gentle listeners. Refrain from making lewd comments about anyone's appearance at any time, but especially as Halloween approaches and we see more people in costumes.

Oct. 13th, 2013



Trigger Warnings: Abuse

Got another text.

Who here said they'd help me file a restraining order?

Oct. 5th, 2013




Know what? Sometimes life ain't that bad. It's the little things, like watching the fat guy across the street fall off his scooter onto a fire hydrant that makes life worth clinging onto with one hand. That was funny.

private to Bella Donna Boudreaux )private to Faye Valentine )
private to Vala Mal Doran )

Oct. 1st, 2013




Lets play a game.

Biggest regret from your youth.

ETA: Silly regrets! Though serious ones are welcome too!

Sep. 29th, 2013




I'm homeless. God bless America, the medical bills for my hand ate up my savings and now I'm gone, baby, gone. Son of a bitch, they didn't even give me any real notice. Landlord said I was a 'problem tenant' and he was glad to be rid of me. I broke his nose.

Anybody got a couch I can crash on? I'm a shitty roommate but I'm drug-free.

Sep. 18th, 2013




Anyone looking to hire a military veteran with one hand and plenty of muscle? Feeling kind of bored without shit to do. I got extensive military training, working knowledge of vehicles, and I've got charm coming out of my ass.




God I'm so bored. I didn't do shit all day and now I can't sleep because I'm not tired. I don't have any energy, but I guess I didn't use my brain enough to qualify as sleepy.

I need something to do that will tire my brain out but not require a lot of energy otherwise. I spent most of the day figuring out stuff for my maternity leave which will probably have to start sooner than I'd like.

If you had a bunch of time but had to stay in basically the same spot all day, what would you do?

Sep. 17th, 2013





Aug. 28th, 2013



Your attention, please.

I have just closed on the space for my new burlesque club in Huntington Beach. It will be Japanese themed - I myself am Japanese and wish for it to resemble the hostess clubs back home.

I am looking for liberated women who might be interested in working there. I am also looking for two deejays with experience, and a number of security men to ensure that my ladies are not harassed in any way - the latter is especially important. If a security person fails in a significant way, they will not remain employed for long.

Please reply here, or send a private message to me, Oyama Yuriko, if you are interested. I will pay well.

Aug. 4th, 2013




I'm not even sure this body is old enough to drink or if it is that it can handle the amount that I need to consume right now.

[Private to Glimmer, Gin, Merle and Vala]

I appear to be in the body of a twenty something blonde girl. And I really do wish I was joking.

Gotta love this place right?

Jul. 31st, 2013




I'm thinking of taking a short vacation - Always is doing well and I feel I can leave her in capable hands for a few days. Anybody recommend anywhere? Or want to come along for the ride? ;)

Jul. 27th, 2013



Locked from Dr. Arden

I got the job I wanted. I'm probably going out tonight to celebrate. Any bar or club recommendations?

Jul. 25th, 2013




I went to see the doc today, 'bout my missing hand. He gave me some options....and they're all fuckin' expensive. Jesus, how the hell am I meant to afford some of these fake hands? Huh? So I gotta walk around with a stump, trying to get a job somewhere? Can't even claim it off my vet insurance, because this shit didn't happen in 'official combat'. I got nothing.

Thanks, Obama.

Jul. 12th, 2013




I think I'm going to do a pub crawl until I'm so hammered I can't feel my face.

Jul. 8th, 2013




26, motherfuckers! That's 19 husks, 5 of those weird bird-things with the back of the head way out, and a couple of guys and me took down 2 of those big bastards with the armour! Today was a good day! Fuckin' alien pricks shoulda known, ain't nobody can kill Merle but Merle!

Jul. 2nd, 2013




[update: originally not filtered, but it seems obi has finally figured how to lock this]

i used to enjoy this holiday but i swear if i see one more red white and blue banner i'm going to puree it with my lightsaber




Okay, compadres, I took down six so far. Six of those big blue bastards, and they bleed like a punctured engine. Damn, but this is fun! I go out during the day with my shotgun and knife, then return to a smokin' hot lady friend at night. Rinse, repeat.

The chest can take a couple of hits before everything blows away, but if you wanna take 'em down fast, go for the fucking head. Hoo, boy, this is crazy-fun. Ain't like killing normal folks, neither, more like hunting game. I don't know what the bites do to ya, if you end up turning into one like in the movies, but I don't plan on finding out. Gonna head out now, have a little hunt and up my points.

I love this fucking city!

Jun. 26th, 2013




ooc: language, racism )




So, this new singer at the coffee house on saturday, who wants to come with me? And then for some drinky-poos afterwards of course! ;)

Jun. 14th, 2013




Blah blah need to get out more yadda yadda antisocial. People, who needs 'em!

... kidding.

How are you guys doing? I really should have more friends, so I figured this was a good place to start. Here's hoping I'm right!

Jun. 6th, 2013




Has anyone ever dreamed, and then woken up, and wonder what the hell was wrong with them? I mean...that was it? All that suffering and all that pain and that's what I choose to do? Romantic, perhaps, but also nutters.

I suppose I earned it, and Maker only knows what awaited me on the other side of that Eluvian...

In other news, I’m rather enjoying playing with my staff. It’s long, and it’s very hard, and you should see what comes out of it!

Jun. 3rd, 2013




A few more weeks and I'll be free from this plague we call high school. I won't miss it really, I won't. The adults always tell you you will miss it but they're lying. They really just miss their youth not that dreaded place. I am certainly buying myself a new camera as a reward for making it through.

May. 21st, 2013



[Everyone can see this but Marius, Fantine and Valjean]

He loves me! He told me he loves me!

May. 17th, 2013




I find it somewhat pathetic and horrifying that I need to state these rules for visiting our home, but unless you happen to be Combeferre, and only Combeferre, because he has more than the sense God gave a mosquito, I would like to set a few guidelines out regarding other people's animals and visits.

TW: animal death )

May. 14th, 2013




So... It's been a long time coming that I tell the world this. It's hard to accept it to start, even harder to ask others to accept it. A few of you know me personally and already know, a few of you I might have met and spoken to at one point. But I guess it's time for me to do this.

I am a female to male trans* man. I've been in transition for about a 13 months. That surgery I had? It was to remove my chest. I am on hormones and just trying to pass as well as I can. I know some of you might get uncomfortable, and I kind of expect that. But to those that accept me for this, and still choose to use the correct pronouns and name... Then thank you. So very much.

It makes my life easier and makes things calm. Hell, not like I'm telling anyone my legal name anyway.

May. 11th, 2013



I found a dog in my yard. No collar. No tags, nothing. Looks kinda like a mutt. I can't tell what kind it is.

Anyone missing a mutt? I don't know what the hell to do with it.




I don't think I'm going to be getting back to sleep after a dream like that. I've never had one quite so...disturbing before.

May. 5th, 2013




Does using a bunny harness for my rabbit make me weird? Other people get to walk their pets and she needs her exercise as much as anyone else. I get the strangest looks when I take her to the park, but I think she likes it. It's hard to tell.

Happy Cinco De Mayo everyone! It's too bad the weather is so horrible today. Phil and I were thinking about doing a cook-out, but it's already been raining here a little. I guess it's ordering in again tonight.

Apr. 28th, 2013




So, how do you tell a workplace creeper that you're still not interested in them? Things I've tried:

1) Oh, no thanks, I like our work relationship the way it is!
2) I don't think we're allowed to have interoffice relationships.
3) I just don't like you that way, I'm sorry.
5) *running away screaming*

Yes. I literally tried to just run from him after eeping and throwing a flash drive at him.

Apr. 24th, 2013





Apr. 23rd, 2013




As a Christian woman sometimes it is hard for me to understand why God does the things he does to us down here on Earth. Why are there plagues? Famine? Fighting? Death? Why do God's people treat each other so horribly? Sometimes even in his name?

And then I remind myself that God gave us free will so we would have a choice to love him, so it would mean so much more. Without the bad there would be no good. The media likes to show us all of the things going wrong with the world, but there is also good out there. People helping each other just out of the goodness of their hearts. We have to remember that.


Not gonna lie, I was very tempted to go on over to the Hollywood Walk of Fame today for The Backstreet Boys Star Ceremony thing. You don't see NSYNC with a star on the Walk of Fame, now do you? Nope. Just goes to show who had the staying power and which boy band was better. No girl here, over the age of twenty five can say that they didn't have BSB or NSYNC debates.

Apr. 16th, 2013



You think it'd be easier to get up in the morning when you go to bed early. But nope. Stupid damn alarm clock doesn't wanna work and then I'm late for work. Again.

I swear I'm gonna get fired.

Apr. 11th, 2013




Now that it's been officially announced, I can finally say that I've joined the cast of the upcoming Red Widow. It was killing me, not being able to talk about it. In case anyone is wondering who the hell I am, I'm Glenn Rhee. I don't expect that everyone has heard of me, but I'm sure there's got to be at least one person out there who knows who I am. Figured that since I'll be in town again, it'd be nice to get to know some regular people.

Apr. 10th, 2013




It's my birthday Valarnet! And I'm having a party! Stop by Always mention the net and you're in! First drinks on me!

See you all there party people!

Apr. 9th, 2013




I may kill my father. I'm almost certain no court would convict me at this point.

You'd think he'd know better than to call me princess during a board meeting. He's obviously trying to get on my nerves, and he's damn good at it.

Apr. 4th, 2013




Well, this is frustrating.

No, universe, I do not want to wear a catsuit. Yes, I dream of wearing one, but that's no excuse. At least it keeps me from worrying about Oriana

Apr. 2nd, 2013




I got asked out ten times today.

This isn't so bad.