
Posts Tagged: 'kirsty+cotton'

Mar. 21st, 2014



Is it wrong of me to say that I rather had fun killing those beasts? I'm quite tired, but at the same time, I haven't been able to shoot like that in years. Would anyone be able to tell me what they actually were?

Mar. 17th, 2014




Are you seeking adventure? A guilt free way to unleash the violence inside? Then come out to [GPS COORDINATES] and have fun laying waste to what I like to call Darkspawn. I promise it'll be a good time.

I can stop it, I just need people to hold the line.

Mar. 5th, 2014




Hello. I'm told I need to be a bit more social. So..yes. Hello. I said that already didn't I? Well I did say this was going to be an attempt in any case. My name is D'Artagnan. I know if you give me a chance we'll probably get along.

Feb. 22nd, 2014




If anyone is apart from a loved one or needs safe passage somewhere, let me know. I can help with that.

Feb. 5th, 2014





Jan. 26th, 2014




What do you do when you're not really dating someone on Valentine's Day? Is there some sort of protocol for friends-with-benefits that I'm unaware of?

Jan. 19th, 2014




I'm really thankful that the whole "animals not liking demons" myth isn't true. I'd be crushed if my dog stopped loving me because of the dreams. But nope, Duke still runs up to kiss me when I get off of work, same as ever. Glad he doesn't know his mommy's skipping through Hell to avoid traffic.




Well, that was the bloody strangest last couple of days I've ever lived through without needing a shite dream--


Where is my dog?

Jan. 16th, 2014




I don't own a dog. Not even a little bit.

I also don't live here.

Jan. 10th, 2014




You know, when you dream you kinda accidentally caused the apocalypse, it's sort of ... freeing, really. I did a super shitty job at parking this morning, but who cares? It's pretty inconsequential compared to Hell opening up and the damned romping around on Earth.




Why do I watch Cold Case Files right before I go to bed? This is a very bad idea. At least I don't have nightmares anymore.

Jan. 2nd, 2014




The downside to working with a partner in a Pawn Shop is when she decides she wants to keep the fucking merchandise.

Dec. 31st, 2013




2014, huh? Might be hard to top 2013: I made friends, I got my shit together, I got stronger than I've ever been, and I met the most incredible, beautiful, powerful force of nature in the world...and I married her. 2014, let's see what happens.

Dec. 23rd, 2013




I got a photograph today. A photograph of a guy called Jude Cripp; he looks a little different from my dreams. He has a ponytail, he's a lot chubbier, but it's him all the same.

He was familiar to me, in the dreams. But not....familiar in the usual way. I saw Dracula when I was fifteen, the one with Neo in it? Dumb movie. I just wanted to see Monica Bellucci's tits. I remember something else from it, though. The guy Tom Waits played, Renfield? He wasn't a vampire like Dracula, but he worked for him. He was like someone who wasn't a vampire yet but was on his way, like a...caveman-to-human type of thing. He did stuff for Dracula, stuff the Count couldn't do himself for one reason or another. Jude was....he was like that. He was my familiar.

Or maybe I'm just crazier than ever before.

Dec. 19th, 2013



Locked from Lilo

I don't recall being able to cook this well when I tried to make fish stew the other evening. Is it really possible to have a 'wish on a star' come true?

I think I'm going to try and cook Christmas dinner for my girlfriend.

Dec. 18th, 2013




Oh my god.

I woke up this morning and I was fine? I am fine. I mean, I look like a real person again. I don't know what happened, or why, but I'm not complaining.

Dec. 16th, 2013




Can you guys all do me a favor? If you see a rope puzzle or a toy carousel missing horses just ... laying around, could you not pick them up and call me instead?

Here's my work cell: [number]. I'm a cop, so don't hesitate, day or night.

Those things are from my dreams, they're dangerous, and god only knows if they'll show up.

Dec. 11th, 2013




Ladies and gentlemen, my beautiful wife. Who will kill me when she realizes I actually had the camera recording.

Nov. 17th, 2013




I swear to god, if another person's well meaning relative mentions that it's "so sad" that I don't have kids and I'm in my forties, I'm going to drop the illusion and go full High Priestess on them. I don't even know if I can have kids now, thanks, and I haven't exactly had that talk with my husband because - oh hey, I've kind of turned into a demon because of my dreams. I was too busy freaking out about the pins in my head.

I'm going to the next person that I'm barren because of weaponized airborne syphilis and see how they react.

Nov. 16th, 2013




Got some pictures. Of my zombie family.


These dreams are some weird Romeo and Juliet story. I mean. Zombie falls in love with girl after eating girl's boyfriend's brains. I think girl is falling for zombie, too, though.

But these pictures. Really. Not nice.

Nov. 10th, 2013




One good thing about my job is that it's really hard to worry about my crappy dreams when I'm on shift. Way for me to see the silver lining in murders, right?

Nov. 9th, 2013




Well, I just punched a cop out cold. Felt good, but should've taken a photo.

Oct. 30th, 2013




Deciding to try for a kid, to try to making new life is something amazing. Scary and hopeful, and immense and wild, and yet... it feels right, right now. Work is good, life is good, with good friends and things have not been better in a very long time.

I hope everyone else, despite the current weirdness, is not having too bad a time.

Oct. 22nd, 2013




I know my dreams are real. And I know this world is real. So was my dream self a...a past life? Another world, that kind of thing? But I'm changing. I don't go out in the sun much anymore, not if I can help it. I don't eat or drink. When I sleep, I sleep upside down. And I always dream.

Oct. 14th, 2013




I thought I felt a breeze today, which means I've dug out the warm sweaters and knit scarves.

I'm so very, very ready for it to be fall.

Oct. 12th, 2013




I can see inside minds now. I can't read thoughts, but....it's hard to explain. It's like the mind is a house, and I'm sitting in one of the rooms. It depends on the person when it comes to exploring the rest of the house. If someone's got a bad lock on the door or doesn't know I'm there, then I can move freely through the house. Sometimes I can even move the furniture, or take a few things with me. Add my own little touches. And I think pretty soon I'll be able to do more. When I enter a person's mind, a person's house, it'll stop being theirs.

It'll be mine.

But I don't know if it's what I want, yet.

Oct. 10th, 2013





Tell me all you can about Mephistopheles.

Oct. 2nd, 2013




So Congress shuts down America but keeps their own paychecks?

strong language )

Sep. 25th, 2013




I just want to say that my first week here has been great. I wasn't sure how I'd like California, but it's amazing.

I've also had a couple sessions with the specialist. He thinks my problem might be emotional, and so it's fixable, but he's doing hypnosis to try and find the issue. But I don't ever see my past. I mean, it's me, but it's not, but I don't really know how to tell a therapist that I'm some sort of prince in a fairytale land and a coma patient in another.

Strangely enough, it's easier to mention that to all of you than anything else.

Sep. 24th, 2013




Apparently when I vanish off the face of the planet, I'm missed.

Maybe I should do it more often. I rather like being missed.

No new news indeed.




Does this state have autumn? At all? Ever? I just want a reason not to look like a pedophile in this coat. It's bloody ridiculous.

In other news:
There is no new news.

Gem -
Still on for lunch tomorrow?

Sep. 18th, 2013




Hi! I just moved here from New York, and I was told this might be a good place to start getting familiar with everything? I hope it is, anyway.

My name's David Nolan. I used to be working towards joining the NYPD, but I've got this memory issue so I had to leave the academy. Which is why I'm here, to start seeing a specialist about it. I guess there's not much more about me to say, but I really can't wait to settle into everything here. Orange County seems like a great place.

Sep. 16th, 2013




I'm hungry. Really hungry, but nothing tastes good. No, scratch that: everything tastes horrible. Painful, even, like chowing down on socks filled with glass. It just makes me hurl and then I'm hungrier than ever.

I guess I'm changing, and it's no good.

Sep. 10th, 2013





Good News: Avoiding this current weirdness.

Bad News: Dreams. And I think I'm dead dream stuff.

Sep. 2nd, 2013



Okay, I have to make it clear I am not asking for myself, but I wanna know. Any of you law enforcement types ever heard of a new street drug called V?

Aug. 29th, 2013




So, school starts on Tuesday. I can't help but be excited about it, and, to be honest, a little nervous for reasons that I won't go into right now.

I've started a new job playing the occasional violin accompaniment at an establishment that might well pay for my college education (should that ever be a path I decide to pursue,) but at least is doing something that I genuinely love. It's a wonderful opportunity and I'm very grateful to have it.

I suppose I ought to note that I've started dreaming. Is there some kind of party to be had for it? A celebration of the utter end of normalcy, perhaps?

Regardless, I've dreamt up to the Resurrection and the subsequent word from On High that Earth is a no-fly zone and that transgressors will be unmade or cast out.

I am Good, and so I will not Question or Rebel, but I am pretty sure that there are a handful of others in that life who are, I suppose the best word for it is weary, of Imagination being limited to technically one plane of existence even if there are near infinite other ones that make up the whole. I'm certain that Joshua is about ready to politely kick me out of the Garden.

But such is life, sometimes. I have been reading a lot, trying to teach myself more Spanish and some Mandarin that perhaps I might Listen better, though I've been told that knowledge of languages will come with time. It would seem that I am to gain knowledge of absolutely everything else before I can understand more than language(s-ish) I know in my waking hours.

And by knowledge of everything else, I mean I have to learn how to tune out more than just prayers now, and I truly didn't need to know what she thinks about me.

Having both school and work to focus on will be helpful. I am looking forward to it. Perhaps the return to my peer group and a more structured environment will help me keep the focus I need to make it through all this unscathed (or as much as possible.)




Can't believe I'm turning to the damn internet for this

Looking for anyone in the local pd, detectives or anybody involved in a gang or narcotics unit. Can be former or currently employed. Been chasing a lead all the way from New York, figured it's about time I asked for some help.

Name's Ana Lucia.

Aug. 25th, 2013




Well, at least I knew the change was coming.




Yes, thank you for telling me how to do my job. I'm young, not stupid. I know how to enter a crime scene. This isn't my first trip to the zoo.




Saturday night. And I've become the person who's sitting on my computer and updating the internet with news about the fact that I am so fucking clearly not doing a thing. That must be obvious, though. No one updates the internet when they have real things to be doing.

I mean. I fed my dog. The little wanker isn't even grateful.


Aug. 24th, 2013




When did I get so pale?

I mean. I've never been tan or anything, but this is a whole new level of pale. Not cool.




Dad's on a hunting trip, and he hasn't been home in a few days.

One compound friggen sentence and the whole world unravels.

Will say that the ghost was right about one thing, though. You can't ever go home.

Aug. 16th, 2013




I am totally replacing the couch with one of these.

You never know when you'll need something like that.

Aug. 14th, 2013




Those of you who've had physical changes from the dreams - how did they happen? Did you wake up all at once changed, or was it gradual? I think I might ... shift a bit, and I'm scared I'll be at work and then BAM.

Aug. 13th, 2013



Nothing like dreaming that your father has set you up to be married, but none of them want to be married to you because you look like a man.

Nice one.

Aug. 10th, 2013



Likely TW in comments due to nature of Kirsty's canon

These dreams are going to quite literally drive me crazy. I can't wake up and feel this way every day, I just can't.




Has anyone ever...found something that didn't belong to them, but you've...dreamed about the item and the person who owned it?

Aug. 3rd, 2013




I'm married.

I'm fucking married.

Aug. 1st, 2013




This dream thing is pretty give-and-take, isn't it? One minute it's great and the next it's - I don't want anymore of them.

Not so great.

I really feel like -
Anyone wanna go grab a drink or something -

I'll be at the gym late today if anyone needs me.

Jul. 26th, 2013




I wish I could communicate with Dream!Me. She's clearly being set up by a serial killer while being emotionally manipulated by a demon. She really should just go to the Bahamas and put her feet up or something, but I'm pretty sure she's going to go ahead and be valiant. I wish I could stop her somehow. Being valiant never led to happiness, at least not where Hell is concerned.