
Posts Tagged: 'bill+cipher'

May. 20th, 2020




Wow, wow, wow, kiddos. So much dream talk here, not new, I know, not even for me, but intriguing all the same. Here I once thought I was this kid with an overactive imagination and this place has me thinking different.

What's the general consensus here on these dreams? Past life? Telepathic mind link with some version of yourself in a parallel universe? Just taking notes here.

May. 4th, 2020




What in the world are these creepy teddy bear like things?! One has taken up residence in my bed and is shedding more hair than my mother does when she's upset.




First the dreams and now there's Ewoks ransacking my car and I think I'm OK with it. Ohhh, I know someone who is gonna have a field day with this.

Tell me fellow OCers, who else isn't even remotely human in their dreams? Bet'cha I got ya beat on how not human you can get.


You looked outside? 'cause you need to look outside.




Just watched some of the bear critters take down a big walker usin' a couple of telephone poles.

Gotta say, I really like these guys.

Cept I'm also pretty sure they're about to BBQ one of the troopers an' that ain't right.




What n'the hell is this?? Got some teddy bears jabberin' in my backyard an' messin' with my grill! I tried shooin' them away but now they think the Yaka arrow is some kinda magic. Up and started with this weird chantin' and carryin' on like...I dunno, but now they keep followin' me around!




In my dreams I used to live in an old abandoned AT-AT.

Now there's one stomping about outside.

I swear this isn't my fault.

Apr. 4th, 2020




Could there be better circumstances for introductions? Sure, but when fate or what have you has other plans, it's best to just go with it. That said, I'm Bill and I'm usually a few decades older than this fresh baby face.

While I'm here, let me just apologize to any of you who have had to deal with my overly enthusiastic nerdy other half, Stanford Pines. He's full of questions but harmless, I swear. Don't bother telling him he's weird either, it'll have zero effect as he already knows and embraces his weirdness. Just toss a Rubik's cube and he'll get distracted long enough to make an escape.

Apr. 3rd, 2020




[...] There is not enough coffee in the world to keep my sanity for Orange County tonight.

Apr. 1st, 2020




You know what they say, if you can't grow your own tits store bought is fine.