
Posts Tagged: 'lisa+braeden'

Jan. 2nd, 2021




So, my dad saved the day. he found me and the other kids in the basement of a house that was under construction. It was the mother changeling's home base or whatever. She had us in cages and our changeling doppelgangers were terrorising the neighborhood. But when Dean freed us, and killed the mother changeling, whatever she's called, that killed the changelings and all the kids were restored. Including me.

And then Dean left. Even though Mom told him he could stay. It's weird. That he's not really my dad in the dreams. I really don't understand how that works. but I guess the dreams aren't the same as life. Even though my mom is my mom.

I don't know. I guess I'm just glad it all worked out. Dream me is home, safe and unharmed. Just a little shook up.

So hey, Mom. Maybe we can go get tacos for a good old fashioned Taco Tuesday this week? Spend a little time together?

Dec. 31st, 2020




It’s nice to have a little break. The Cellar will be closed until the 4th so everyone can enjoy the new year with their family and friends. I am looking forward to a little down time and catching up on some shows on my list to binge.




I swear people do not realize that it’s the holiday season and the turn around time is going to be slower. You have off for the day. We leave early too. I got bitched out by someone today because their vehicle couldn’t jump ahead of the three other cars and the schedule for today.

Sooooo...what are we doing for New Years later?




I swear from October to January time just flies by. Haven’t even really had any dreams. Just a few repeats. Mainly the one of me as a young child on the side of the road.


Did you need a nap to make it to midnight? 😘

Dec. 5th, 2020




I had some of the weirdest dreams last night, and then I woke up to snow. I feel like maybe I should play the lottery, but I can't be bothered going to the store right now.

Dec. 4th, 2020




I swear I'm not making this up but I just talked to a snowman. His name is Frosty and he's pretty cool.

Dec. 1st, 2020




I can safely say I have watched way too many Christmas movies already. Only the cheesy ones, none of the classics yet. There have been some pretty bad Hallmark ones. I'm still annoyed they finally put a gay male couple in one of their movies and only give them just a bit of the side plot. Come on now.

But sometimes you need a small break from reality and a formulaic plan of a woman quitting her big city job, moving to a really poorly Christmas themed named town, and falling in love with the local handyman, and discovering the true value of Christmas. Also, it's great watching with a tub of popcorn to run commentary through the whole thing as you guess the plots before they happen.

Nov. 30th, 2020




I must have cursed myself when I said I was thankful for no new dreams. At least I had a good holiday with my family. Stupid kids playing around in haunted places. This one was no joke. We found a couple who thought it would be fun to play around in a haunted asylum. Dream me has great reaction time...dodging the girls shot. Can't believe my own brother shot me. With rock salt but still. Damn this job really sucks sometimes.

Nov. 15th, 2020




Good to know my dad is as much of a bad influence in the dreams as he is in real life.

Nov. 5th, 2020




Remind me never to break into a condemned asylum where the patients were used as experiments for a madman. Yeah, that was all kinds of not fun.

Oct. 29th, 2020




I know it's a little last minute, but, if you don't already have plans for Halloween, we're doing a murder mystery show at The Cellar. Yours truly is starring as the seductive songstress and the food will be to die for. I hope to see at least some of you there, it's definitely going to be an epic evening.

Oct. 20th, 2020




This is a friendly reminder that the clocks are going back in a week. Make sure that you change the batteries in your smoke detectors and check that both your smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors are not expired. It's also a good idea to check the charge on your fire extinguishers too. I know it's a pain to do but every second matters in the case of fire.

If you need any assistance, call your local fire house or just let me know. I'm happy to help.

Oct. 5th, 2020




Why am I dreaming about turning 8 years old, and waking up feeling like I actually lived it.

Sep. 30th, 2020




I could really do without that dream.

Sep. 23rd, 2020




Remember when the Hump Day commercials were all the rage? I kinda miss those days. Maybe because I was a lot younger, and more innocent back then cause I was just a kid. Adulting is hard, man.

Sep. 17th, 2020




I do not know why people are so fascinated with these phones. I had someone comment about about my phone notifying me that my voicemail is full. It's because I don't know how to answer my phone when it rings.

Also, what is this constant talk of clocks?




I'm adding Eren as a passenger to the list of conditions that I will not drive under ever again. On the way back from our honeymoon today I was driving to give him a break behind the wheel and we got cut off by somebody who came really close to hitting our front end. My grown adult, college graduate husband rolled his window down, leaned his head out and shouted at the other driver that they should go 'choke on a bag of dicks'. The future of journalism ladies and gentlemen.

Sep. 16th, 2020




Does anyone know how to repair a stuffed animal? Duck's head tore off this afternoon and Marc is very upset. He hasn't panicked this badly since Maman's last round of tests

Sep. 11th, 2020




One thing I never had to do back in Chicago was battle wildfires. This is unlike anything I've ever seen before.

It's been a long week. My team has been ordered a 48 hour furlough before tagging back in. I don't even have the energy to get groceries to make a meal. I'm grabbing something quick and going to crash.




My annoying little sister told me that if I didn't say something on here, she'd make me a fake dating profile and I do not need to deal with that. I'm Lisa, Catty is my sister, and she's trying to make me talk about how amazing she is, but she's just a royal pain.

Anyway, what's up with this weather?




Hey, OC. What's shaking?

I'm Ben. My mom, dad, and aunt Catty and Uncle Sam are all on this network.

Anyway. I thought I'd check it out too.

Sep. 10th, 2020




[Pretend its a picture. Too big. Tried making it smaller. It got distorted]

It's pretty fun getting to dress up as princesses for little kids birthdays. I had my first party where I got to be Alice.

Given the kind of dreams I have and I know Alice's daughter, Ally, I find it extremely funny. This one little girl said she hate's princesses and she's only at the party because it's for he best friend. She likes superhero's better. I told her pirates are where it's at.

Oct. 25th, 2014




Yup, it still feels weird being back here, I swear nothing actually ever changes does it?

Oct. 17th, 2014




Guess who is moving back to the OC, yup! That'd be me!