
Posts Tagged: 'parry+lecomte'

Jul. 24th, 2012




To those of you who have access to jaguars: it appears they are willing to eat these puff-ball creatures.

I do not know how many any one large cat will eat, and it does require some degree of coaxing, c'est vrai; nonetheless, I think perhaps many of you will find it reassuring to know there are animals who will eat them.

Other, of course, than Monsieur LeBeau.




okay so it looks like I really picked the wrong point of the year to take a ten-day trip to Sedona and spend 90% of it deliberately oblivious to the Internet, TV, radio and any other news source. I was sort of vaguely, hazily aware of the fact that there were earthquakes; now there are weird fluffy creatures?

Are all my people okay? LOKI, if I don't hear from you or from Thor or Sif or Stark or something saying they know where you are, I'm stalking your ass to the end of this earth and back.

Here I was hoping to, like, post about my trip. I should maybe try to stay with it more -- I was just trying to experience Red Rock, guys. Stop letting the world fall apart, okay?

Jul. 22nd, 2012




I've been getting so many concerned emails, phone calls and comments that I think I'll just do this this way:

Yes, horses do hate earthquakes. Furthermore, yes, horses can predict earthquakes, so we've been prepared for the latest crop of aftershocks due to paying attention to how the horses were behaving. But no, horses cannot predict meteors falling from the sky.

Most of Asgard's staff has been over trying to help out with things at Urdnot as much as we can. A couple of the smaller barns were damaged and we had some minor equine injury; none of the humans were harmed except for me, and I only have a minor head wound. We are, however, closed to the public for further notice. If your horse is here, you are of course welcome to continue to use the property as you need, including if you are leasing one of our horses.

Thanks to everyone who sent along concern, questions and donations of hay bales.

Jun. 26th, 2012




I had a most horrifying dream, last night.

For some reason, I found myself playing this computer game so many are fond of, "The Sims".

(If you will note, this is not something I do, but I have seen it closely enough.)

I saw that my little person was choosing to play computer games of his own, from a desire to have more fun.

My screen came very close to him, so I could see what was on his computer screen, and that was the horrifying part:

I was on his screen, and he was playing a video game in which he controlled me.

I think this is how we say: I am in need of a vacation.

Jun. 5th, 2012



Today at work seriously topped the charts as far as including stuff from the list of Things Bo Doesn't Like In Her Day went, but at least I fixed the computer.

I didn't enjoy getting knocked down a stairwell, or having a drunk guy try to hand me a cup of his pee while I wasn't wearing gloves, but then again those are actually rather run-of-the-mill daily complaints. Nothing extremely bad happened. It's just been a long day of little problems. Like that. And people making comparisons to how it happens on TV. And asking me if I only date doctors. Seriously? What does that have to do with anything?

May. 30th, 2012




People have been having weird dreams a lot, I guess, and talking about weird dreams a lot, and all, and usually my dreams aren't very notable or I just don't really talk about them.

Except for the dreams after the tarot reading Loki did for me, those were like they were on speed, but still not very clear or sense-making.

This time, though, I think I get what you guys are talking about.

It was a very simple dream about a girl and her horse, except that girl was me and the horse had wings.

Which, whatever, but it was frighteningly real. Enough I could still feel feathers on my fingertips when I woke up. What is the internet slipping me?

Apr. 26th, 2012




How is this even considered "news" in this country?

Apr. 22nd, 2012




Happy Record Store Day, guys!

I've still got 5 CDs and one vinyl to give away, if anyone wants them, as well as a bunch of memorabilia of mine and some Smashing Pumpkins stuff and a Wilco CD.

Did anyone else do anything fun and music-y? We had a nice little do at the local record store and it was absolutely fantastic. Anyone I saw there, thanks for stopping in!

Mar. 28th, 2012




Posting the flyer is completely failing to work right now, because of something being up with my scanner, and I very decisively don't have a copy of the initial image on my computer. I'm not a graphic designer, and so the crib (I think that's what you call it) wasn't living on my machine anyway. Suffice to say it looks really good, though, and if you've seen it somewhere I'm glad to hear that!

So instead I'm just doing a text post, because that is what blogs are for, really, is text, I think!

Consider this your official invitation (yes you -- all of you -- everyone who can read this) to my record release party, which you can buy tickets to here: [handwave link] for $10, or $15 at the door. The show starts at 8pm on Tuesday, April 3rd at Paramnesia in Anaheim, at [address].

The album will actually have come out that morning, so if you want to know the songs in advance you can buy them online from the same website, or pick up a CD at a physical record shop. iTunes is a moneygrabber so I didn't release there. If you really want to help out me and the crew financially, though, picking up a copy at the show is the best way to do it!

The songs can also be played through the site without purchase, but please don't rip them with Wiretap or anything, that's just rude -- to the music, the quality is terrible and the actual for-purchase downloads are lossless files. It sounds a lot better. Don't rip songs. It's music abuse.

Mar. 24th, 2012



Oh, fantastic! This is very exciting. I really like meeting new people, but it can sometimes be difficult. Let's just say I'd rather not meet a single one of you at work.

My name is Jean. Hello!

Mar. 6th, 2012




27 days, 11 hours and 52 minutes until the release of the stupid album.

I still can't tell anyone its name. We're working on organizing the party – and by "we" I mostly mean "Loki, Astrid and my management team of weevils" because I'm not contributing much of anything except for nods and headshakes – and I'm slowly going out of my mind.

That's nearly a month, except it isn't.

ETA: Timeanddate.com no longer lets me post their little countdown box things, and I felt like going Daisychain was going too far since it's not like I'm talking about a pregnancy or a wedding here.

The dorky part of me that likes countdowns instead of wanting to be sick over them is so sad.