
Posts Tagged: 'nina+pickering'

Jun. 5th, 2017




Okay so I just busted into a song from that Hamilton musical while on line getting lunch. Something about not throwing away a shot.

I've never seen Hamilton. I've never seen a musical in my life for all my years in NYC. But I've been singing songs from them randomly the past couple days.

At least this time I got a couple people applauding instead of the weird looks I was getting those other times.

May. 24th, 2017




I think I need to lock my phone up somewhere when I drink, because despite me finally putting a password on my phone? DrunkMe likes buying SoberMe presents. I got a package this morning with a ten pound bag of gummy sharks, a pizza cutter shaped like a race car, and a tea strainer shaped like a manatee.

Apr. 17th, 2017



Filtered to Adults

These dreams really feel sometimes like they are almost normal, and then they turn around and that changes in an instant.

Cut for content to do with death )

Jan. 5th, 2017




So Gabe and I are now engaged!

Since I've kind of gotten used to saying it I figured I might as well announce it here too but he proposed between Christmas and New Year and obviously I said yes.

It's all new and we haven't talked much about when or where or details but I cannot stop grinning, which is sometimes awkward in the ER ;)

Dec. 20th, 2016




Vacation has officially started for me! God, I'm so thankful to have vacation time, and that it was approved back two months ago. It was nice to sleep in for a little bit this morning, although I don't think Valerian gets the idea of sleeping in just yet. Of course, I hate to throw him off his routine, but I don't think it'd hurt for him to sleep in an extra 20 minutes every once in a while.

Nov. 25th, 2016




I have to admit I am glad not to be working today. For many reasons including still being stuffed full of food from yesterday and not having to deal with whatever injuries people get from fighting over black friday deals.

Apparently even though we don't have Thanksgiving in the UK the Black Friday deals are taking place. Madness.

Oct. 25th, 2016




Why is Halloween so popular here, anyway? It's always puzzled me and I've been living in the states for years.

Oct. 20th, 2016




Need some serious help with something:

What design should I do this year for pumpkin carving? I'm trying my hand at it instead of having a friend do it (though his zombie one that one year was AMAZING - except when it came to life).

Aug. 1st, 2016




I'm thinking that it may be time to start prenatal yoga. ...at 33 weeks. Anyone have any recommendations?

May. 22nd, 2016





Seems tree me is capable of surviving/regrowing so long as you plant a piece of me in some soil, and water it just like any other plant. That means dream me can pretty much survive ANYTHING except for fire. So right now I'm an adorable baby Groot jamming out on the dashboard of Quill's ship to the Jackson 5 (I can see my reflection in the window and it's freaking adorable). Guess music is good for plants after all.

Apr. 25th, 2016




Holy crap I think I died in the dreams.

Apr. 4th, 2016




Oh man! I felt the baby move! Sorry if that's an over-share, but I'm just really excited!

Feb. 18th, 2016




I miss Vegas, it was fun and pretty and there were no sightings of a weird monster thing or blood rain.

Even the queue for the sign would be better than this.

Las Vegas sign picture )




This blood rain needs to stop. Otherwise I may end up with a bunch of Audrey's in my yard. My poor plants :(

Yeah I just made a Little Shop of Horror's reference. I know, I'm dating myself.

Feb. 6th, 2016




I totally forgot the superbowl is this weekend until the memo came around for those working. I have to admit last year it was nowhere near as bad as I expected, I've seen way worse after a football game at home.

But to anybody watching and celebrating be careful :)

Dec. 29th, 2015




Listen, I haven't seen Gremlins since I was a kid. I DO NOT REMEMBER A DAMN THING ABOUT THESE BASTARDS.

Some of them got into my greenhouse, which is not cool. Why is my greenhouse always the causality in these things? One of 'em hit the manual switch for the watering system and suddenly they all friggin' multiplied! We managed to lock them in but that door's not gonna hold for long.


Nov. 27th, 2015




New York is amazing and my incredible boyfriend has been very good in letting me make him do all the touristy things with me. I kind of love the Statue of Liberty and Central Park is gorgeous.

The parade was definitely a sight to see and was really rather lovely but today we are staying in and hiding from the scary Black Friday shoppers, I don't fancy trying to buy anything today. Besides I'm kind of still stuffed full of food, Gabe's family go all out and it was the best food I've ever eaten.

Hope everybody else is having a good time!

Nov. 3rd, 2015




It's good to be back home. Hello, everyone. My name is Doctor Magius. After a rather long stay abroad, I've returned to find the OC just as odd as usual.

I do hope everyone is enjoying their fall.

Oct. 12th, 2015




I read a really interesting article on sleep paralysis (http://www.iflscience.com/brain/understanding-sleep-paralysis-terrifying-unique-state-consciousness) and it got me thinking even more about the dreams most of us here tend to experience.

It's a fascinating area of study really.

Oct. 6th, 2015




Am I the only one who does not care about Halloween?

Aug. 11th, 2015




Well at least now I know where or really what Knowhere is located in. I only had dreams of that whole business with the Collector but now I got the "previously on" dreams.

So who else besides this guy thinks building an entire colony/black market industry inside the head of a dead celestial god is messed up?

Jul. 29th, 2015




Why's there gotta be a second goddamn full moon this month? Is one not enough?

Jul. 1st, 2015




Anybody ever been so distracted at work you kinda planted a hundred annuals in the wrong spot?

Yep. You're lookin' at the guy who just spent two hours doin' just that.

May. 10th, 2015




I know it's not very ideal beach weather, but... would anyone like to go with me to it tomorrow? I have a whole free day on...  you know, and it would be nice to go somewhere.

Oh!! And some of you asked me when I would be singing next... I'll start again Monday night at [ Place ] from 7:30 until 10:30pm! Please come!

Apr. 4th, 2015




Did I travel back in time? And into someone else's body? Cuz I'm like 19 and white.


Nina if you see this it's Gabe and I'm not me today.

Apr. 1st, 2015




I love my work, I truly do but sometimes the people I work with I don't love so much.

One of the bright eyed new nurses thinks it's a great idea for us to wear bunny ears and cute tails around the wards over Easter weekend. And of course I'm down to work it.

Mar. 7th, 2015





Mar. 5th, 2015




Note to self: the correct dosage of cannabis for werewolves is crazy hard to pinpoint. Last night was definitely a first.

Feb. 12th, 2015




All the nurses in the breakroom can talk about is Jon Stewart retiring. I mean it's sad, but...really? There are other things going on in the world.

Feb. 11th, 2015




The first time I could actually have a date for Valentines Day and we're both working. So early celebration it is.

[ooc: For those who saw my previous post it has been brought to my attention that I am an idiot and the full moon was actually on 14th Feb last year not this year so please ignore my silly brain. Sorry]

Jan. 22nd, 2015





And my T.V. and X-BOX One. And broke a whole mess of stuff just for kicks.

BUT MY CANNABIS PLANTS. I've got people's orders depending on them, and now I have almost nothing!

They couldn't drag 'em all out of the greenroom so they broke and hacked some off.

And of course I can't even call the cops for this.

Dec. 27th, 2014





It was cool being dream me, but without Rocket translating my speech, it was hell trying to get anyone to understand a damn thing I was saying.

Dec. 2nd, 2014






Nov. 7th, 2014



Happy Birthday to the BAE.

So, since I'm the embarrassing boyfriend, I'm posting a Happy Birthday post to my bae where all his friends and family can see it.

This is the cake I got him. Cute, right?

Also, I'm posting a picture that I'd promised I deleted. I know it looks like he's holding up one of those lame peace signs but he's really got his whole hand out and is trying to shove my phone away. It just came out weird in the cropping.

Oct. 9th, 2014




So not only have I been having nasty dreams (or Dreams, I guess) every night for the past week and a half, almost two weeks, which is something I did not need. Lizard creatures and people who cut wolves in half with swords are not my definition of 'nice'.

But this morning I woke up and everything was just -- too much. It was like I could see everything in super high definition, I'm pretty sure I could hear my neighbours breathing, and don't get me started on how everything smelled.

I got Cora to pick up my dog, just in case. No actual transformation yet, but locking myself down seems like a good idea.

I'm starting to hate the full moon.

Oct. 7th, 2014



Have the damn dreams caused anyone else issues at work? I'm fairly sure I just suffered a panic attack but</s

Sep. 9th, 2014




I'd really like September to be over, already. Between OC weirdness (though Cora seems to be doing better, thank god), my dreams, and the last full moon, I've had about enough.

I was worried that the more dreams I had, the worse I'd get around the full moon, and joy of joys, I was right. It started out with just a general restlessness, but last night I got fangs and claws.

Which seem to have stuck around past the apex of the full moon, so that's a new development.

I'm just -- done. I'm done. I want off.

Sep. 2nd, 2014




I have an outie belly button. It popped out. This is so weird! But the baby's definitely in there, growing and swimming around. Merlin can regularly feel him or her moving now, and so can I. Obviously. Still having cravings. God, do I want tuna. And feta. Things I can't have!

Sep. 1st, 2014




I really need to stop talking to people who haven't dreamed. Is there a filter setting for that? Maybe I could make a hack. I could be like xKit guy, except for Valarnet.

In other, dream-related news, I now have a phases of the moon tracking app.

The full moon is next Monday, FYI. Take the necessary precautions, people.

Aug. 28th, 2014




If anyone is thinking of investing in a Husky, please remember that they are giant toddlers who will listen to everything you say, and then decide they really don't feel like doing it.

Now that Thor's a year old, he doesn't get the concept that he's too big for my lap. Or that the couch is no and his bed next to the couch is yes.

We're also working on the whole here and stay thing. And not licking new friends to death.

And by new friends I mean literally anyone who gets close to him.

Aug. 21st, 2014




I have an appointment for the BIG Ultrasound. Really excited about it. We're going in tomorrow, So I want to apologize to anyone in the IT department at Stark Industries for stealing Merlin away for a day. He's going to be a daddy in a few months, so he'll likely tkae a couple of days off work here and there. ;)

Still haven't figured out if we're going to learn the sex of the baby or not. I should probably speak with my husband about that. ;)

Aug. 7th, 2014




I felt it! I felt the baby move! Some people say it's too early, but I'm thrilled! I can't believe it! It wasn't like a butterfly's wings. No, sir. More like someone flicking the inside of my body with their finger... you know? Like... a thump-thump... almost like the baby's got the hiccups. Maybe the baby has the hiccups!!

Aug. 1st, 2014




My therapist is dumping me on to someone else. I'm not sure if I should be offended or not.

Jul. 21st, 2014




More dreams. I have my cat in the dreams at least. Isn't it weird when you wake from a dream, and you miss your friends there? Even though you don't know them in this world?

I had several last night.

Jul. 13th, 2014




Sometimes I wonder if I took the right path. I hand patients off to doctors and nurses every day, and most of the time I have no idea what happens to them after that. Do they recover? Are they still in the hospital?

If I had chosen to become a doctor, I could continue to help the people that I see every day. It's so easy to get attached, even though I know some of these people for no longer than a few minutes.

But then I remember that paramedics save lives every day, and that heartens me. To know that I'm the first face they see, that I can provide some comfort to them. And to the people that are often with them, too. I remember that, and I think... I made the right choice, after all. I just wish I could do more.

Jul. 7th, 2014




The dreams have been getting far more intense...and with all the fireworks have been going off, it's the last thing that I need.

Just feels like PTSD dreams but with some really messed up enemies.

Jun. 13th, 2014




So a full moon on Friday the 13th. That's gotta be lucky, right? Here's hoping nothing gets weird.

Meanwhile, I got the kids after my shift today, since Father's Day is coming up and surprises have to be planned.

Thor has his head under the couch, which clearly means I can't see him and will therefore not give him a bath to get glue and glitter out of his fur. Smart dog. So well hidden.

May. 26th, 2014




Am I the only one working today?

May. 22nd, 2014




OMG Godzilla. That was amazing. I saw it in IMAX 3D, and I loved it. The special effects were cool! I should probably watch more of the Godzilla movies now. I haven't seen any of the others. Really cool stuff, though. Who else saw it? What did you think?

May. 12th, 2014




Thank GOD the weather's gone hot again. I've been dying to get out my shorts and tank tops. Didn't have too much opportunity to wear them while we were in New York, but it was standard attire in Vegas. Now I get to show off my legs again! ...though, don't look too close until I get them tanned up a bit. The white is blinding.