
Posts Tagged: 'laurel+lance+%28black+canary%29'

Mar. 29th, 2021




I swear to god, I don't have a child, I have a gremlin. Someone watered her after midnight!

She came in the kitchen, half dressed, hair was every where, grunts at me as she climbs in her chair to get her milk. I sat my coffee down, get up to grab the brush to braid her hair as her father puts her breakfast on the table. As she started to eat, she started to squirm around, it was really just her waking up. I asked her not to move, than she informed me "I was ruining her life."

When did she become a teenager?

Mar. 28th, 2021




I don't know which of their classmates told my daughters you could explode peeps in the microwave, but our entire kitchen smells like burnt sugar now. ...At least they had the thought to put a plate under the peeps first, so that's less cleanup than it could have been, still not the way I wanted to start spring break.

I think maybe taking them to see the horses would be a good idea, before they go on search for more candy around the house to turn into science experiments.

Mar. 18th, 2021




My daughter told me that her teacher told the class that 4 + 4 equals 8. And 5 + 3 equals 8. And 6 + 2 also equals 8.

Livvy has informed me that she no longer wishes to go back to pre-school until such time her teacher makes up her mind.

Jan. 31st, 2021




Nothing like waking up screaming with the fear of almost being turned in to a doll.

My dreams are getting wild, someone was after to hurt my dad, so kidnaped me and was going to turn me into his forever doll.

I saw a female vigilante jump in, but the machine had started, I woke up so not sure how it turned out.

But the fear I was feeling transfer over to the now.

Olivia been extra nice, cuddles, and being good today.

But I'm on my fourth cup of coffee and debating on putting it on Bravo and having whatever Housewife show is marathoning day.

Jan. 20th, 2021




My kid just told me at breakfast today that she wished she could see Santa's naughty list. I asked her if she's worried that she's on it because of the epic tantrum she threw at dinner last night.

She said no. She wants to see who she can have the most fun with.

I think I'm in trouble.

Jan. 17th, 2021




I know these dreams are normal here but what about waking up with a dream injury? I broke my arm in my dreams and woke up with one. Seems unfair.

Dec. 5th, 2020




I took Livvy out for dinner tonight and we were driving home when she asked me if I could record my voice on one of those build-a-bear hearts next time we go.

I told her that of course I would, thinking that she wanted it for comfort or whatever.

She responds with "Sweet because we're going to put that inside you when you die and fill you full of stuffing."

She said we so that means she's run this idea by someone else who has agreed on this idea.

I'm not sure if I'm supposed to be honoured or really worried that my kid might be a psychopath.

Nov. 18th, 2020




I just watched my four year fight over a chair with her adult cousin.

I decided to make blueberry pancakes for breakfast after waking up Livvy and sending her to get Mal, we had a sleepover last night. Mal kept her busy while I cooked, when I called them in, they both came in, going for the same chair, Mal hip bumped Livvy (lightly), causing Livvy to stumble and than Livvy dramatically flung herself on the floor.

Chaos follows, not because she hit the floor, she's not hurt. Her feelings are hurt because her Mal pushed her out of the chair! Mal in the chair said sorry, but Livvy wasn't having it. She demanded a full apology, the chair, kisses, and cuddles. Mal said no, then Livvy growled at her and demanded a full apology, kisses, cuddles, and to share the chair aka sit in Mal's lap while we eat. Mal told her no, mainly because she knew she wouldn't be able to eat with Livvy in her lap. Livvy's still a messy eater, she's four. Mal told her no, that she was sorry, but she was not cuddling her while we ate.

So now I have a four year old, sitting next to Mal, muttering about her no good cousin and how she was going to tell her daddy on her as she stabs her pancake with her plastic fork and I'm trying to not laugh. She's making it very difficult.

Nov. 13th, 2020




Um hi? My name's Gemini and this might sound a little bit silly but a couple of days ago I had this really disturbing dream. I mean, of course I've had dreams before but this was...different, it felt scarily real which is weird because it definitely never happened.

I was looking around online to see if anyone had experienced anything similar and then I found this place and some of the comments I've seen sound a lot like my experience. I doubt it means anything and I'm probably just worrying over nothing, but does anyone have any advice for dealing with this kind of thing if it happens again?

Oct. 18th, 2020




Her: Mom I want to be a bee!

Me: That's easy, we can dust you in gold glitter for pollen.

Her: I just want to buzz at everyone.

Me: Baby, Bees don't talk.

Her: They buzz mom.

Me: Their wings buzz.

Her: Can I throw glitter?

Me: No!

Her: Nevermind

Costume idea 45 from Livvy that she veto herself.

Oct. 8th, 2020




Leon is gone, so I'm partner less once again at work.

Maybe it's time to rethink my job. I've been a cop for years, been shot at, been shot!

Perhaps it's time to retire the badge and move on.

Don't mind me, just rambling, I don't feel like sleeping and so now I'm talking to all of you.

Sep. 7th, 2020




Leon, where ever you got lunch from today.

So good!

I even warmed up the leftover when I got home and Olivia loved it!




She died.

I never really hated these dreams before. Now? I don't think I can handle any more. I've never felt so powerless to stop something before.

Aug. 31st, 2020




Last I checked, the grocery store parking lot was one way. I didn't steal your spot, you tried to steal mine but I got to it first. But please, continue ranting Karen. I only came for sandwich stuff and by the time you've finished your tantrum I would have already been out and out of that spot.

Aug. 5th, 2020




Trying to wrangle two five year olds and a small dog in a park while also not getting run over by free range children is intense.

Like this should be an extreme sport or something.

I legitimately feel like I need a nap-time of my own now that the terrible twosome and fluffy the maniac are napping, but oh, what is that, work calling.

I was not prepared for this level of exhaustion today.

Jul. 6th, 2020




In my dreams, I'm hell bent on finding the vigilante who I blame for Tommy's death. My anger is misplaced, it wasn't his fault. I am so mad at myself and everything else falling apart when Tommy died. Oliver left me once again.

The twist is with The Hood, who I'm obsessed with bringing to justice, I'm very....attracted to.

We have worked together in the past, we were a team for a bit, but now I need to find him to put him in jail. Yes, he broke a lot of laws, but not as a villain per say.

Jun. 8th, 2020




Nearly six months I go without a Dream. I thought I was done with the fucking things, but no, now I get to wake up smelling like a goddamn house fire. I think I might've inhaled a fair amount of smoke, too.

God, would it ever be nice if these things would just leave me alone already.

Private to D )

May. 27th, 2020




I rookie cop just asked me out, it was adorable and horrifying at the same time.

When he asked me, I thought it was just as a co-worker thing and told him I could met him in morning for coffee. He looked baffled by my answer and then clarified a date, I laughed. I didn't mean to, but it slipped right out.

I thanked him for the offer, but decline it.

May. 24th, 2020




I woke up this morning with my whole room rearranged. And it wasn't in a good way.

My hands are still tingling, so I'm sure it was because of the dream. Over exertion of my powers there probably bled into my consciousness and then... out again, I suppose.

Has anyone done a study on this stuff? The effect of dreams and our waking up process I mean?

[ Filtered to Friends of Peter Quill ]
I know it's a little late, but I want to sort of have a 'welcome home' party for Peter. I was thinking we could all meet at Lux, he's partied there before, so it won't be like a 'surprise' party or anything. Just all his friends hanging out together.

I was thinking early June, if anyone was interested?

[ Filtered to Kara Danvers & Billy Kaplan ]
If I invite you both to a party for my boyfriend, you'll come, right?

May. 20th, 2020




Laurel decided today that the best way to convince us to agree to take her and her sister to Disney Land every day of summer vacation was to sit us down and give us a presentation on exactly why it would be a waste of money to not go to Disney every day. I'm kind of impressed that she did her research. We've got seasonal passes, because we do go that often and it just made more sense to get them. She did her research on how much it costs for all of us, how much it would cost to buy it individually, and how much money we'd be saving by going every day.

The answer is still no, Disney is a privilege and not an expectation. And she didn't take food and souvenirs into her math. But she is in elementary school and there were hand drawn graphs. So I'm still impressed.

May. 12th, 2020




I miss my Sunday night tv wine time with my friend. I get it, she's busy, but it was something I looked forward to.

I did finally caught up on West World *mind blown*.

Anyone want to start a book club or something like that? I sound lame, I know.

Apr. 23rd, 2020




Me: How you feeling today, baby?
Liv: I feel like how you look mommy?
Me: How do I look?

I thought she was going to be sweet, tell me I'm pretty.

It was a trap, I should have known!

Liv: Tired, Mommy, we are tired.

We get to spend the whole day together, yay us! Sad thing is, I am tired.

Apr. 8th, 2020




Anyone else suddenly turn 7 years old for a week? Or was that just me?

[Max and Isobel]
Thanks for you know... putting up with all that.

Apr. 4th, 2020




So all this stuff going on, and me being in side more than usual...I realized something very important about myself.

I am so fucking boring when I don't have other people around. Like daaaaaamn. I don't really have hobbies. I thought at first, cool, I can build things ...but I build things for a LIVING so that's not a hobby. Then I thought okay, I can paint. Again, work stuff.

I have no legitimate hobbies. I don't really read. I play video games sometimes but that's like a 'get high/drunk' activity ...

I need suggestions. And it can't be complicated or involve reading.

Apr. 1st, 2020




What n'the hell??


Mar. 24th, 2020




All my life I always wanted to be a cop like my father, but in my dreams I'm a lawyer, a damn good one at that. I always seem to challenge the DA of the city and when I became the ADA I was heavily into finding the Green Arrow.

It's misplaced, he did what he had to do, I can see if from the outside looking in. I blamed him for Tommy's death, which unraveled my life because of the guilt of his death was on me. My dreams make me miss Tommy even more now! I think he would have made a perfect Uncle for Livvy. Spoiled her even more than myself and Oliver does.

Mar. 23rd, 2020




For the last damn time - I had nothing to do with those fucking ghost soldiers that were around the last week. Yeah I'm all about ghosts and things but when I summon soldiers back from the dead? They show up as skeletons.

Feb. 8th, 2020




How to know your parent is a cop.

My daughter stepped on a crayon & broke it she turned to me saying “Oh no mom I assaulted the crayon!”

Feb. 6th, 2020




It's not my job in life to parent other people's kids. I've got two, I'm responsible for them. More if you count the ones with fur. But that's all I'm responsible for. So I'm not going to tell other people how they should and shouldn't raise their kids.

However I can silently judge them when we have story time at the library and one kid will not stop talking over the guest because he thinks whatever he's talking about is more important.

Jan. 19th, 2020




Nothing like waking up to your sister calling you early in the morning to check-in.

Sara has found her way to Australia to be an aid in helping the people there.

Honestly, I couldn't be any prouder of her.




It's so weird, dreaming about my sister being dead when she is very much alive, in the real world. I barely see her in the real world, but at least she's still alive and I can at least try to talk to her. Although, the dreams feel so real that I sometimes forget she's not dead; especially after the one I had last night. The ten year anniversary of her death was coming up and I found out that her death was likely not an accident like we thought. It's all so much, so fast and I don't know what to think or how to feel about it all; both in and out of the dreams.

Dec. 11th, 2019




When did talking pictures with the Grinch become a thing?

I mean...I'm not oppose to it, little one got a picture with him, but I genuinely did not know it's a thing now.

When did this happen?

Nov. 12th, 2019




Me: Why is your hair so tangled?
Daughter: Honey

So that's my morning.

Oct. 30th, 2019




I was planning on going Trick-or-Treating with Chris tomorrow. Really not my thing, but he was really looking forward to it and I'd already made up our costumes. But I just got told that one of the detectives is out with the flu, and now I've got to pick up a shift tomorrow, which is a load of bullshit. Halloween's one of the worst holidays out there. I don't care if it's on Thursday this year. I'm sure that's not going to cut back on the amount of drunk assholes.

Oct. 22nd, 2019




I wish that my kid would inform me that we are playing a game of hide and go seek before she starts playing. This impromptu game has made us late for school.

I have to say that I am pretty impressed with her hiding skills though.

Oct. 12th, 2019




I made lunch with the news on than tuned it off to have a nice meal with my daughter.

Meltdown ensues - tears, screaming, pushing the plate away because "I ruined her whole life" by turning off the news.

I feel like my kid is broken.

Sep. 18th, 2019




I was very proud of the fact that until now I had not actually heard that bloody Baby Shark song, but today that all changed. I had a meeting with a client for their kid's first birthday and the meeting was at their house, which is fine, but they must have played that bloody song for the kid at least a dozen times. And now it's been popping up in my head ever since. No matter what else I listen to, it just pops up when I least expect it. I think I need a few drinks.

Sep. 15th, 2019




I walked into Olivia room this morning to find her stuff bear in the corner.

He was in time out for robbing a bank this morning.

I'm not crying from laughter.

Sep. 8th, 2019




Guess who only has one week of rehab left!

I even survived the weekend with my daughter without any help!

Hopefully, by the end of the week, I will be on desk duty till I'm cleared to be back in action.

I can not wait!

Sep. 5th, 2019




I see the most insane things when I go places with my parents. Since I didn’t have to go to my class today and dad is having to use his stored up vacation days, we decided to hit Disney for a few hours, stopping at the ticket booth to renew my pass so that I can keep going to the park with my friends whenever I want. Anyway while we’re waiting in line, this woman with kids starts flipping out because she has to wait 5 minutes and she didn’t come there to spend her day waiting in lines. At a theme park. What was she expecting?

To make it even better when she got up to the window her kid started saying he was bored, which I totally get because that line IS really boring especially when you compare it to the ride lines. But remember mom flipping out over having to wait in a line? She turns around, looks at him perfectly straightfaced and says “You need to learn to be patient and wait your turn”. Mom had to death glare Dad and I both to keep us from reacting because REALLY?!? This grown woman who threw a fit over having to wait in a line telling her son that? Take your own advice lady. For real.

Aug. 19th, 2019




Rehab wore me out, I'm not even in the mood to read. So I'm coming to you guys for suggestion on what to watch that's mind-numbing.


Aug. 4th, 2019




Home sweet home, Mom is headed back to New York! Have to be off my feet for a week, then rehab, me going crazy, and desk work to hopefully being back on the streets.

Spent the afternoon with Olivia, who asked me, "Mom, to be evil do you need a backstory?" I had no idea what to even say. Turns out Ollie been reading her fairytales. Our daughter is going to save the world or rule it, the jury is still out on which one.

She's still staying with her father so I'm camp out on the couch, trying to find something to watch.

Jul. 11th, 2019




It looks like dream!me has decided to pick up where Renegade left off. Here's hoping I don't end up with my head chopped off too.

Jul. 8th, 2019




Daughter: Mom, hurry UP!

Me: Someone is bossy this morning.

Her: Not bossy! I got leadership skills.

She gets it from her dad, the bossiness, the leadership skills is me.

Jul. 4th, 2019




Happy Fourth of July everybody! Have fun with your burgers and beer and fireworks. And if you don't have any of those there'll be plenty at my place so swing on by.

Jun. 20th, 2019




Pros to summer: Work is busy, the sun is shining, and there are farmer's markets galore.

Cons: Work is busy, I can't get out to the beach as much as I want, and I barely see the sun these days.

I guess I shouldn't complain and should be grateful for everything I do have.

I just really want to get on that board though, feel the sand in my toes ...

At this rate, it'll be August until I have the time I want.

Good thing I love my work.

Jun. 15th, 2019




I can't believe
This is not

You know, I could really do without the people I trust the most lying to me about major things. It's getting really old.

Jun. 10th, 2019




Well. It finally happened.

I got a gift from my dreams and what do I get?

A mo'fo Zune.

Yeah. That's right. A Zune.

Apparently dream!me is allll about the vintage-ness of life. I mean, hey, it's pre-loaded and has a million cool old songs (okay like 500 but WHO'S COUNTING?!).

I wonder if this means my next dream gift will be like moon boots or maybe some Chia pet...

Anyways, if you're wondering where I am, I'm trying to ebay myself a Zune charger because the universe has a sense of humour.

May. 29th, 2019




Note to self: you are not as young as you use to be, stop thinking you are or self-sabotage yourself. Most likely the lather, but it truly hurts to think at the moment. I feel like I'm a little kid home from school sick, watching daytime television, only Bob Barker was the host, not Drew Carey of The Price Is Right.


Also in my dreams, I'm an assistant DA in Starling City, a hot mess, but I did kick some ass.

May. 28th, 2019




Poll: “A Whole New World” is Disney’s most euphemistic song, Y/N.

Lyrics for consideration:

“I can open your eyes
Take you wonder by wonder
Over sideways and under
On a magic carpet ride”