
Posts Tagged: 'yaten+kou+%28sailor+star+healer%29'

Jul. 27th, 2013




Dreams are officially trolling me. The silver hair is bad enough in them, I don't want it here!

I swear, if anyone calls me old

Jul. 20th, 2013



Hi, everyone! It's Rapunzel again! :D

SO! We have the Z Club and all, and that's really awesome and cool, and our president is Zelda who is also awesome and cool! But I was talking to someone on here the other day about music-y stuff and! Well!

WHAT ABOUT A MUSICIANS CLUB? We could get all the musicians together to bounce ideas around or even work together or something! Wouldn't that be fun?? :D Would anyone wanna join up? LET ME KNOW~! :D :D

Jul. 17th, 2013




If I turn into a girl one more time, I'm punching someone. I wouldn't mind if I could control it

I hate my powers.

Jul. 16th, 2013




Does anyone else have an animal that does not like air conditioning? One would think that a cat like Chairman Meow, who is a long haired cat, would prefer to be in an air conditioned room, but he tends to spend most of his time stretched out on the kitchen floor looking miserable and when I bring him into the living room or my bedroom, he leaves two seconds later. I suppose I'll never quite understand cats. Or him, for that matter.

Jun. 19th, 2013



Seiya has an announcement /gif )




I just dreamt of the most painfully cheerful girl. I don't know whether I should want to slap her or love her.

...Probably mostly the latter, if her friends have anything to do with it. She's like our princess, I guess

Jun. 14th, 2013




France sucked. I got peed on by a poodle.

May. 25th, 2013


[Locked from Hee Young]

Well shit. If I'd have seen the signs, breaking up with her wouldn't have made me feel so guilty leading up to it.

Still, is it terrible to ask for a one night stand tonight?

A wam, bam, thank you ma'am(Or sir?) tonight?

May. 24th, 2013




Make the dreams of being a girl stop please because for five seconds there I don't want to be a girl!

...Also, my hair is silver in my dreams. What.

May. 15th, 2013




Hey, I'm new and my name's Anders.

Can we all take a minute to discuss kittens on the valarnet, here? Kittens are insanely adorable little things with adorably tiny paws and great big eyes and the little noses that twitch and their whiskers and all the fluff...

I might be going a LITTLE thick there, sorry. But so. Kittens. We’ve established that they are adorable. They are also, usually, incredibly cuddly and make the sweetest little cooing sounds besides the meows, or at least the gorgeous litter of maine coons someone dropped off at the office this week. They’re absolutely precious little cooing balls of awesome already, really really laid back, and would be great with kids, old people, students who are allowed to have pets, people in their teens to over a hundred..., busy people, people with time to have a companion who likes to curl up with you, tea drinkers, coffee lovers, anybody who doesn’t have an allergy...

Okay so the point is you really need to come and meet our kittens.

We’re in the situation where we’re not a shelter, and that probably won’t happen for another couple years if we get funding, but people bring their kittens to me all the time, and the overnight stay enclosures for the cats are getting pretty full and I’ve had to start doubling them up so my patients can have the peace they need after surgeries.

The dog area is looking much, much better as far as housing them these days, NOT that I’m saying people should run and drop their puppies off with me either. I’m REALLY not a puppy person, even though dogs can be nice, but I have a lot of kittens, and some older cats all really looking for homes who I DON’T want to have to drive to the shelter if I don’t have to. These guys are perfectly healthy, come with shots, and a bag of the food they’re getting here, and when they’re old enough, I’ll throw in a spay and neuter. I’d take them all back with me if I could, but seeing as that’s kind of not an option, I’m going to turn to all of you.

PLEASE come meet the kitties out at City Lickers in Irvine any time you can, we’re even open Sundays, and maybe think about giving one of those precious little faces a good home?

Apr. 8th, 2013



I've been having a lot of Dreams lately.

A coronation ceremony... Falling in love with a suitor. Meeting some very familiar faces. It's kind of weird, seeing parts of this life pair up with those dreams.

But those leather uniforms, boys? As impractical as they are, they're kind of hot. :P

Apr. 4th, 2013




I'm going to kill certain friends of mine, because they didn't warn me about how insane my dreams would be.

Mar. 20th, 2013



[Everyone except Haruka has the ability to see this]

Locked from Tenoh Haruka(If Haruka tries to access it leads to a rick roll video) )

Mar. 19th, 2013




So, I can reveal my news that I mentioned the other day.

Beginning Saturday night, I'll be performing at [insert name of coffee shop] for the next four Saturdays thanks to Draco Malfoy. Nothing too big, but it's a chance to get in front of an audience again, even if it's a small one.

There are a few faces I expect to see there, at least for the first one. Darcy, Alyssa, Annie, Draco and Yaten. I only ask that no one throw scones. Those fuckers are hard.

Mar. 18th, 2013




This spring collection is biting me in the ass... I can't seem to get the stitching right.

Mar. 6th, 2013




Can't a man have any peace in this damn state?

I get it, I'm at least a little renowned. Sometimes, I just want to have time to myself, rather than being hounded by... idiots.