
Posts Tagged: 'thackery+binx'

Mar. 27th, 2014



More dreams? Seriously?

My dream life as a cat just continues on. Apparently the idea that cats have nine lives is very true. Or maybe it's just because I'm a cursed cat, but I got hit by a BUS and lived. That was one of the freakiest things I've dreamed and these dreams are weird.

After getting hit by the bus the kids had to keep running from the witches, which lead us to this horrible 90's dance where the adults were. The witches took over the thing and sang a song and put everyone under their spell. These ladies are crazy.

But I did manage to find out that witches can be killed in a kiln in a high school. I feel like this is really useful life information to have. But I have a sneaking suspicion that this isn't the end of it despite us all retreating back to the family house.

Feb. 24th, 2014



Oh. My. God.

THIS MAN spent $35,000 to transform his house into a cat paradise for his EIGHTEEN cats. It is beautiful, but absolute madness.

I mean, don't get me wrong, I love my cats, but I would never spend that much on them. I am almost tempted to call up the company that helped him do this and get a few things installed in my house, but I certainly won't be doing it to this extent.

Feb. 5th, 2014



Does anyone need or want a temporary roommate?

Jan. 27th, 2014



I can't believe the first month of this new year is almost over! Why is time just flying by? I wish things would go a little slower and maybe my days would drag on a little longer.

So in preparation for February I decided to look over some of the pet events that are going on around the area that people might want to attend. You can view things: here. These should all be dog friendly, so if you have a dog make sure to see if there's any that strike your fancy. If you don't have a dog, well I have some more pets at my clinic that are up for adoption if you want to stop by and take a peek at them.

There's some really great events. Lots of fundraising and awareness events. I love all these puppy kissing booths for Valentine's Day ideas. Very clever! A run/walk for breast cancer and a kid petting zoo.

Jan. 21st, 2014




After some careful consideration, I have finally gotten myself a dog. I've spent the last few weeks reading up on different breeds and such; also, seeing if it would be best to adopt or just get a puppy. However, I felt it would be better to adopt and so I began to look through all the nearby animal shelters to see what they all offered.

Today, I can say that I am now a proud owner of a new dog. The shelter had her named as "Winter" but I don't know if I'll keep that. I think I'd rather wait and see what she's like before deciding on a name. Anyway, enough talk...here are some pics:

Cut for pics )

Jan. 16th, 2014




Right, lovies, let's have a roll call please.

If you know a Hawke or think you might have known a Hawke, and you know this Hawke, or some other Hawke, please do check in let me know if you're:

A: Still you and remember me.
B: Not still you and remember some other me.
C: Not still you at all, in which case, I'm not sure you'd know to post here.

Do NOT post if:

D: You know a Hawke that owes you money.

I'm not that Hawke, ever.

Jan. 14th, 2014




I feel like this Arishok person is going to become a fairly large pain in my rear, and soon. We respect each other well enough right now - I'm sure Fenris has helped me in this regard - but respect really only stretches so far between enemies.

Jan. 7th, 2014




I was jogging earlier today when I came upon a stray dog. She's under some blankets right now, but I'm taking her to the vet tomorrow.

Dec. 31st, 2013



I am so happy that the holidays are nearly over. But I will say that I think my Christmas Photos With Santa promotion at the clinic went over quite well. A lot of people came out and it was a lot of fun. Animals with Santa are hilarious - I found this LINK on buzzfeed with dog/Santa photos that made me cry with laughter.

I was also thankful enough to have my family come out to visit me. I'm sure they were pleased that it was slightly warmer here than Salem despite there being some snow still on the ground. And I think Marian did a great job of not being completely intimidated by them.

But my main point of posting is the excitement over having new dreams. I received a photo of my "cat" self and 3 other people and I had no idea who they were. But, now I do! So, let's see...it's been a quite a while since I last dreamed, but I remember I was turned into a cat by the witch. My dreams picked up on the oldest sister witch declaring that there was a curse in place that the sisters would come back when a virgin lights the black-flamed candle on Halloween. My family didn't realize it was me as a cat and rejected me, so I stayed around to guard the cottage.

Fast forward 90 years to the 90's and some idiot, Max, decides he wants to impress a girl, Allison, and lights the candle! The witches came back and thus began our battle with the witches. We went to a graveyard where a zombie rose out of the dirt to come after us, we went to a party to enlist the help of the kids' parents, but the witches put a spell on them, and finally we managed to lure them into the high school. We locked them in a kiln and burned them alive. Did I mention I can speak to these kids? They've taken quite a liking to me, especially Dani (Max's younger sister), and we all head back to their house in victory. She said she was going to make me a fat house cat. Goodie.

I don't think this is the end of the dreams though. It seems too good to be true to have defeated the witches this easily. But we shall see.

Nov. 24th, 2013



I know things have been a little strange around here again, but I wanted to make a post to get people's opinions. I was thinking of doing setting up something for a pet photos for Christmas. I know some pet stores do it, but I want to help raise some money for charity to give back this holiday season.

Would anyone be interested in having their pet photos taken? I was thinking of having a Santa come in and maybe set up an area with backdrops and different props that you can pose your pet with.

Oct. 31st, 2013



Well shit. It's my birthday today and I had to text my family to tell them not to call me to wish me a Happy Birthday because my voice is gone.

My mother was not pleased at all and I know my father wants to talk about the Red Sox winning the World Series last night. Well, they'll have to wait until this passes and I get my voice back. Fingers crossed it's really soon.

Definitely one of my weirder birthdays.

Oct. 20th, 2013



I had a very lovely first date with an equally lovely woman last night. I'm quite disappointed that my dreams decided to take another strange turn last night. I woke up in the middle of the evening crying over the events in them and then when I managed to go back to sleep they started up again.

I guess I should explain a little bit. I found my sister in the witch's cabin and watched as they stole her life force to make themselves younger. It was horrible and frightening. I decided to fight back against them and ended up being turned in to a black cat. Fan-freaking-tastic. And the dream just ened there, so who knows what happens.

I'm hoping these stop for a while. Especially since my birthday is on Halloween so I should probably focus on that.

Oct. 14th, 2013




Hi there! My name's Mary Margaret. I just joined this network, but I've lived here in Orange County for a few years now. I graduated from The University of California in Fullerton and moved.

So, um, does anyone know if there's a vet in Huntington Beach? I adopted two birds and I would like them to have a full check up to make sure everything is okay.

Thank you so much :) Everyone have a wonderful day~

Oct. 10th, 2013



Training my new dog seems to be going well. He already knew how to sit, thankfully, so I've been working on laying down and playing dead for fun. We went to a couple puppy training classes to get his obedience in and he's doing much better on walks than the first time we went out. I'm trying to get him to stop jumping up on people since that is proving to be a little more difficult than I thought it would be.

But besides that I think I've finally been hit by dreams. I dreamt I was a young man in the late 1600's in my hometown of Salem and my sister was kidnapped by witches. I know, weird. It just freaked me out more than it should because we had a similar type thing happen when she was younger, so it was like deja vu, but thankfully that didn't involve witches. But I followed along to find her and stumbled upon the three witch sisters in the cottage attempting to drain Emily's life force. The dream ended before I could do anything, but I can't help but feel extremely anxious about the whole thing. If my dreams are going to be like this then I don't want to dream anymore.

Sep. 27th, 2013



I forgot to post about which dog I decided to go with and now that all the paper work is done and he's at home. I would like you all to meet Wilson Binx. My cats are quite skeptical of having a dog in the house, but I think they'll come around. He's fairly young so he's all about trying to play with them and I'm having a hell of a time watching them. It's taking a lot of self restraint from taking a lot of videos of them.

Gotta get him into training and hopefully I'll be able to have him come to the clinic soon enough.

Sep. 22nd, 2013



So, I'm thinking about adopting a dog since my place seems a little lonely. I've been wanting a dog for a while and now seems like a good time. I was looking at the OC Humane Society and there's too many cute dogs to choose from. I don't think I want a small dog, but the rest seem like they would be about the right size.

So, give me your opinions! You can check the dogs out here. And if there's one you really want to adopt let me know and I'll make sure not to adopt them. It's a win/win here.

Sep. 21st, 2013




Does anyone have any recommendations for a vet that is good with rabbits? Most of the vets I've been to seem to have little knowledge about them at all.

How are you feeling? How have the dreams been?

Sep. 17th, 2013




Is it safe now? Is everyone back to being themselves? I think I saw some big dragons out there at some point! Dragons are so very... very... scary.

Gosh, Orange County sure is a crazy place to live sometimes. I know it was silly of me to move back here because of that, but... I missed the dreams about ponyville and everything too much. I feel like this is the only place I belong anymore.

I hope you all are doing better, anyway.

[Filtered to Kirk]
Mr. Kirk, are you... uhm. Still angry at me?

Sep. 11th, 2013



So I've not been here for very long, still sorta settling in and trying to get my bearings, but I'm unpacked at least. I knew California was going to be different from Arizona, the weather is more tolerable for one thing, less sand which is even better. But I'm starting to think that my expectations might have been a little off. It's not as, uh, normal as I would have expected.

Maybe normal isn't exactly the right word, less odd, maybe? I don't know, I'm not sure, but it's certainly not what I expected.

Sep. 9th, 2013



I'm so glad I'm not the only person with crazy pets right now. I didn't even realize anything was going on until my cats decided they wanted to wake me up and literally pulled me out of bed. And as I was laying on the floor one decided to step on my chest and almost crushed me. Not how I was expecting to start off the week! I am almost afraid to take them with me to work tomorrow. I don't need my clinic to get destroyed, but I feel bad trying to kennel superhuman cats.

Does this happen often?

Aug. 25th, 2013




I've never felt so conflicted about Back to School time.




Someone tell me I'm not the only one that really enjoys some research?

Aug. 20th, 2013



Hello there, lovely network of people. My name is Thackery Binx and I am a local veterinarian in the area. My clinic, Binx Animal Hospital, is located over in Laguna Woods. I feel like I'm in the first day of school where you have to introduce yourself to everyone. What else can I say? I'm from Salem, MA and I went to grad school here in California. The lack of winter won me over and I've been here ever since.

Oh, and I'm always looking for people that want to help out around the clinic. Heck, if you just want to come pet animals feel free. My cats love company.