
Posts Tagged: 'anakin+solo'

Jun. 5th, 2016




School is stressful, sure but...I'm not exactly certain what to do with time off now? Dad usually makes those plans, but he hasn't yet. What do people usually do on summer vacations?

May. 24th, 2016




Turned in my final paper. Two tests left. The emotions in this dorm are high, and yet with all them in my head I think I managed a B at least.

I'm...not exactly sure where I'm going to stay over the summer. My stuff is packed, I guess I'll just find a hotel for a while. Dad doesn't seem interested in having me with him.




Soooooo I think this geostigma is some kind of comparison to like... child poverty or... something? I mean, it's mostly the kids getting sick. Some adults are getting sick but... like... it's mostly kids. My buddy Yuri broke me outta my dad's stupid house arrest thing, and we tried to find some stuff in the materia caves to help. Course, I just find Nanaki but that's cool too. Pops just shut down the borders to Wutai so we're cut off, I gotta break outta the whole country to go try and help my friends before my whole nation gets wiped out. Yuri doesn't deserve this. Midgar here I come!

Things would he more helpful if Vinnie would answer his phone, travelling on cat-back is bumpy.

In other news! I am gonna kick butt this week in class! Hopefully. If I get up in time. Stupid alarm clock needs to be louder.

May. 17th, 2016




I seem to have gained another ability, this one a bit more useful I think than empathy. I can lift small objects if I focus long enough. My coffee cup can lift off the table now. I haven't quite mastered the ability to make it refill itself but I suppose in due time perhaps.

May. 16th, 2016




Being without my shadow and unable to go out in the sun has left my days rather empty and I've been trying to fill them by finding new and interesting things to read and learn about. In my findings recently I have discovered the canon that my Dreams come from. I'm really very excited about this! Finally I can show people the world that I dream about! I've wanted to do this ever since the dreams started!

I've also discovered the wild and interesting world of fanfiction. Oh my goodness, there is a lot of fanfiction for the canon my Dream self comes from. Some of it is fantastic while others are...well not so fantastic, and a lot of what is called slash fiction. I'm not sure I understand why, but writers like to pair up our cook and our swordsman. It doesn't make any sense, but it's interesting to read.

May. 6th, 2016




I officially hate the desert.

May. 5th, 2016




I woke up to Lightsaber crystals but nothing to put them in. This is problematic Stormtroopers considered.

Apr. 14th, 2016




Pro tip parents, don't name your kids after sithlords and expect them to be happy about it.

Apr. 4th, 2016




I'm just so angry I can't
is this even my feeling or is it someone elses?

I have two papers due and a test to study for and I can't focus on a single one. Think I'm officially screwed. Fun.




Got some new dreams, oh yeah!

FINALLY get to meet Rey and BB-8. That escape in the freighter was EPIC. Rey you were not kidding how amazing that was!

Learned Han Solo's a badass. Except for the smuggling of Rathtars part - that's just straight up crazy. Those things nearly ate me!

Also, Solo is a terrible smuggler. He tried conning like two or three groups of people at once! We're lucky we made it out of there in one piece between them and the Rathtars!

Lastly, wookies make terrible patients. Never trying to patch one up again. Thought I was gonna lose an arm.

Here's to hoping I hurry up and dream some more.

Mar. 26th, 2016




Yep, it looks like in the dreams I'm off to the Jedi Academy just like my siblings did. Dad still seems to have issues buying into the Jedi thing even though he married into a family of them. Go figure.

C-3p0 is the most obnoxious droid. I prefer Chewbacca to the droid, but he was usually off on missions with dad.

Mar. 21st, 2016




Having all these space related dreams is giving me a serious case of wanderlust. My mom in them basically left us to our own devices and we often borrowed transport to other areas of the planet just whenever we wanted.

Mar. 17th, 2016




My older brother can apparently talk to animals in the Dreams.




Sometimes I really enjoy my dreams and sometimes they're incredibly concerning. I mean, I get to watch the progress of an entire relationship with someone I started out hating and eventually marry. I wasn't expecting that when I started the dreams. I also start to see the decline of my relationship with my sister after she married that awful man (almost seems like art imitating life, but her husband here isn't that awful). I got to see the beautiful graduation ceremony from a magical school, but now there's a war brewing and I'm really not looking forward to what happens.

On the plus side I finally got my Head Girl badge and a load of Wizarding money, so if anyone wants to see a knut or a galleon, let me know, haha.

Feb. 25th, 2016




Urrgh, Unnngh!

What time is it?! I really need to figure out a better sleep pattern, and you know maybe set up an alarm on my phone for the right time. Need food. Dying. Dry mouth. Water.

The days already half over but it still sucks.

Feb. 18th, 2016




anyday now the noise can end.




Sometimes I think Dream me is suicidal. He takes on one of the most dangerous jobs in the area, mouths off to the Empire - the people he's trying to hide from - and gets into fights as though that's what he lives for. And just when I think he's probably the most miserable asshole in the galaxy, he goes and saves some jackass from a mining cave-in and in doing so blows his entire cover.

So, yeah, basically I'm the galaxy's worst Jedi. Sounds about right.

Feb. 7th, 2016




not even noon ad and my breakfast thufar has been advil. i think ive hit my limit already for a days worth but nothing is helping. it feels like the walls are closing in on me and dad is furious about something but hes not around i dont think. i thought he went out.

Feb. 3rd, 2016




...Does everyone on this network get those 'dreams' then?

Not that I have, but has anyone dreamt of not living on Earth?

Feb. 2nd, 2016




So, apparently, I'm anti-social, far too wrapped up in my work, and putting way too much pressure on Skye to act as my only source of companionship, and this is neither healthy nor productive for the overall well-being of either of us. Or at least, so says my shrink-- I mean, older brother.

So, even though he knows full well I'm not exactly good at it, I'm supposed to attempt this whole 'making friends' thing the kids are crazy about these days. And apparently the way you do that is by forcing other people to tolerate your presence instead of awkwardly waiting for them to approach you.

So, hello.

Oh, yes! Name. Name. My name is Grant Ward. I'ved lived here awhile. So of you might already be familiar with me. And that's... Everything. I think.




Happy groundhog day.

I have to admit I like this holiday what with it being based on a rodent seeing its shadow. Makes as much sense as anything else around this place.

Jan. 29th, 2016




I take it back about unpacking being a chore. Painting is worse. Way worse.

This is why I should've just rented an apartment.

Okay, a new co-worker told me about this place, so maybe one of you lot can help: what the hell is the difference between Marine Splash and Crystal Surprise, and who the hell names these paints?

Jan. 27th, 2016




Fog and monsters...maybe this place won't be so boring after all.




After all of that with the fog, monsters, or whatever the hell you want to call them, I think it's time for a vacation. A really long vacation.

Jan. 23rd, 2016




Because of a certain "Princess" I now get to spend my Saturday morning on a weird dream obsessed social network? This is supposed to be my dads job not mine.