
Posts Tagged: 'kylo+ren'

Jan. 21st, 2017



Filtered away from non-puncturable/non-punctured SW people

So...is it cheating to go to this Star Wars Celebration thing and roll up as myself in cosplay?

Cuz I kinda want to. But not alone.

Anybody ever been to this? It looks kinda crazy fun.

Jan. 17th, 2017




Do you ever look at your Dream Self and just think, "Calm down there, General Edgelord." But then again my Real Life Self bought these sheets so who am I to judge?

In lighter news, Poe bought the Star Wars thumb wrestling thing for us to play with.

The bastard keeps beating me at it.

Jan. 16th, 2017




I'm not sure what my school computer was trying to tell me when it showed me this place (I did wait until I was home to actually look into it), but hello!

My name is Aurora. I'm honestly not sure what else to say except that my book of birthday flora tells me that today's flora is Iceland moss, which is supposed to symbolize health, so I hope everyone is feeling well today. If anyone isn't, you could tell me some of your symptoms and maybe I could make a tea blend for you.

Jan. 11th, 2017




cut for discussions of death, filtered from non-puncturable Star Wars folk )

Jan. 4th, 2017




i didn't know how much affection i felt for my bed before now. it's been a very real experience.

Dec. 26th, 2016




If my Force powers could decide whether they want to stay or go, that would be helpful. They were gone an entire week before returning again.

False hope makes people dangerous.

Dec. 18th, 2016






Nov. 11th, 2016




the houses in my dreams are pretty swanky. i mean, i don't really know what to say about it. it's giant. and apparently we're plotting lots of terrible things as usual. we should maybe plot less terrible things. i don't think that's going to happen, though. voldemort is pretty much out to take over the ministry.

Oct. 22nd, 2016



[locked from non-puncturable SW folk]

Seeing small versions of my uniform for sale as Halloween costumes is so much more disturbing than anticipated.

Oct. 15th, 2016




that was intense. also dumbles was totally rude about me. :( i am totally charming. don't fake 'how charming' me!

super troubling how that ended for the non-cult people. #spoileralert #dontaskifyoudontwanttobetold #woah

Oct. 12th, 2016




The death table has been sold for a decent amount, so that's out of the way now.

The uniform and the half melted helmet are, for now, at the back of the guest room closet. We'll see how it goes from there.

Progress, anyway.

Sep. 24th, 2016




Not only did my Dreams gift me with my uniform, but also with a table that was sunken in in the centre.

I thought the indentation was filled with dust but it... doesn't look like it's dust.

I need my vacuum cleaner, about ten gallons of colorox with bleach, and years of therapy to deal with this.

Sep. 11th, 2016




I moved something without touching it this morning.

I was thinking that I needed a pen, and suddenly it was across the room, in my hand.

I haven't tried again. Maybe if I don't use it, it will go away.

Sep. 7th, 2016



Blocked from the nun-puncturable types

Presented without comment.

Aug. 17th, 2016




cut for mention of dream violence )

Aug. 7th, 2016



blocked from anyone who's non-puncturable anything

I'm gonna go watch myself on the big screen this is kinda kinky.

Aug. 4th, 2016



Filtered away from non-punctured SW Peeps



Jul. 25th, 2016




this is the greatest thing i've ever found. outside of lavalantula and pirhanaconda, but i'm sure you'll all appreciate the great music i found. and by appreciate, i mean never appreciate, but it will be worth it you're all very welcome in advance.




I've been hearing about this network and now that I'm back from Comic Con, I thought I'd join and say hi. Keep up with the latest news that's going on around here, you know? Anyway, I'm Richard Castle. I live in Huntington Beach and teach literature at UC Irvine.

Jul. 20th, 2016




You know, I gotta say, I'm almost a bit sad that my dreams are at a stand still. Like a chapter's ended but you know another one has to be coming. Maybe I'll take the X-Wing out for a ride this weekend.

[Finn and Rey]

Finn, if you want a go in it, BB-8 seems pretty good with taking you for a spin. And I'd feel bad if I didn't let Rey along to go for a drive herself.

Jul. 18th, 2016




There is nothing quite like waking up to the smell of burnt plastic, nose to nose with a half melted but still very recognizable helmet to start your day on the right foot.

Jul. 17th, 2016




It's crazy how dream me is very different from real me. Apparently, dream me has an uncle. I ain't got no family here in reality.

Jun. 15th, 2016




Apparently I'm not too bad at wielding a lightsaber.
Tags: , ,

May. 17th, 2016




I seem to have gained another ability, this one a bit more useful I think than empathy. I can lift small objects if I focus long enough. My coffee cup can lift off the table now. I haven't quite mastered the ability to make it refill itself but I suppose in due time perhaps.

May. 7th, 2016




It's taken me a few days to be able to process what exactly happened this week.

My friend Poe was on his way to my office during the madness on Wednesday, but my building requires a key card to get in.

I ran out to meet him and the Stormtroopers started firing.

Without thinking I threw my hands up and

it stopped.

The shot just hung there in the air. Like a bolt of lightning. Like I had done in my dreams.

They ran off after seeing that. I haven't tried moving anything since. I don't know that I want to.

Apr. 26th, 2016




Cut for discussions of dream violence, viewable to all )

Apr. 19th, 2016




My dad sent me a picture to psych me up for my upcoming visit home in May. This is from my last visit. This is Boss, my parents' dog. He was meant to be a guard dog but he's really just a big softie. He's in love with me.

there's a picture here )

Apr. 1st, 2016




I swear these dreams are trying to mess with me at this

It's nice to know that I haven't been dropped from my classes this quarter as I've missed the first ones thanks to the reasoning being related to the subject matter. Though as a word of advice? Randomly sitting next to someone and taking pictures with them without saying anything or petting someone's hair to try and say it's smooth? Really not okay, regardless of which country you're in.

Mar. 22nd, 2016




Has anyone ever gotten something that doesn't..really belong to them? From the dreams, I mean. And I suppose it belongs to me now but it wasn't mine originally. If that makes any sense.

Mar. 15th, 2016




Is anyone else obsessively checking weather reports after last month's -- whatever the fuck that was?

I don't feel save leaving in the morning without checking the weather channel and at least two different websites.

Feb. 29th, 2016




Today is definitely a Monday. It's just been one thing after another. We woke up a bit late this morning, I made breakfast only to drop my toast butter side down on the floor, and then Valerian got sick on me. I'm about to give up on today and it's not even really started.

Feb. 21st, 2016




Please tell me things are over. I'm tentatively venturing out into the sunlight and hoping nothing else will be dropping from the sky or attempting to kill me in some fashion.

Feb. 14th, 2016




I think these days, all companies have to have some sort of social media presence to stay relevant, so here I am.

My name is Benjamin Kylo, my grandfather founded Kylo & Co many years ago. I'm sure most of you are familiar with our product name, you can find us most everywhere, these days. I'm hoping to steer the company into the modern age more effectively, and feedback from other business owners and entrepreneurs is much appreciated.

That said, the company is having a charity gala tomorrow night. It was announced a few weeks back, but there are still tickets available. Forty dollars for drinks and heavy hors d'oeuvres, one hundred and fifty dollars for the sit down dinner.

Dinner is at 6pm, the rest of the party starts at 7:30pm. Dancing is encouraged but hopefully not required.